Hot Toys Avengers Speculation

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I hope they announce Black Widow before the end of the summer. She's the only one I want.
i just wanna see something soon, im not fussed who just wanna see them start rolling them out
From what I've seen so far I think I'll most certainly give Thor a miss, there's not enough of a significant difference between his Avengers suit to the one he wears in his own movie (which I already have)

Looking forward to Cap the most myself from this line (I probably will get at least 2 others from the line though)
Hasbro figs might give us a good idea how these will look like


Great point! This is the best pic I could find.

Hasbro didn't give any Samuel L. Jackson Nick Fury love :(?

Booo, hopefully HT does! It's about time I got a Sammy J 1/6 figure :lol!
From what I've seen so far I think I'll most certainly give Thor a miss, there's not enough of a significant difference between his Avengers suit to the one he wears in his own movie (which I already have)

Yeah. I'm in the opposite boat. I took a chance and skipped on the original HT Thor as it was a little disappointing straight out of the box - too skinny etc. So I'll be hoping for a revised body.
Let's see what IM MKVII will look like. I'm hopin a lot different to MKIV to warrant purchase (I skipped on MKVI)
Cap, Black Widow (another i passed!) and Hawkeye will be cool.
Hulk is obviously THEfigure all our eyes will be on :)
They had the Avengers figures at comic-con last year. I thought they looked pretty decent and will pick up the big four but that will be it for me.
I dunno Josh, I know what you mean, it's all about the key 4 guys but at the same time the idea of having the film Avengers all parked on my shelf, does get me excited :)
I dunno Josh, I know what you mean, it's all about the key 4 guys but at the same time the idea of having the film Avengers all parked on my shelf, does get me excited :)

It will look cool for sure. I'm excited to see the film but outside of owning the big four and Loki none of the rest will be bought. That is unless I'm just totally blown away so for me its really I guess about five characters.
What's with all the haste, Avengers was only announced about 2-3 months ago, there's no rush for them to start yet, earlier announced licenses should start before this IMO.

Hot Toys is gonna put out its real money makers first. They will announce items from The Avengers before some of the ones you have in your sig.
Hot Toys is gonna put out its real money makers first. They will announce items from The Avengers before some of the ones you have in your sig.

Yeah no doubt about it and the proof is The Bane Teaser and Tumbler reveal. They need to capitilize on the movie hype. Which leads me to belive they had either had been working on it before they announcted the liceanse or they delayed metal gear. Green lantern, and X men first class in favor of it I am gussing its the later.

So if this theory holds true we should see an Avengers and Spiderman figures out before these older liceanses and maybe the new Aliens too considering all these movies are due out this year.
I am really looking forward to seeing what they come up with. It would be nice to see a Hulk (probably the same price point as the Iron Monger I would assume), also a Nick Fury piece, along with Loki of course!
love that were getting these ,but am i the only one that wished hawkeye looked more comic version then a military looking guy with a bow and arrow...I'll just wait for his 2nd purple suit version later on or buy a zartan to kitbash.....
no sir i have not.. mainly avengers ultimate heroes cartoon fan ...I guess must look into ,still leveling up my comic knowledge...
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