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I think BVS is terrible, but I would have rather seen Snyder's Justice League than what we got. At least it would have been terrible in an interesting way, while Whedon's was terrible in a boring way. Whedon was in an impossible position, though, so I can't really blame him.

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DCEU isn't really Snyder's fault, it's WB. Quite frankly, the WB Execs have no idea what to do with the DC properties, and they (without any knowledge of the comics) always get involved. Superman the movie was decent, but they interfered with Superman II, and parts 3 and 4 were awful. Although '89 Batman was a huge success, the reality is that it was made by non-comic fans (Burton was very proud of that fact at the time), and was partially a huge success because the only other live action Bats in anyone's recent memory was the 60's camp. We all know how that series turned out. Because the Nolan trilogy was a huge success, the WB execs seemed to think that all superhero movies should be "gritty" and heavy, and they made the mistake of continuing to hire David Goyer to write. The only thing the WB seem to do with DC characters is make terrible tv shows.

But back to Marvel, I don't see/understand the need to kill off characters either. The Marvel universe is so huge, and they've already shown with their own films, that they can do trilogies for individual heroes, without necessarily the need to add in anyone else. They could totally keep moving forward with their newer film heroes (Ant Man/Wasp, Spidey, Captain Marvel, Black Panther, Dr. Strange) after Endgame without killing off anyone. Just that group alone is good for 8 - 9 films. And that's without adding the X-Men, or any other characters...
BvS should have never been made. It was the result of DC & WB trying to do too much too soon in an effort to have their own MCU without putting in the necessary time and effort to earn it. As soon as I heard of the Gotham-is-across-the-bay-from-Metropolis plot contrivance I thought, this is not going to go well. I mean seriously, even people with only a passing knowledge of the two main characters were like, 'Hold on a second, that's not right...".

But getting back to Captain Marvel, I'd still like to see another character or two from Hot Toys. Given the secrecy surrounding Endgame, I don't think we'll see much for it from HT prior opening weekend. If that holds true, hopefully we'll see a Yon-Rogg, Minn-Erva or Talos sometime in the next month.
DCEU isn't really Snyder's fault, it's WB. Quite frankly, the WB Execs have no idea what to do with the DC properties, and they (without any knowledge of the comics) always get involved. Superman the movie was decent, but they interfered with Superman II, and parts 3 and 4 were awful. Although '89 Batman was a huge success, the reality is that it was made by non-comic fans (Burton was very proud of that fact at the time), and was partially a huge success because the only other live action Bats in anyone's recent memory was the 60's camp. We all know how that series turned out. Because the Nolan trilogy was a huge success, the WB execs seemed to think that all superhero movies should be "gritty" and heavy, and they made the mistake of continuing to hire David Goyer to write. The only thing the WB seem to do with DC characters is make terrible tv shows.

But back to Marvel, I don't see/understand the need to kill off characters either. The Marvel universe is so huge, and they've already shown with their own films, that they can do trilogies for individual heroes, without necessarily the need to add in anyone else. They could totally keep moving forward with their newer film heroes (Ant Man/Wasp, Spidey, Captain Marvel, Black Panther, Dr. Strange) after Endgame without killing off anyone. Just that group alone is good for 8 - 9 films. And that's without adding the X-Men, or any other characters...

I also don't see the need to kill anyone off, but it seems likely that either Cap or Tony will make the ultimate sacrifice in Endgame. But maybe they'll just put them out to pasture, then bring them back in 10-15 years in an Expendables-style romp with the old guard showing the new kids how it's done. :lol
Although I don't want to restart that part of the discussion, I saw Captain Marvel finally last week, and I agree it was in mid-pack of the Marvel movies.
But I will say (as a non-white, visible minority, straight male), I did not find it to be overly feminist or SJW. There were moments, but not really (although I think that the "I'm Just a Girl" should have been used in the trailer, not the film).
But here's why: the male characters in the movie were still written well.
What I've been finding in a lot of films/tv shows from Hollywood, is that they don't seem to understand what "equality" actually means. It's like to write strong female characters, a lot of writers simply make the male characters terrible. Mind you, I get that the pendulum was so far over to one side for so long, that naturally, it'll swing a little far back the other way which is understandable.

But what I mean by that, as an example is The Last Jedi. All the female characters are strong, independent, heroic, smart, brave, selfless, and inspiring.
But the males? There isn't a single worthwhile male character (except Chewie):
Kylo - evil, paranoid, childish
Po - insubordinate, hot-headed, rash
Luke - paranoid, scared, tired
Finn - cowardly (for the most part... I realize he gets brave later on)
Hux - idiot used for comic relief
Snoke - arrogant, evil, but not smart enough to see his death coming

CM wasn't the best movie, but it wasn't bad, and the figure will look excellent on the shelf. Congrats to those who are getting it!
Admit I wasn't too excited about this film but went to see it today and I really enjoyed it! :yess: Also thought the Stan Lee tribute was excellent (and yes I was tearing up!!:lol) and I loved the music used as they were all songs I grew up listening to.

Really hope Hot Toys will make a young Nick Fury and Yon-Rogg. :pray:
Well TLJ was the middle chapter, so it was kind of expected that everyone would be failing in one way or another. And we still see Rey being lost and uncertain of herself throughout, and Rose feeling like a nobody. So I think people are reading a lot more into the movie than is there.
Luke - paranoid, scared, tired

So what you're saying is that they made Luke more relatable than ever to those who are adults now.

Semi-joke aside, I do agree with you that CM was far more level headed than people made it out to be. Marketing read way more into the movie than it was actually.
Do you ever have anything positive to say? Don't get me wrong, it's not like you're rude like some people, but you are one of the most pessimistic people I've seen on here since Malgus, and even he has turned it around a bit.

Hahaha, I'm actually a very positive/optimistic person in real life. I suppose my digital presence on this board doesn't convey that, however I don't shy away from being vocal and critical when it comes to topics and matters that I believe need to be called out.

I think for the most part the majority didn't much care for Snyder's vision/plan...cause let's be honest if his "vision" had been a critical and financial success he would certainly still be leading the DCEU...yet he's not. In fact he's not doing much right now except for the occasional posts to Vero and answering die-hard fans questions about this or that regarding JL. In other words the dude is not only a hack but a has-been since he is now falling back on the zombie genre that put him on the map to begin with.

On a positivenote, I did enjoy 300 quite a lot and thought he did a decent job with Watchmen.
I gotta say, as much as I've enjoyed having Tony, Cap and Thor as the core characters of the MCU, it is fun to imagine an MCU led by CM, Dr Strange and Black Panther instead (since they would appear to be the biggest names). And I'm looking forward to seeing how those three interact.
I suppose not. :lol

Since we know who comes along with him.

The most fitting end I see is Cap dying. I still think he and Tony are kind of mending their relationship, and Tony, while still generally on good terms with him, still harbors some ill-will towards him because his father couldn’t shut up about how great he was. I can see Cap dying and Tony finally admitting that he now sees what his father was talking about.
Yes, but I think we can all agree that Scott Lang is not leadership material.:lol

Yeah that was my thought as well. Although at the same time I'm not sure if Cumberbatch will want to commit himself to a ton of movies in the same way RDJ, Evans and Hemsworth have, so maybe they'll need to have someone like Lang fill in as another leader instead. Which probably would be a fun thing to see. :D

Unless of course Scarlett plans to stick around a lot longer, in which case she would probably be the more natural lead.
I think doctor strange will fill tony starks shoes and black panther will fill Captain America’s shoes while giving black widow, possibly Hawkeye more control on strategy and planning since their more experienced and seasoned with certain events. And will probably have a bunch of character swaps in and out with the new fox deal but I’m digging the new recruits and can’t wait to see what the future brings. But it won’t be as good as the first avenger movie in “my opinion” I mean as a kid looking up to these characters to finally see them on the big screen as an adult man that was breathtaking moment.
I think doctor strange will fill tony starks shoes and black panther will fill Captain America’s shoes while giving black widow, possibly Hawkeye more control on strategy and planning since their more experienced and seasoned with certain events. And will probably have a bunch of character swaps in and out with the new fox deal but I’m digging the new recruits and can’t wait to see what the future brings. But it won’t be as good as the first avenger movie in “my opinion” I mean as a kid looking up to these characters to finally see them on the big screen as an adult man that was breathtaking moment.

Don't forget CM. She is supposed to take the lead and be at the forefront of the MCU according to Feige.
After seeing the film, I indeed like the character and am now wanting a representation of her, plus I'm find of her suit design.