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Ah well... I love me some swords and sandals epics, but this sounds a bit silly.
Will just have to wait and see.
I mean, having such an amazing wealth of history and (for historical figures from 2000 years ago) information of actual historical figures and events, why make up crap? Why not try to tell the story of Gaius Julius Caesar, or Pompeii Magnus or Hannibal Barca, or Vercingetorix on the big screen?

We have J-lo blowing 20 million on a narcissist fever dream that the 'net is having a field day with (no didn't watch it, heard about it:poop:). The Alien sequels/prequels or whatever with little xenos popping out of the grass that could only be described as "cute". Rumors of a "female Jack Sparrow" or some *&^%. Then there was the history re-write of Cleopatra...and on and on.

One could imagine that with the recent demands of Hollywood writers that the last 10 years or so would have been a platinum age of entertainment; that viewers would have risen as one to decry these underpaid craftspeople instead of not even noticing there was a strike going on.

A few fading sparks of brightness like John Wick and Sandman...but "no, My Lord Aragorn. We are alone." Original, well researched writing and productions have become as rare as, as, getting a burger, fries, and drink for under 10$.
Apologies for edit bump:
I will see you again but not yet...not yet.
Well he has to die for that happen I guess. Though might be the last scene of the film?
Surprised there was no mention of Hounsou (Juba) in the CinemaCon footage?
Hopefully Juba is not still condemned to the arena. and we do get a hint he was in fact free and reunited with his "living" family (unlike Maximus), he has got a whole implied adventure ahead of him.

Yes I go for that too.
Curious what his role will be?

Like many I'm conflicted, though still morbidly curious; CG armored rhinos, naval arena battles, killer sharks, and fighting war monkeys, might all normally tempting draws in a movie:lol.
Yet here I don't want an overblown spectalce sequel to take away or impact what was otherwise a perfect end to the original.

If nothing else hope at least the original gets (an almost 25th anniversary😯) re-release in theaters, out of this.
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