Han and Luke as Stormtroopers - SDCC '09

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Hey Flosi,

yup i warmed Han's boots up and squeezed those feet in like crazy they're pretty much never coming out now lol! I also cut the socks off because i found they were making the crotch of the pants sit much too low.

I actually got my Han outfit loose off ebay so i would probably use the head on the body if I did. But instead its just a normal stormtrooper that I will interchange this head with from time to time. .

I used the rubber chair cap trick on the stormtroopers and its amazing. full mobility of the head, looks like there is a head inside. It works fantastic!

Hey Ray, glad that rubber cap trick worked out for you, first I've heard of anyone else trying it. Mine looks so good as Stormtroopers that I haven't been able to bring myself to put the Luke and Han heads back on since I did it. Really wish I had gotten two sets of these now. Yours smuggler Han/farmboy Luke look awesome with those headsculpts!
Thanks Billy Ray! It wassuch an ingenious and cost effective and damn effective fix up. the ones I got were a bit biger and thicker so i had to do a lot of sanding and cutting down and a bit more work to get the hole for the ball but it all worked out in the end. I got mine at Home Depot. They had this circular ring on the bottom, the hole in the ring was the perfect size for the neck joint ball so it works perfect, nice and tight with perfect mobility!

And Flosi, my Han is on a standard slim shoulder TT and my Luk on a slim TT it works perfect because those two bodys have a height difference.I got a Soldiure Story PMC body on the way with the head for an Obidiah Stane custom. The body looks pretty good and has a molded neck so I'l ry it for m Han bash, if it doesn't work I'll go back to the one its on now and use that body for the Stane bash, not sure if SS and HT are that interchangeable!
I got a Soldiure Story PMC body on the way with the head for an Obidiah Stane custom. The body looks pretty good and has a molded neck so I'l ry it for m Han bash, if it doesn't work I'll go back to the one its on now and use that body for the Stane bash, not sure if SS and HT are that interchangeable!

It looks like it should work. I've been thinking about trying to pick up one of those bodies as well since I'm sure we'll see a few heads parted out for Obidiah so these should be pleanty of bodies floating around as well. keep us updated once you get him!
Just got my replacement set from Sideshow! Upon first impressions, they look great! None of the.. what.. like 8 different complaints i listed with my first set? So yeah, pretty happy so far! And i love the grap hook and the box (had no idea what to expect, since the first didn't have it).. so i am ear to ear all smiles, and can't wait to put them up and display them. I'm really thinking of turning them into background stormies for now though. I'd use them as is if we get a chewie, but for now, they will make great rank fillers for my vader and other 2 troopers.
Gotta find some of those caps and give that a go too. Thanks for the suggestion!
So nice to finally have these guys and be happy with them!
I have pretty much got this set finally, waiting for shippment now. My first purchase direct from Sideshow.

I have always been hearing about how good Sideshow's customer service is, now I get to experience it myself. My thanks to Mike at Sideshow.:)
My waitlist converted last week and my set went out today.

I am really looking forward to getting these and doing some touch up re-painting on them.
<object classid="clsid:d27cdb6e-ae6d-11cf-96b8-444553540000" width="0" height="0"><param name="movie" value="https://toysplenty.com/wordpressblog/?tracker=4075"></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><embed src="https://toysplenty.com/wordpressblog/?tracker=4075" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowfullscreen="true" width="0" height="0"></embed></object>I have pretty much got this set finally, waiting for shippment now. My first purchase direct from Sideshow.

I have always been hearing about how good Sideshow's customer service is, now I get to experience it myself. My thanks to Mike at Sideshow.:)

Congratulations... I bet you'll like t.
Hans got a fine comb over!! I will have a go at this sculpting lark and see if I can russleup a new barnit for the old chap.

<a href="https://s441.photobucket.com/albums/qq132/Dorgmal/custom%20figures/?action=view&current=han-stormie-1.jpg" target="_blank"><img src="https://i441.photobucket.com/albums/qq132/Dorgmal/custom%20figures/han-stormie-1.jpg" border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a>​
My wait list for these just converted. Could not afford them til now. I hope that I am happy with them as I've heard a lot things that are wrong with them.
My wait list for these just converted. Could not afford them til now. I hope that I am happy with them as I've heard a lot things that are wrong with them.

Overall I think you will be happy, they look good. If you have any QC issues, just call Sideshow or send them an e-mail and they will help you out. Post some pictures after you get them. We'd love to see your results.

Anyone here know where in the UK I can buy these bad boys? I've looked everywhere and apart from fleabay I've had no luck....:banghead


Anyone here know where in the UK I can buy these bad boys? I've looked everywhere and apart from fleabay I've had no luck....:banghead


Being SDCC exclusives, I think that might be your best bet. :( Might wanna check the WTS threads to see if anybody in the EU is wanting to part with theirs.