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However, I wish HT would start using magnets for swapping hands, i'm tired of those stupid pegs.

with some weapons and accessories, it'd take a pretty strong magnet to keep from letting go.

I'm fine with HT's wrist pages, but I think they should make it so each hand has one, and the part that goes in the arm comes out easier so you just swap the hand and peg.
EXACTLY should get pegs for each hand included with no price mark up..they get enough cash ,just give us more pegs PLEASE.........
What's silly is HT already packs in 2 spare pegs with every figure for the last few years, and yet, if there's 6 hands in a set, that's 4 pegs, what's 2 more to throw in. I get that they put in spares because replacements were a bit QC issue for awhile, common to see folks here looking for how to get new ones and I think HT got sick of dealing with the requests and started including spares, but for what little it should cost them, they should just add enough for every hand, especially gloved hands, it can be a pain to get the pegs out if the hands don't come off the peg.
with some weapons and accessories, it'd take a pretty strong magnet to keep from letting go.

I'm fine with HT's wrist pages, but I think they should make it so each hand has one, and the part that goes in the arm comes out easier so you just swap the hand and peg.

Agreed. It would be awesome if the pegs/wrist joint was part of every hand.
with some weapons and accessories, it'd take a pretty strong magnet to keep from letting go.

I'm fine with HT's wrist pages, but I think they should make it so each hand has one, and the part that goes in the arm comes out easier so you just swap the hand and peg.

What about a magnetic peg? The hand and wrist both have magnets, and the pegs are just metal balls.
I'm agreeing with you, Jye. but 2 flat magnets would allow for very little hand poseability. About my idea the magnets in the hand/ forearm are curved inward (like scoops) that surround the metal ball, which would allow for both poseability and would keep the joints relatively more hidden than your traditional peg.
New Shot of '89 Joker?

with some weapons and accessories, it'd take a pretty strong magnet to keep from letting go.

I'm fine with HT's wrist pages, but I think they should make it so each hand has one, and the part that goes in the arm comes out easier so you just swap the hand and peg.

What about a magnetic peg? The hand and wrist both have magnets, and the pegs are just metal balls.

See my other post above.
Hat brim? Hat brim?!? Can somebody tell me what kind of a world we live in, where the brim of a stupid hat, gets all of my press?

This thread needs an enema.


There are some pretty strong magnets on the market, so I really don't see how that could be a problem.

Not saying they don't exist or wouldn't work, just saying, there's no room for cheaping out, they have to be very strong or they're useless.