Statue Gentle Giant: "Honey Trap" line

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I didn't say "licensed" I said "from respectable source material." Key word: respectable. "Star Wars" is at least a big enough name of a non-sexually gratuitous nature that if someone sees Leia in a bikini for instance they don't make the same association as say seeing a Kardashian chick in similar attire. Hence my tongue in cheek reference to Shaak Ti vs. these GG gals.

I suppose you are right, Khev. I mean, my mom makes it a point to read Lady Death every Sunday before church. I should turn her on to the new statue that was shown this year. And my Aunt Delores has been a HUGE fan of Jack the Ripper since she was a child. She would definitely dig this new piece. And don't even get me STARTED on my Grandparents' fascination with Angels of Death and Judge Dredd and Vampire Queens and Elvira. Now that you mention it, Grandpappy's home office looks like a gosh darn Vampirella museum or something for crying out loud! You've never seen so many tiny red swimsuits in your life! Thanks for keeping me on the straight and narrow. Who needs originality? I'm sticking strictly with "respectable" from now on. ;)

Thanks, Khev.
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I think you're missing Khev's point of view, Finsta, but oh well.

I say to each their own. Collect what you like.

That's all I have to say about that.

Anyway...I think that Gentle Giant will score big in sales with the Honey Trap line after the success of their Sucker Punch line.
I think you're missing Khev's point of view, Finsta, but oh well.

I think we all got Khev's point of view, I also think most here disagree.

The people that are going to frown upon these types of pieces are going to frown upon them regardless of source material. You either get it or you don't. Gotta own what you like.
I personally look down on people I see wearing a $120 jersey for a team they don't play for, with a name printed on that same jersey that is not theirs. I think that is super pathetic, but chances are they don't feel the need to justify it to me, and that feeling is mutual.

I say to each their own. Collect what you like.

With that I agree 100%
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I think we all got Khev's point of view, I also think most here disagree.

The people that are going to frown upon these types of pieces are going to frown upon them regardless of source material. You either get it or you don't. Gotta own what you like.
I personally look down on people I see wearing a $120 jersey for a team they don't play for, with a name printed on that same jersey that is not theirs. I think that is super pathetic, but chances are they don't feel the need to justify it to me, and that feeling is mutual.

With that I agree 100%

Agree or not :goodpost:
I personally look down on people I see wearing a $120 jersey for a team they don't play for, with a name printed on that same jersey that is not theirs. I think that is super pathetic...

I disagree with this whole comment.

This is something I won't do. I won't look down on, make derogatory comments or judge anyone for liking what they like.

To me that's just showing the same attitude as those who judge this hobby harshly.
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I think we all got Khev's point of view, I also think most here disagree.

You state you disagree with my point and then literally personify it by saying this:

I personally look down on people I see wearing a $120 jersey for a team they don't play for, with a name printed on that same jersey that is not theirs. I think that is super pathetic, but chances are they don't feel the need to justify it to me, and that feeling is mutual.

We might like to wear masks of tolerance toward whatever someone else might be into but as you clearly prove that just isn't the world we live in. Snap judgments based on face value is just our reality.

So you think people who wear sports jerseys of a favorite team are "super pathetic." By the same token I think it's worth pointing out that purchasing suggestive statues of hot girls because you like hot girls is often considered "super pathetic" by ACTUAL hot girls. It's just a fact. Doesn't mean anyone here can't be the exception to the rule but it doesn't hurt to measure the odds accordingly when prioritizing what you spend your money on.

If any of these points are angering or upsetting then I think it might be a sign of someone simply grasping this hobby too tightly.

Like it or not there's a bit of a dark side to this hobby, the potential subject matter and the temptation to go into debt to support the hobby regardless of subject matter. Both can be elephants in the room on devoted fan sites like this but should probably be scrutinized by each and every collector to prevent messing things up for yourself.

I say to each their own. Collect what you like.

I agree and would only add "collect what you like but be aware that depending on what you like you may be preventing yourself from getting *better* things you like. ;)
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If any of these points are angering or upsetting then I think it might be a sign of someone simply grasping this hobby too tightly.

Like it or not there's a bit of a dark side to this hobby, the potential subject matter and the temptation to go into debt to support the hobby regardless of subject matter. Both can be elephants in the room on devoted fan sites like this but should probably be scrutinized by each and every collector to prevent messing things up for yourself.

I agree and would only add "collect what you like but be aware that depending on what you like you may be preventing yourself from getting *better* things you like. ;)

Whether or not any of this is true, it has nothing whatsoever to do with my point. Your original objection to this line was because it wasn't based on anything respectable. My point has always been:

A: Women don't care what the things on a guy's shelves are based on. They either care about the guy or not. They either find the artwork offensive or not. Hiding behind source material won't save you if you are a weeny and you have tasteless stuff in your house.

B: GG says they are working on a format to present the backstories. You can wait to see it, or you can make up your mind that you do or don't like it just from seeing what they have shown so far. You can always change your mind later. :)

C: Just because a statue on a guy's shelf is from a source that Khev has declared "respectable", doesn't make it any more or less likely to be of questionable taste. There are plenty of examples of Marvel and DC characters that make these look like choir girls.

I've said several times: let people have fun and collect what they want. It may have honorable intentions, but why do you care so much about the love lives of other collectors? Just because you say you are not "holier than thou" doesn't mean you don't come off that way. That's like saying, "No offense, but..." then saying something that is very likely to offend. That doesn't get you off the hook no matter how many winking emoticons you stick in there. Like I said to start. You sound like you have an agenda, and that is what prompted my joining the site to respond after many years of just dropping in to see what goodies other collectors had found. I've never even claimed to like these particular statues. I just get very suspicious when someone offers free advice to strangers about what women want.

Other than not having familiar source material, I'm not really sure why you have a beef with these pieces. I just don't get it. And I'm not sure why you would feel the need to tell others their love lives will suffer if they choose to buy them. Just seems really weird to me to split hairs so finely.

Maybe GG should offer a warranty: guaranteed to do no more harm to you in the bedroom than the Vampirella statue next to it. :)

In the end I guess we'll just have to agree to disagree. I'm going back to having fun.
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wow... you guys truly outdid yourselves... so much debate over some statues
what's next? Michelangelo's David? He's nude and would definitely be a turn off for guys when they see it in a girls bedroom :rotfl

fyi: a lot of girls think this hobby is weird but if they like you, it won't matter... just set some basis ground-rules when you're going to live together :p

can we please just get back to the statues now? Anyone got more information about them? (are the tags+charms included? :gah: )

My vid. The two on the right are my favourites.

Really not digging the dog. Looks like a Hasbro toy from the 80s. Real plastic looking...hopefully they will fix that....unless of course its meant to be a bit like Scooby Doo hahahahh :D