HOT TOYS "AVP" FIGURES - Give Some Love to the Classics!

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Well he sent me a message saying don't worry he just didn't get a chance to send it before the post office closed, he then told how great his feedback was and gave me his home address and phone number? He said on his way to work he is going to ship it out and not to worry (he said that a few times)

That does sound a little dodgy, if he was posting it today/tomorrow how long would it take to arrive?

Keep in mind youve got roughly 45 days to file a dispute for something purchased through ebay/paypal so you could wait to see if they arrive and if they dont file the claim.
Not long at all, under a week. Still no tracking number from the guy...sent him another message. this is getting very annoying but hey hopefully it ends with me having another alien and a chopper predator.
Here they are, along with my entire alien and predator hot toys collection...





You need to fix those Alien poses broski. Aliens look funny when they're just standing. Except for Gigers.
after watching Predators a while ago i was thinking of who'd win in a brawl, the AVP's or the Predators? just thinking out loud and didnt want to start a thread on it (dont wanna make some people mad).anyway, i think scar, celtic, and chopper would beat these guys!
i dont know i mean celtic looked pretty roided up and looked like he could hold his own against other preds. tracker is great and i like these preds as much as any other i just wish they could have given tracker a bit more screen time......and celtic would buttf.....tracker imo!:pfft:
You're kidding right? The AvP trio doesn't stand a chance. Unblooded vs. youngbloods with a young clan leader that hunt other PREDATORS..
I think that only Jungle Hunter and City Hunter would be required to ____ up Falconer, Berserker and the best, Tracker.
Falconer and Urban are pretty equally matched IMO. I can only see it being a tie. There are several details involved, but yeah. I see Anytime being the most experienced of the 5, but theres the whole hunting predators thing.. That could affect the outcome of the fight greatly. Not including the Berserkers hunting the classics, this is how i see the skill/experience of the 5.

1. Anytime
2. Mr. Black
3. Tusks
4. Urban + Falconer
Why are we even talking about Wolf? If there's any old Predator that'll rip 'em all a new one, it'll be the P2 Elder.

Having that said, as much as I'm ga-ga over all things AVP, I have to admit that they'd stand NO chance against the new Bad Bloods from the latest film.