Hot Toy DX08 - BATMAN - The Joker (Jack Nicholson) - Specs & Pics

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a big thanks to hehateme23 for hooking me up with a 2nd joker head.....:hi5: super hero fast shipping sir.........
Nicholson had an interview before the movie was even released saying that he felt slighted because they didn't consult him on how the Joker should be portrayed. He felt that he understood the character pretty well and wanted to have some impact on the new version. Not sure if that's what is being referred to or not.

IMO they should have listened to jack. he DOES know the character well, but the simple fact is, nolan wasnt doing the comics joker, he was doing his own damn thing. same with how burton did penguin his way, not by the comics version. but oh well, while i prefered what burton did with penguin, i do not like how nolan reinvented joker from crazy supervillian to average psychopath. nicholson got the character more correct and was way more fun to watch as the one true joker.
I don't think Nolan was doing his own was more of a Killing Joke style of Joker...just a friggin homicidal lunatic.

I think most of Nolan's interpretations can be taken from some of the best Bat books written...much like the stories are amalgamations of the most successful stories in recent years.
After several irritating delays, I finally got my second Joker and I am pleased to announce that he is totally defect free! I am so glad!

As to JN feeling slighted, well what can you say? That slight was totally in his own head. The two films are 19 years apart for goodness sake, and whilst Burton's films are the best of the four from that sequence, they are still totally different animals to Nolan's BAT.

They were perfect for their time, as was Jack Nicholson, but as a corollary, so now for this time period are the Nolan BAT movies.

If this was what caused JN to take slight, then it's a shame because what he did was take a film that looked totally amazing (but that in truth had very little actual story behind it) and made it eminently very watchable. He has nothing, absolutely nothing to worry about.
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After several irritating delays, I finally got my second Joker and I am please to announce that he is totally defect free! I am so glad!

As to JN feeling slighted, well what can you say? That slight was totally in his own head. The two films are 19 years apart for goodness sake, and whilst Burton's films are the best of the four from that sequence, they are still totally different animals to Nolan's BAT.

They were perfect for their time, as was Jack Nicholson, but as a corollary, so now for this time period are the Nolan BAT movies.

If this was what caused JN to take slight, then it's a shame because what he did was take a film that looked totally amazing (but that in truth had very little actual story behind it) and made it eminently very watchable. He has nothing, absolutely nothing to worry about.

:exactly: I never understood why JN got upset, his performance as Joker is one of the greatest and still stands up today alongside of the other great versions. This figure continues to tempt for that reason. His performance was just so good that even though I want something more modern in my collection, his Joker is so good it's tough to pass up.
Is there anyway you could print one out for me n I could pay you through PayPal?? I figured I'd as since I wouldn't know how to print one out or even have a good enough printer to do so.




Printout on photo card. Put it together myself.

IMO they should have listened to jack. he DOES know the character well, but the simple fact is, nolan wasnt doing the comics joker, he was doing his own damn thing. same with how burton did penguin his way, not by the comics version. but oh well, while i prefered what burton did with penguin, i do not like how nolan reinvented joker from crazy supervillian to average psychopath. nicholson got the character more correct and was way more fun to watch as the one true joker.

An average psycopath? I think we'd be in a lot of trouble if our average psychopaths were like the Joker from TDK.
its funny when people say they didnt like burtons penguin but they will wholeheartedly accept ledgers totally messed up inaccurate joker with the ugly smile scar, no class, long greasy hair who had no jokes or sense of humour and licked his lips etc. i find that strange. i dont even see much of a difference between the 2. if you liked ledgers joker you'd probably like devito's dark demented totally unique penguin as opposed to the silly comics version. before burtons interpreation, penguin of the comics was still alot like the burgess meredith version. all the penguins since burton however seemed to make the character much uglier/darker, more monsterous, which is a good thing. burtons penguin had depth. nolans joker was no different then that jigsaw guy from saw. just dumb.

likeing ledgers joker for most has become something of a popularity contest in my eyes. i go with the classics and what touches me personally, not with whats popular at the moment. i honestly dont see whats so great about ledger. people complain about burtons penguin but somehow accept nolans total idiosyncratic messed up joker that is nothing like the comics? im confused. are batman fans that starved for new material they will accept anything new, whether its anything like the comics or not? why do i get the feeling if NOLAN made penguin a dark pale fish eating child killer, he'd get a free pass while anyone in the "older films" gets bashed today in order so fannerds can praise nolan and whats popular? its just unfair bashing, simple as that. not trying to start an argumnent here, but i just see this trend and it kinda upsets me. i just prefer the older batman films, it suits my taste more while the new ones do nothing for me.
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its funny when people say they didnt like burtons penguin but they will wholeheartedly accept ledgers totally messed up inaccurate joker with the ugly smile scar, no class, long greasy hair who had no jokes or sense of humour and licked his lips etc. i find that strange. i dont even see much of a difference between the 2. if you liked ledgers joker you'd probably like devito's dark demented totally unique penguin as opposed to the silly comics version. before burtons interpreation, penguin of the comics was still alot like the burgess meredith version. all the penguins since burton however seemed to make the character much uglier/darker, more monsterous, which is a good thing. burtons penguin had depth. nolans joker was no different then that jigsaw guy from saw. just dumb.

likeing ledgers joker for most has become something of a popularity contest in my eyes. i go with the classics and what touches me personally, not with whats popular at the moment. i honestly dont see whats so great about ledger. people complain about burtons penguin but somehow accept nolans total idiosyncratic messed up joker that is nothing like the comics? im confused. are batman fans that starved for new material they will accept anything new, whether its anything like the comics or not? why do i get the feeling if NOLAN made penguin a dark pale fish eating child killer, he'd get a free pass while anyone in the "older films" gets bashed today in order so fannerds can praise nolan and whats popular? its just unfair bashing, simple as that. not trying to start an argumnent here, but i just see this trend and it kinda upsets me. i just prefer the older batman films, it suits my taste more while the new ones do nothing for me.

Good points. Though I like all the live-action versions of The Joker.

Nicholson's appeared to be based on Cesar Romero's. Andrew Koenig's version from Dead End seemed darker and more grotesque. And Ledger's was Nolan's way of rationalizing the existence of a psychotic clown.

Of them all, however, I still find Romero's to be the most disturbing. As a child with a fear of clowns his image still strikes a nerve!

I would class the Danny DeVito Penguin in the same bracket as the grotesque Koenig Joker:

you mad, bro?

Burtons had flipper hands and drooled black ____ and had greasy hair.

I'd take Burgess Meredith's version any day over Burtons.

And Arkham City's version crushes them both. Hell, it crushes all the Batman flicks on adaption of the Batman characters.

I do agree with Kuat, Romero did the best Joker.
Heath Ledgers Joker still reminds me of...



Arkham games IS Batman to me, it's what I grew up loving and wanting all of these years.

I do prefer Burtons Penguin though.
its funny when people say they didnt like burtons penguin but they will wholeheartedly accept ledgers totally messed up inaccurate joker with the ugly smile scar, no class, long greasy hair who had no jokes or sense of humour and licked his lips etc. i find that strange. i dont even see much of a difference between the 2. if you liked ledgers joker you'd probably like devito's dark demented totally unique penguin as opposed to the silly comics version. before burtons interpreation, penguin of the comics was still alot like the burgess meredith version. all the penguins since burton however seemed to make the character much uglier/darker, more monsterous, which is a good thing. burtons penguin had depth. nolans joker was no different then that jigsaw guy from saw. just dumb.

likeing ledgers joker for most has become something of a popularity contest in my eyes. i go with the classics and what touches me personally, not with whats popular at the moment. i honestly dont see whats so great about ledger. people complain about burtons penguin but somehow accept nolans total idiosyncratic messed up joker that is nothing like the comics? im confused. are batman fans that starved for new material they will accept anything new, whether its anything like the comics or not? why do i get the feeling if NOLAN made penguin a dark pale fish eating child killer, he'd get a free pass while anyone in the "older films" gets bashed today in order so fannerds can praise nolan and whats popular? its just unfair bashing, simple as that. not trying to start an argumnent here, but i just see this trend and it kinda upsets me. i just prefer the older batman films, it suits my taste more while the new ones do nothing for me.

I know what message you are trying to send and that is that having a unique character different from the comics brings originality and sometimes is a step forward to reinventing the characters for future comics.

However, Burtons penguin made feel sick with the way he looked with flippers etc and eating fish, which explains why I never liked batman returns. Whereas, Ledger's Joker was enjoyable to watch even though it was completely different to the comics. That is just my opinion but that might help you explain why people do not like Burton's penguin but like Ledger's joker.
you mad, bro?

Burtons had flipper hands and drooled black ____ and had greasy hair.

I'd take Burgess Meredith's version any day over Burtons.

And Arkham City's version crushes them both. Hell, it crushes all the Batman flicks on adaption of the Batman characters.

I do agree with Kuat, Romero did the best Joker.

Good points. Though I like all the live-action versions of The Joker.

Nicholson's appeared to be based on Cesar Romero's. Andrew Koenig's version from Dead End seemed darker and more grotesque. And Ledger's was Nolan's way of rationalizing the existence of a psychotic clown.

Of them all, however, I still find Romero's to be the most disturbing. As a child with a fear of clowns his image still strikes a nerve!

I would class the Danny DeVito Penguin in the same bracket as the grotesque Koenig Joker:


Andrew Koenig R.I.P.

At least Arkham City pronounces Ra's name correctly. :lol Raish? I doubt it, it sounds much more Arabic as 'Raz' rather than 'Raish' with the latter sounding too much like someone trying to over complicate a simple word.