Friday the 13th Part V... ROY suggestions...

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Super Freak
Jan 29, 2006
Reaction score
Citrus Springs,FL
Ok guys... I have some parts coming to get this one done... might even be able to make a Jason VIII as well. If I did, what kinds of things would you guys be looking for in a figure?

Here's why I ask. The mask is a tricky beast. I could attempt to cast the mask alone, but I'm not sure how to do that effectively... In fact, I doubt it can be done at all. So if I did a Roy and a Jason VIII head, both with masks that were permanently attached and part of the resin head casts... would this be something that everyone would hate and not want?

I could always do alternate sculpts, and if you were using the HT body.. they could be swapped out.. but that's a lot of work for a reveal I doubt anyone would really do that often. Neither of them unmasked is really all that cool looking. :lol

Either way, I think these figures are easily remade for group commissions. To fill those spots that Sideshow may not actually ever fill.

So what kinds of things would we want as a few accessories?

I know the standards.. axe, machete.. Any part V specifics?

Part VIII... I can think of a few cool things. Guitar would be awesome, but hard to snag. The harpoon is doable... what else?

Help me make a badass figure set...
( I love this emoticon... even if it makes no sense in this
Ohhhh yeah !! :rock
My imagination just went wild !! :rock.

I never take my Jasons hockey masks off , I think its his most important iconic look.
Like Indiana Jones hat and whip . :rock The mask being sculpted to the head is no problem as far as I'm concerned. Its never bothered me with fvj jason as well.
Ok , for part V all I would need is simply the machete and axe.
For part VIII just the machette really , but if the harpoon and , or guitar would be possible I would definitely be happy !
I know for a fact if you get either or both of these done I'm gonna be short of some more cash ! :lol.
Be sure to keep us updated ! :rock
Thanks dude
Oh, it's gonna happen! :lol

I have some parts en route, a mask included. I will probably use that one for Roy and use my Jason 3 mask as the template for Part VIII. The clothing is the easy part on both, pretty plain clothing on both figures. Part V was just a mechanics jumpsuit like Myers.

I'm just sick of waiting for these two to get made, I don't know if SSC will ever do them. The time has come to take matters into my own hands. :rock
well i have to say when i display them i always have the mask on but for some reason i like knowing that theres a detailed movies face under it but

on the part 5 all i can think of for detail is give him a blood soaked in the middle of his torso from when he got hit with the bulldozer or what ever but on the mask try to get blue on top and bottom like in the movie

and for the part 8 mainly the wet look and skin grey color but other than that .... thats all i can think of at the moment ill post more if i come up with any thing kind of simple
Oh, it's gonna happen! :lol

I have some parts en route, a mask included. I will probably use that one for Roy and use my Jason 3 mask as the template for Part VIII. The clothing is the easy part on both, pretty plain clothing on both figures. Part V was just a mechanics jumpsuit like Myers.

I'm just sick of waiting for these two to get made, I don't know if SSC will ever do them. The time has come to take matters into my own hands. :rock

I think Sideshow officially lost the 12" license to Mezco.
The mask needs to be blue for Part V...I love that one...

And Part VIII doesn't even need a machete...he didn't use one in the film at all...although, I guess we'd have to include one anyway...
imo, a separate piece for a mask just looks better. If that simply can't be done, then I would probably use just the Roy face and modify a Sideshow mask, but that's just me.
I'll look into both options. The mold style I use doesn't lend itself to making a mask alone, but I will see what I can do. There has to be some way to do it. I will attempt it and see what I can do. And I will be using a lot of reference to get it right. I always did love the Roy mask with the blue marks, very different visually...

I'll try and crank out a prototype and let you see the progress here in this thread. :rock
Removable mask is a must for Roy Jason.

Cool. Will see what I can do. I have an idea that might just be crazy enough to work, so I will let you guys know what happens. Might try it tonight with my part 3 mask. :D

But as many of you have said, having the Roy reveal is kinda a big deal... Or else you will just think it's Jason. Now to find a sculpt that looks enough like Roy. Anyone have any ideas there? :eek:
If anyone has any good pics of Roy or of Jason from VIII... post pics here and I will use them as reference to get this as close as I can. I should be able to snag a sculpt that looks close enough to him, dremel some away and sculpt the mask hood on him. :rock
Thanks Chase! So, how about this question... under the mask... LIVE Roy or DEAD Roy?

I would prefer LIVE, since I could paint him with pretty freakin insane eyes. :devil