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It might be like a lot of the IW figures that were so similar that HT skipped them

I’m still surprised they didn’t skip on Doctor Strange, except for the fact that he was received extremely well in IW, but the costume was near identical to his standalone film.
A lot of people seem to actually think this is a SJW pro-feminism film. A lot of my friends actually believed that. And they were surprised.
Doesn't the Hulk beat Loki in the first Avengers?
How about Vision and Scarlet Witch beating Ultron?
Who were the stars of Infinity War? All of the new Avengers and Guardians?

I mean, this is pretty standard practice in the MCU now. They use the collaborative movies to highlight the new characters. I fully expect Captain Marvel to help them win, just like Ant-Man is going to play a big role. And I'll have no issue with it.

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But IMO there's a flow to writing a story, interconnected stories. In general, characters are introduced either at the beginning, or along the journey (hopefully logically like Black Panther) to solve a crisis or problem. LOTR and the Hobbit movies are examples of that; SW, many others.

You do not introduce a deus ex machina at the last minute:pfft:. Not with good writing, anyway. Derails any reason to finish the story. Especially if you already have characters on hand who can solve the problem. U can write a story any way you like, but if CM were completely removed from the picture I can think off the top of my head 5 potential problem solvers. A year ago I never would have believed they'd make her a main character in EG.

Civil War is a good example - Russos said if Wanda were at full power, she could just wipe up everyone at airport. But she's shaky yet and makes mistakes. That makes it interesting, and the story is not a done deal. Also, IMO, CM's intro - unlike BP's - has stuff IMO that cheapens the original MCU. The constant implication is that she's MORE than anyone. Because. After 10 years, she's the heart of everything. Fury is awed by her etc. Right.:google Can't say much more without CM spoilers - but, just, no. And Marvel needs to take a hard look at its writers IMO.

Feige I guess is hoping folks will shrug it off and think about it your way, and the MCU will carry on. IMO tho there's ways of doing things, and the forced introduction of CM into End Game simply takes away time from characters the movie should be about.:( Which causes resentment, not sales.
I wonder if Hot Toys might do a young version of Fury from this film. It would be a pretty easy release so I kind of would think it might happen, even if it’s an exclusive or something.
People surely could’ve made a similar argument about Strange with IW, that he had his solo movie, shows up for the team-up movie right after, and is suddenly in the top 3 or 4 biggest threats to Thanos during IW. But people really seemed to like that portrayal and respond to it, me included, and he wasn’t considered a deus ex machina. I could easily see CM filling a similar role in EG after her intro movie as well.
But IMO there's a flow to writing a story, interconnected stories. In general, characters are introduced either at the beginning, or along the journey (hopefully logically like Black Panther) to solve a crisis or problem. LOTR and the Hobbit movies are examples of that; SW, many others.

You do not introduce a deus ex machina at the last minute:pfft:. Not with good writing, anyway. Derails any reason to finish the story. Especially if you already have characters on hand who can solve the problem. U can write a story any way you like, but if CM were completely removed from the picture I can think off the top of my head 5 potential problem solvers. A year ago I never would have believed they'd make her a main character in EG.

Civil War is a good example - Russos said if Wanda were at full power, she could just wipe up everyone at airport. But she's shaky yet and makes mistakes. That makes it interesting, and the story is not a done deal. Also, IMO, CM's intro - unlike BP's - has stuff IMO that cheapens the original MCU. The constant implication is that she's MORE than anyone. Because. After 10 years, she's the heart of everything. Fury is awed by her etc. Right.:google Can't say much more without CM spoilers - but, just, no. And Marvel needs to take a hard look at its writers IMO.

Feige I guess is hoping folks will shrug it off and think about it your way, and the MCU will carry on. IMO tho there's ways of doing things, and the forced introduction of CM into End Game simply takes away time from characters the movie should be about.:( Which causes resentment, not sales.
I feel like you're getting worked up over nothing. We haven't seen the movie and cannot assume she just swoops in and saves the day. Also, to ignore Vision swooping in a defeating Ultron is silly. It's exactly what happened, but didn't diminish the role Iron Man, Thor and Cap had in that movie. Same could be said for all of the other Avengers movies. The thing about Captain Marvel is that she's super powerful, but often deals with internal/mental instability that limits her use.
And the Avengers could handle thw situation on their own??? WHAT?! They just lost. They couldn't handle it. They need help.

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People surely could’ve made a similar argument about Strange with IW, that he had his solo movie, shows up for the team-up movie right after, and is suddenly in the top 3 or 4 biggest threats to Thanos during IW. But people really seemed to like that portrayal and respond to it, me included, and he wasn’t considered a deus ex machina. I could easily see CM filling a similar role in EG after her intro movie as well.
Great points

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A lot of people seem to actually think this is a SJW pro-feminism film. A lot of my friends actually believed that. And they were surprised.

And honestly I wouldn’t really care if the movie was exactly that, as long as it narratively works. The so called agendas don’t bother me in the least as long as it’s structured well within the film, and it’s not detrimental to one or more characters. Some have said Fury was neutered in some fashion, but at this stage in his life he’s what 2-3 decades younger and was not in charge of SHIELD, so I was fine with how he was portrayed.
However I do think Captain Marvel was overpowered by the end, but I do sort of like why or how her powers progressed. It was like she wasn’t yet whole in the beginning of the film, but once she was, watch out.
1st film i have been to that the logo montage before the film got applause. That was nice.

Almost brought a tear to my eye.

And I’m thinking there must have been quite a few people in the audience, going why the hell are people applauding already.
Watched the Movie with my Family, IMHO, it has served it's purpose in introducing her character in MCU. I don't get the hate that other people bring, and why they want to it to fail.
Watched the Movie with my Family, IMHO, it has served it's purpose in introducing her character in MCU. I don't get the hate that other people bring, and why they want to it to fail.

It got that hate prior to anyone even watching the film, due to possible misperceptions on comments that the main white actress said while being interviewed. And even if they were reported accurately it’s very dangerous nowadays to comment about anything without it being taken out of context for clicks on ‘news’ sites. And it’s never a good idea to alienate your primary audience, especially white men in America who I’ve read are getting criticised about anything and everything recently.

Though it would appear from box office returns to not have had as much of affect as I thought the hate would have. I guess it’s the same as always and a certain segment (whomever they are for a given topic) are just the loudest, but are probably just a very small segment of the community. And possibly people were smart enough to put various statements Brie made in context, or just plain ignored the issue entirely, and were willing to let the film stand on its own two feet as it were.
This movie will most likely do well box office-wise this weekend...probably $100 million plus domestically, but I feel strongly this will see a massive 2nd week drop.

The word is out that it's not a good movie and not only that, but it's not required viewing prior to Endgame, so people who were on the fence before will definitely pass. Just wait and see! I'm gonna predict 65-70% drop off next week. :lecture
This movie will most likely do well box office-wise this weekend...probably $100 million plus domestically, but I feel strongly this will see a massive 2nd week drop.

The word is out that it's not a good movie and not only that, but it's not required viewing prior to Endgame, so people who were on the fence before will definitely pass. Just wait and see! I'm gonna predict 65-70% drop off next week. :lecture

I think it’s already tracking for about a $150 million dollar domestic opening weekend, as by Friday (possibly including early Thursday tickets) it had already earned $61 million.

But I wouldn’t be surprised if it suffers from the ‘usual’ 55 to 65% drop off in its second weekend. And you’re probably right that it’s not going to have great legs. As not every movie will strike a cord with audiences like Wonder Woman, Black Panther and surprisingly even Aquaman did (though Aquaman had a much lower opening).
I think it’s already tracking for about a $150 million dollar domestic opening weekend, as by Friday (possibly including early Thursday tickets) it had already earned $61 million.

But I wouldn’t be surprised if it suffers from the ‘usual’ 55 to 65% drop off in its second weekend. And you’re probably right that it’s not going to have great legs. As not every movie will strike a cord with audiences like Wonder Woman, Black Panther and surprisingly even Aquaman did (though Aquaman had a much lower opening).

It was fairly cheaper to make then GOTG2 and may reach about the same world wide gross, 850-900 mill. So basically similar cost to Thor and may make almost twice as much money as that movie. In the other words a profitable success, which is the marvel norm.
There is a factor of "Oh it's a girl superhero. Let me take my daughter" as well as "Infinity War was a big deal. I want to be up to date." Whether or not people are deterred by the balanced reviews is hard to say. I think that will hurt the film in the long-term but I think these next two weeks will be business as usual for Marvel. But this film will be quickly forgotten after that.
I feel like you're getting worked up over nothing. We haven't seen the movie and cannot assume she just swoops in and saves the day. Also, to ignore Vision swooping in a defeating Ultron is silly. It's exactly what happened, but didn't diminish the role Iron Man, Thor and Cap had in that movie. Same could be said for all of the other Avengers movies. The thing about Captain Marvel is that she's super powerful, but often deals with internal/mental instability that limits her use.
And the Avengers could handle thw situation on their own??? WHAT?! They just lost. They couldn't handle it. They need help.

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We see it differently - prob. same reasons I'm not the wild about IW while millions love it. For instance, I don't ignore Vision's role. But he's not a "savior" IMO. It's pretty clear that everyone needs to be on board to take out Ultron. Also, we see his build-up, creation, motivations from A to Z. One of my favorite parts of Ultron, actually.:clap

Not gonna comment on CM re spoilers, tho will say Feige's IMO ham-fisted approach re CM wasn't a big help. We can revisit later if u like when spoilers aren't a problem:horror. As far as the Avengers losing - yep, they lost:(. That's what, IMO, makes End Game really interesting. With Tony gone and the situation the way it is, they are at the lowest...

Which IMO would be a lot more interesting to see a rag-tag, completely broken group rise. Thor may have lost, but he had the axe pretty deeply buried in Thanos. So why wouldn't he head back to Eitri and see if there's a flaw in the glove, ANYTHING that could be used, unless Eitri was snapped? But bet he wasn't, 'coz Thanos seems to keep his word when he leaves someone alive. And the Gauntlet was burnt from the snap. What, now Thor's just kinda bummed and quits:google? He's a GOD.

Plus, the Soul Stone judges of the purity of the souls it collects (in the comics). In the comics it's the most dangerous of the Stones. What's worse than kinslaying?

Where's Loki? I don't believe a "Master of Magic" goes out that easily. Even Odin said it took him a while to break Loki's spell. Loki's also in theory King of the Frost Giants. As in an army. He's also a GOD. All that stuff in the Sanctums - which were built to protect Earth - and there's NOTHING there that would help? Where's Wong? Mordo? Rocket's contacted the Ravagers before - where are they?

What about Friday? All those programs Tony had when he picked her. Heck, just have Banner go to work on Vision in Wakanda. Pym tech too, w. Lang.

Oh - and the Elders of the Universe out there - the Grandmaster and the Collector. (There's already a theory that the whole thing, even the Snap, is a giant game, and the way you win is not beating Thanos, it's impressing the Grandmaster:cool:). Also as powerful as SW is - or is supposed to be - I don't know why she couldn't kind of bring herself back - if you WANTED to write a story that way. Only now she's really, really angry. (I'm not sure I would have dusted her in the first place; and I probably would have stirred the survivors into a less-neat division, but not like the Russos called me.:lol)

*Shrug* Can't really comment more 'coz there's EG spoilers out too:horror, but for now I wouldn't have had CM in EG as more than a minor role. But EG is completed:
so nothing I can do about it:google, except hope the Russos took care of things. They say so.
I'm not expecting this to be a Black Panter or Avengers-sized hit, but it'll likely do better than an Ant-Man or Doctor Strange since there's much more pent-up interest out there than we usually see for these movies.