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"Shiny Boba.... shiny Boba..." C'mon, what's not to like?:lol

I would have liked him if he *was* shiny Boba. But he wasn't. He was shiny Boba copycat clone. We never knew Fett's age in the OT. I always assumed that he was an older Eastwood type based on 60 year old Jason Wingreen's voice. All they had to do was have a 30 or 40 year old Boba in the PT, make him some badass warrior to pay homage to his concept art "Supercommando" days and have him survive. How freaking hard was that? :slap
As much as I like the name Jango, the whole Fett copycat thing bothered me so much... that's why I have always hesitated at having a Blue Boba on my shelf.

I mean, imagine if TPM started with a large black-clad agent of evil name Darth something who was... oh wait!

Seriously though, what if Lucas did start with another masked, black-clad villain who looked just like Vader and he was supposed to be the father of the father of Luke. Wouldn't that be lame?
Not really. You'll see when you get out of the house.


I am older than both of you I believe, and checkbook belongs with words like Xerox , Dial up, and Betamax.

I cringe when someone breaks out a promissory note to pay for groceries in front of me.....

Sent from the inside of a giant slug in outer space.....
I never understood why Americans are using checks longer than in 60'. Always looked so silly.
As much as I like the name Jango, the whole Fett copycat thing bothered me so much... that's why I have always hesitated at having a Blue Boba on my shelf.

I mean, imagine if TPM started with a large black-clad agent of evil name Darth something who was... oh wait!

Seriously though, what if Lucas did start with another masked, black-clad villain who looked just like Vader and he was supposed to be the father of the father of Luke. Wouldn't that be lame?

Isn't the whole thing with clones, mandalore/bounty hunter heritage much more understandable than something like that in any other case?
Jango Fett > Boba Fett > Orson Krennic Wells

17 years ago I hated Jango. I hated that they retconned Boba as a little clone kid, I thought Temura Morrison was too short, squat and ugly and looked nothing like I imagined Fett would underneath that helmet as a kid. I hated him. When Lucas went back and dubbed Fett’s voice, I was pissed. Then I grew up and took off the rose tinted glasses. Boba Fett ****ing sucks. Even before the Prequels, he was never “the man with no name”, not even close. Little ***** got nothing on Eastwood. He would have been better had his only appearance been in Empire Strikes Back, but it wasn’t . . . he came back and he sucked. He wasn’t Dirty Harry or Blondie in space, he was a little weasel in a cool costume.

Boba Fett is the type of phenomenon where the mere concept of him was enough to elevate the character’s status. His execution though? Terrible. His first action figure was even a dud, a failure where the promise of him was executed terribly. No rocket firing mechanism. His appearance in Empire? Short lived. The closest he gets to Han Solo is escorting his frozen body. He did more in the Holiday Special. Then we all know how Return of the Jedi turned out.

Jango accomplishes way more than Boba Fett does, in plot, characterization and in action. Jango does all the things we wanted to see Boba Fett do. He ticks all those boxes. Other than being the coolest looking toy in a kid or collectors’s collection, it’s not like Boba Fett had a legacy to damage. :lol

Jango Fett may not be able to surpass or fulfill the imagination and expectation we had of Boba as children, but what he does on film and on paper is much more impressive. If I strip my away my bias and ignore the fact that he retconned pre-2000s OT Fett, there are only TWO things I dislike about Jango Fett.

- the whole bizarre Zam Wesell and slug assassination subplot (why didn’t he just do it himself?)
- those stupid shin and thigh guards (only thing I don’t like about that costume)

I would have included kid Boba in that because I think that kid is just as bad as kid Anakin, but I love the idea that Jango is so vain and narcissistic that he’d essentially raise himself. That’s great. His back and forth with Kenobi is also really well done, you can tell the two of them despise each other. Jango lives up to the “supertrooper” concept that Boba Fett was conceived from in a way that Boba just never did.

As far as action figures go, Jango Fett is what we toy aficionados all dream of. That clean, polished, retro silver armor, the dual wield pistols, the blue poncho, the gun slinging belt, he’s awesome. Yeah, “blue Boba”, so what? That doesn’t stop you guys from getting all those look-a-like troopers. He’s much more impressive than a whiny puss in a white uniform, hat and cape. Guys like Wor-Gar will tell you how much Jango sucks, but even he will buy Hot Toys Jango, place him next to his 1/6 Christopher Lee as his right hand man/go to bounty hunter and smile in admiration at the display he has created.
Never cared for Boba myself either. He was clearly a marketing gimmick from the start...even at my young age I could see that.

Jango was a continuation of that marketing because they know it clearly worked for alot of people.

The costume design was cool, the character was a let down in every way. Kinda like Phasma. No wait , check that....exactly like Phasma...

Sent from the inside of a giant slug in outer space.....
The only thing Jango and Phasma have in common is that they're helmeted characters with silver armor and weapons meant to sell toys.

Love him or hate him, Jango Fett is actually a character whose action and presence propels the plot and story. He actually has some depth. He's also acts as a bit of fan service to Fett fans. Phasma does none of that and is a throw away character.
DiFabio speaks truth. Jango is a cool character. I also didn't have any problem with the Zam Wessel subplot, I thought it was smart of him not to use others while he had bigger fish to fry. Shows that he was a powerful Bounty Hunter who could even send minions to do tasks for him.
But... Boba Fett had some memorable moments in ESB. His conversations with Vader are cool, and I like how when Luke tries to follow him, he backtracks out of nowhere and almost blasts him. ROTJ, on the other hand... not so cool.
Khev?! Kheeeevvv! KHEV!


I don't get sucked into that bait anymore. ;)

People like what they like. I know that there's an outspoken group of 30-somethings who were first introduced to the OT by binging it on VHS and therefore saw a very abridged version of the pop culture icon that is Boba Fett, a character who died stupidly before their eyes before they could even process what they were seeing. He's "lame, overhyped, nothing but a cool mask, etc.," is a mantra that's been repeated for well over a decade by them now.

That's their reality, what are you gonna do. :dunno

OGer's know better. ;)
Boba Fett does that head nod to Boushh in Jedi that's pretty cool. :lol

This is sort of nitpicky, but I always hated those flipped reverse shots of him in the palace. I mean I know why filmmakers do that, but that was one instance where it's just too distracting and cheap looking. Rather have him facing the perceived direction the wrong way than totally flipping his shots.
I'm surprised no company has released a figure with the range finder on the other side. That's a screen accurate variant man! Money just left on the table!


I don't get sucked into that bait anymore. ;)

People like what they like. I know that there's an outspoken group of 30-somethings who were first introduced to the OT by binging it on VHS and therefore saw a very abridged version of the pop culture icon that is Boba Fett, a character who died stupidly before their eyes before they could even process what they were seeing. He's "lame, overhyped, nothing but a cool mask, etc.," is a mantra that's been repeated for well over a decade by them now.

That's their reality, what are you gonna do. :dunno

OGer's know better. ;)

It ain't bait son. It's the truth.

But you do bring up a good point. That perspective of Fett being introduced in 79', then the figure, then the Holiday special segment, then seeing him on screen is really cool and special. Not to mention all the adventures a kid had for 4 years with their large size Fett and 3 3/4 figures. He's actually a lot like General Grievous in that regard, except Fett actually got a good first film appearance.

I think we can all admit that the mere concept of a lot of these Star Wars characters outweigh what is actually established for them, which is a great thing about all the toys.
I'm totally fine with cool-looking characters who don't do much. lol. I don't have Boba yet in Hot Toys form (I might finally bite on the ESB version) but with him and Phasma both... their actual role doesn't really deter me from liking them. Especially with all the other media we get with them in it. Honestly, the only thing that kind of turned me off Boba was the revamped voice in the special editions.
I think we can all admit that the mere concept of a lot of these Star Wars characters outweigh what is actually established for them, which is a great thing about all the toys.

Yes, the almost universal appeal of SW is on account of the fact that it is largely archetype driven with so much tantalizing fodder for the imagination. Boba Fett played those strengths to a T. It's why prequels are so hard to do in this series and why I'm largely against them. RO and Solo delivered the goods in spite of my resistance to their respective announcements but it's still the slipperiest of slopes as the PT famously revealed.
Guys like Wor-Gar will tell you how much Jango sucks, but even he will buy Hot Toys Jango, place him next to his 1/6 Christopher Lee as his right hand man/go to bounty hunter and smile in admiration at the display he has created.

So far, no PO for blue Boba... but I do have Dooku on PO.

I feel Dooku with Fett at his side takes away from my Vader with Fett as his side. But I will give you that both Dooku and blue Fett are elevated by having each other as a companion piece.
So far, no PO for blue Boba... but I do have Dooku on PO.

I feel Dooku with Fett at his side takes away from my Vader with Fett as his side. But I will give you that both Dooku and blue Fett are elevated by having each other as a companion piece.

I love the look of Jango Fett for the reasons DiFabio outlined — he’s stylish retro sci-fi.

I have a very hard time purchasing because he’s from a film I find sub-par and I don’t like the way his character was written.

Yet his scuffle with Obi Wan was great (except for Kid Boba and the awkwardly firing rocket) and he looks cool.

That’s my issue with a lot of PT design. Love the Naboo fighter, Maul looked cool and had a great scrap, Phase I clones look retro and cool...but the films kinda bug me. Admittedly less than they used to, but to be fair I haven’t actually watched them in a long time. [emoji38]

So much of Star Wars — across all films — can come down to individual designs and set-pieces. It’s great pop-art but it’s not exactly high culture, is it?

Much conflict within.

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