Hollywood Collectibles Group Predator 2

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What if I had a return or a concern? Is this their attitude towards their customers?

if you asked for a refund you would probably wake up with a horses head in your bed like off the godfather. for these guys poor attitude towards potential customers and slight criticism they get an official slimeyslug salute

A couple of points. If you really do work for HCG, you've shot yourself in the foot because I'm much less likely to buy anything from a company that insults its potential customers.

Secondly, rather than saying "any idiot can see that it has to be mounted on the wall" how about making the nature of the product obvious, so you don't need to perform a talmudic reading of the description to find out what exactly it is? 99% of products like this can be placed on a flat surface -- that is the norm, and if your product can't do that, it needs to be made clear (such as by having at least, you know, one picture of it actually mounted on a wall). I had assumed that the wall-mounting was an optional bonus and not a requirement, and I think most casual observers would as well.

Why when someone points out something to everyone else that is perfectly obvious must they work for a company. Also did none of you start at post 1 or were you all automatically post 1001 and admitted to the cool club. I am currently unemployed but am a huge fan of Sideshow's toys and when I was working I was an avid collector with the two jewels in my crown being he Giger Spell and the Alien Queen. Sorry if me pointing out something that I saw in a description in a topic that had a lot of pages.

I would also like to know where in my post I use the term "idiot." I wonder if subliminally that is how you see yourself, as I never used the word nor would I about people I have never met ... just like I would never make assumptions about who I am talking to online.

Finally, why I can be blamed for a description written on a web site that I didn't write or have the thing referred to as my product beggars belief.
If you don't work for them, fine (although you have to admit that it's a little suspicious when someone takes the time to register and make their first post just to defend a company -- especially when that company has been known to defend itself vocally on forums.) But just look at what you wrote in your first post (your one and only introduction to us as a forum). Do you really expect people not to be defensive when told to "get a life" and "get over yourselves?"
There is a larger backstory here that spans multiple forums. I don't know if you've seen it or not, but the major issue is the way HCG conducted themselves elsewhere at the beginning of this project.

Questions of accuracy & the way this can/can't be displayed were brought up & subsequently squashed by the powers that be. That left a bad taste in people's mouths.
I am sorry ... but which part of "PREDATOR BIO HELMET WITH TROPHY WALL MOUNT DISPLAY" is it that you can't understand? Seems perfectly clear to me that this piece has to be wall mounted ... so why would the manufacturer create something else. Some of you just need to get over yourselves ... you are not the be all and end all when it comes to prop designs, if you were then you would be too busy to spend your life posting on forums ... maybe the term "get a life" comes to mind ... buy it or don't buy it ... love it or hate it ... but at least read the description of what it is before you knock it.

In my reference guide of pred collectibles, I have listed every licensed Predator collectible listed aside from some old 90s toys. Of those items, there are several wall mountable pieces, ALL OF WHICH can also be placed on a shelf or in a display case. Not everyone wants their $1000 collectible getting covered in dust hanging on a wall, or wants to risk hanging a 30lbs object from their wall.

But thanks for your obvious forum troll nonetheless... give my regards to HCG and don't let the door hit your ass on the way out.

It's best not to sweat HCG to much...they won't be around long.....putting out stuff like this. They're going the path ICONS took. Except, ICONS stuff was cooler...if you ever got it, that is :cool:
It's best not to sweat HCG to much...they won't be around long.....putting out stuff like this. They're going the path ICONS took. Except, ICONS stuff was cooler...if you ever got it, that is :cool:

You say "putting out stuff like this."

That's not really fair...

They haven't PUT OUT anything! It's all been delayed, delayed, delayed.
If you don't work for them, fine (although you have to admit that it's a little suspicious when someone takes the time to register and make their first post just to defend a company -- especially when that company has been known to defend itself vocally on forums.) But just look at what you wrote in your first post (your one and only introduction to us as a forum). Do you really expect people not to be defensive when told to "get a life" and "get over yourselves?"

I haven't actually defended anyone, nor have I any of their products to make a judgement about them ... as for my comment ... maybe a tad harsh, but most of the forums I belong to always have the "experts" who know everything about everything and decry anyone who tries to challenge it.
I haven't actually defended anyone, nor have I any of their products to make a judgement about them ... as for my comment ... maybe a tad harsh, but most of the forums I belong to always have the "experts" who know everything about everything and decry anyone who tries to challenge it.

you still have not introduced yourself :tap
I haven't actually defended anyone, nor have I any of their products to make a judgement about them ... as for my comment ... maybe a tad harsh, but most of the forums I belong to always have the "experts" who know everything about everything and decry anyone who tries to challenge it.

you obviously work for HCG :lol 3 posts and each one defending there product
This guy really isn't worth arguing with. Every time I contemplate responding to one of his posts, I realize how goofy his logic is and how much of a waste of time it would be.