HBO's Game of Thrones

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I think his parentage did mean something in that in enabled him to walk past Drogon and kill Dani (then survive afterwards as well). I think the implication is that he was kinda meant to be the savior, but not necessarily rule the kingdom.

Bingo. For anyone who has read the Farseer trilogy, this was a similar thing.

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Well the northern army was still there and I'm assuming they were threatening to fight over it so they probably just put him in a cell until they could come to an agreement without more bloodshed. I mean at this point they are outsiders without a dragon so I'm sure the entire kingdom would have united against them. Then once Sansa got word, more northern men started coming down and were forming outside the city.

I doubt the Dothraki care that much. They seem to just be loyal to whoever is the strongest and in charge. I mean Dany killed all their leaders and they just started following her no questions asked.

Fair, although I feel as if in the moment they may well have gutted him, Grey Work wasn’t an idiot either.

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Moral of the story “deal with your ****”!! Jon continuous crying of “I don’t want it” forced the breaking of the wheel and new era of government where lineage no longer plays a part. It’s ironic his body of work to help Westeros deserves him to sit on the throne. But as it stands lesser people having done lesser work sit in the throne while our hero is banished into the north. In the end the starks won the game of thrones by ruling the south and north and banishing the true king to the north. Saying he can’t mary, have kids etc. Who are these people handing out terms? If i was jon I’d be feeling very much played and a sense of “raw deal”. And maybe just maybe.... start a campaign back for the throne. He has the wildlings, all he needs to do is say I want to be king of north and all the men would say “ok”.

That all works until someone has kids and starts the whole thing over again after these people are all dead and gone
I think his parentage did mean something in that in enabled him to walk past Drogon and kill Dani (then survive afterwards as well). I think the implication is that he was kinda meant to be the savior, but not necessarily rule the kingdom.

I'll buy that. Who else was gonna walk by that watchdog?
Truly awful ending all around.

Arya’s sudden interest in sea exploration, while never actually explaining/resolving the Faceless Men story arc, is the failure of the show in a nutshell.

Yeah, that came out of nowhere, reminded me of Tim Burton's Alice in Wonderland which actually DID have a character discovering her true self - whole movie was about it.

There was stuff I liked, like Tyrion holding court as it were and the fragile beginnings of a new kingdom. The dragon NOT killing Jon; I think a nod back to the legendary intelligence of dragons.

But I think the rushed, burnt out feel to the writing really hurt a spectacular series, in the end.
I do think Jon should have died, although I like that he didn't. Perhaps he should have been executed for killing Dani. It would be more realistic. And since he's back from the dead anyway, he's just going back to where he should be. Tragic ending perhaps, but he accomplished his task and he's done.

End the series the way it started -- with Ned making Bran watch a beheading.
It doesn't necessarily fit in well with the ending, but it would have been cool to see Jon duel Grey Worm mirroring the Ned vs. Jaime fight.
Jon brought back from the dead, for this?!
I had an ending in mind that would make sense and a great ending for him.
The Dragon turns on Daenerys when she tries to kill Jon. The Dragon recognize a Targaryen, the true heir to the throne . In front of her own people. Not saying he should sit on the throne, just a better ending for him. 8 seasons flushed down the toilet. But the writing was piss poor this season so i can't say im surprised. They just wanted to wrap it up.
There was a throwaway line you might have missed an episode or two ago: while Euron was distracted at King's Landing, she managed to "retake" the Iron Islands with her crew of ten dudes or so.

Even if a force of 10 people could overwhelm and retake an island of thousands, why was she allowed to lead? The Iron Islands are essentially a democracy where their leaders are elected by popular vote. They already decided they not only didn't want her as a leader, but hated her enough to chase her off the island.

It would sort of be like if a terrorist cell managed to seize the white house. It doesn't suddenly make them president.
If only Jaime and Cersei had stepped a few feet to the right, they could have avoided the falling bricks.

Haha yea I noticed that. I kind of expected that the whole castle had fallen down on them. But the dungeon seemed relatively intact. They just had the bad luck to stand in the wrong place. Hell, that rubble pile looked practically survivable and part of me was half expecting Jamie to wake up.

One of my biggest critiques last night was that if the plan was always for Bran to sit on the throne, they should have developed him more as a character. Especially since he became kind of a useless empty shell of a man after he became The Three Eyed Raven. At one point he even claimed he wasn't even Bran anymore. At the end of the day, The Three Eyed raven powers were also a plot thread that seemed to mean nothing in the end.
Nothing in his character indicates he would be able to be any kind of leader, let alone an inspiring one. Even during the council meeting he seemed disinterested in the day-to-day politics of ruling, and didn't bother to stay for more than 10 seconds of the meeting.

Speaking of which, making Bronn the master of coin seemed to just be an excuse to put him in the scene. Same with having Brienne actually take part in the council, when its implied she is just the King's bodyguard.
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Nothing in his character indicates he would be able to be any kind of leader, let alone an inspiring one. Even during the council meeting he seemed disinterested in the day-to-day politics of ruling, and didn't bother to stay for more than 10 seconds of the meeting.

not bragging, but i called Bran being king around episode 3 of this season. it made sense from a story telling "we are smarter than you" POV which seems to be what everyone wants to do with storytelling anymore. flex nuts on the audience. disregard logic for shock.

i don't mind Bran in this case. it does make sense he wouldn't stay. i think the point is that he is not being a micro managing dictator who thinks he knows best. he knows who is best for what and he trusts in their judgment. they are showing he is wise beyond his years. its effective.

i think the cersei not being killed by a stark was huge whiff. they really blew that one. she got to die with her brother? hardly seems like a proper comeuppance.

i dont like the 360 dani made. a benevolent force to a wild dictator in 2 episodes. there were a few hitler references in there. i dont know. it was a stretch.

these guys are now writing the next star hopefully they learned something. could be good. could be a massive pile of crap.
Even if a force of 10 people could overwhelm and retake an island of thousands, why was she allowed to lead? The Iron Islands are essentially a democracy where their leaders are elected by popular vote. They already decided they not only didn't want her as a leader, but hated her enough to chase her off the island.

It would sort of be like if a terrorist cell managed to seize the white house. It doesn't suddenly make them president.
It's not 10 people. You really should read the books.

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Well, that ending sucked.
They made the guy who does absolutely nothing with the Night King descending on them all, the King, smart.

I'm glad I didn't waste any money on collectibles from this show and I will not be watching the prequel series, which will go to the same place Caprica went, the dollar bin at Walmart.
It was terrible for many reasons already said.

Daenery's 360 Slave Liberator to City Sacker = Biggest Sin

Bran I would argue is evil or morally bankrupt as he did nothing to intervene/stop what transpired after the battle at Winterfell. He now wants to be king and rule justly over the populace of Westeros when he let thousands die for no reason. Since becoming the Raven he hasn't even seemed to be that interested in human affairs.

Jamie/Cersei literally were in the only spot in the dungeon that collapsed... A 2 or 3 ft sidestep and they would have been fine!?

Episodes 5 and 6 should not have even existed seeing as how Cersei would have certainly killed Daenerys, Greyworm, Tyrion, Drogon if they managed with as much as an advantageous position she had in episode 4. She has already been shown to be extremely petty as a person with a "if I can't have it then no one will or can attitude". If there was any mad queen it was Cersei. She would have burned Kings Landing to the ground before she would have ever let it fall to Daenerys. She was going to have all the noble ladies killed if the city fell during the blackwater battle.

Jon going back to the Nights Watch... Why is there a Nights Watch, what good are they doing at the wall? Who even cares that he went as the Unsullied left Westeros/why enforce that? His character development was basically worthless. Tormund left in episode 4 or 5, how much time has passed since then and why is he simply waiting at the wall for Jon? I understand the Wildlings desire to move south prior to this as the White Walkers were a life threat. I don't understand however their desire to go back north to a very infertile rough land when they could live much easier in the south. Ygritte always talked about how the lands south of the land were not the first man's land, the wildlings were just unfortunate to be on the wrong side when the wall went up.

Bronn being master of coin made no sense as he didn't seem to have a penchant for saving and investing in anything but whores. I like his character but he was shoe horned in for fan service.

Edmure getting what should of been precious screentime in Finale of your series was completely bewildering. Why the other lords were ok with the North being independent was shocking. Remember even Dragons could not conquer Dorne.

The Unsullied leave and the Dothraki stay only because they were stuck in Westeros and Greyworm didn't seem to care to take them?

Drogon not destroying the Red Keep in a fit of rage which includes killing Jon doesn't make much sense. Remember Targaryens have been killed/eaten by Dragons, there is no blood immunity.

Lord Of Lights purpose was completely dropped? What is its motivation. It barely has any followers in Westeros, does it just value the living in general. That is the one god that has seemed to interact and take part in the world more so than all the others.
I assumed word got to Tormund that Jon would be sent to Castle Black and so the Wildlings were all waiting there for him. Jon was supposedly banished to The Wall, but he wasn't going to be staying there at all. There were many children among the Wildlings. I imagine Jon did take a wife and fathered children down the line.

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Jon brought back from the dead, for this?!
I had an ending in mind that would make sense and a great ending for him.
The Dragon turns on Daenerys when she tries to kill Jon. The Dragon recognize a Targaryen, the true heir to the throne . In front of her own people. Not saying he should sit on the throne, just a better ending for him. 8 seasons flushed down the toilet. But the writing was piss poor this season so i can't say im surprised. They just wanted to wrap it up.
Drogon would have never turned on Dany.

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