have ur friends ever laughed?

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The ladies love it !!!! They think those are cute and they tell me I'm still like a kid at heart...they want to nurse me, and hold me, this is when I grab their titties.
HAHA THATS FUNNY! but yea every person thats seen my collection thought it was cool, what they say when im not around dont know
The ladies love it !!!! They think those are cute and they tell me I'm still like a kid at heart...they want to nurse me, and hold me, this is when I grab their titties.

They know how much you spend on the stuff so they think you're loaded. :lol
my friends usually go "What u collect toys? i gotta see this *laughs*" till they reach my toy room they go "Wow thats wicked!", in fact i got my boss into collecting the Rambo line, just cause he loves rambo =)
My family doesn't laugh at me because my twin brother collects things as well so he understands. My mother collected all those Beanie Baby things and my sister helps out with ordering me some things so she doesn't laugh.
My co-workers don't understand me paying over $45 for a "doll". I have to tell them it's a 1:6 scale action figure. One guy laughs at me for collecting the Harry Potter GG mini busts and calls them half dolls or doll heads. I just strike back and say "This coming from a guy who collects everything Disney and Hot Wheel cars." That shuts him up pretty fast when I mention to him to go home and shake his Mickey Mouse snow globes.
I think because I'm at college and still youngish they would prefer my money and concentracion to be going on something else.
What they don't realise is that I can concentrate on as many things as I like all at the same time !. Muhahahhaahah !. :D:monkey1

After all, all work and no play makes Hicks a dull boy. You never hear of a collector going out and mugging old ladies to feed their habit :rotfl
Well, nobody laughs, and my collection on display is 90% transformers, HT Alien and Predalien, Wolf Predator and the Joker with Leon and a ganado. I get lots [and I mean LOTS] of "wows" and "cool" for Wolf and Joker.

And most of the people that visit my room are female friends, each time they stop at the bookcases and scan for new stuff.
No....I have friends that you know...share my interest. If any of my friends were lame enough to laugh at my sweet collection they would not be my friend and most likely wouldn't be my friend to begin with.
My girlfriend says that I'm her nerdboy. But then it makes it easy when my birthday or Christmas comes along and shes looking to buy me gifts.

All my friends are pretty cool about it even though they dont collect.
they laugh.

until either a) they see how sweet these 1/6 thingys actually are
or b) i shove something somewhere fast and sideways

then they shut up in either a) the awe or b) the pain
Who dares to laugh when the other aspects of one's life is going perfectly well.:emperor :)
Only the GF has teased me. My medicom snakes were called 'dolls' but the hot toys brando that came in last month walks a mighty fine line lol. Now I get "Any new ken dolls come in the mail?'

James dean from RebelWAC won't help my case haha :duh
hahaha...ye my friends think the figures are cool and interresting but then they like "How can can you spend so much money a month on these things"...then i just look at them and say well how much can you spend on cigerettes a month? :lol. that always puts them in there place.

But my Dad now thats another story all together, my dad does'nt give me **** about them he just gives me that "i'm not impressed" look and also with the dont want to talk to you now look...but if i really buy something exspensive like my 2 x PF Leatherfaces at $500 a piece he goes crazy and gives me a screaming leacture on i cant afford a lifestyle of buying exspensive collectors items blah blah...i just laugh, inside that is:D.

But the rest of my family, mom and sister think its awesome and also say at least i'm not buying drugs or spending it on alcohol every month.

I love my collection and nothing will ever change that not even a super hot model girlfriend :cool:
Anyone that sees my collection tends to be pretty stunned... lol! Then I usually get a "Holy ^^^^ that's AWESOME" from guys or a "OMG theyr'e so ugly" from the women folk. :)