1/6 DX10 - Terminator 2 - T-800 Cyberdyne - Official Specs & Pics

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Ah, t'was you sir! Thanks. What's the protocol for this? If I give you a +1 just because you gave me one am I abusing the system?

Thanks buddy and you're welcome .

see that little star next to "Blog this post" in the little box below my avatar , thats the Reputation positive or negative
Well its all opinion of course, others will chime in and tell you that the MMS sculpt is better. I would agree with them that it is better in particular aspects but not overall.

My view

MMS - squashed, overly square face, too old, eyes look kinda far apart, looks pinheaded on its MMS body
DX10 - hideous neck, terrible execution of ball joint in head, PERS eyes badly done (look cartoony in closeup), Removeable hairpiece to access PERS joystick is too obvious, too much of his jaw is cut off to facilitate articulation (compromises profile likeness), hair looks stupid in profile view (too puffy on the crown of his head), wrinkles not defined enough and lacks realistic skin texture making him look too young.

So you can see why I said DX10 has a greater number of issues. Despite all that however, I personally would still choose it over the MMS.

Thanks for the rundown and your opinion. I'm going to sell my MMS117 and get a DX10 baised on your recommendation my friend.

Keep your MMS 117 leathers, black T, and rosebox man and pickup a DX10 hs and TTM 20 body :lecture

Oh yeah? That would make it impossible to sale. Are the leathers really that much better? From photos the DX10 leathers look better. The black T is must, but don't really care about the rosebox. Thanks for all the help guys.
The MMS leathers have a nice weathered look to them and the DX10 leathers are really clean. Just something to consider, before selling your MMS. Also, I have seen a ton of people part out the MMS 117, while keeping the leathers & black T, so it's not impossible :wink1:
Must agree with Deathasylum. The MMS clothes are really that much better. It depends on how fussy you are about your figures really. But if you want to create the best possible 'clean' T2 T-800 then the unanimously agreed best clothes are the MMS clothes. There is disagreement about the headsculpt but not the clothes. Pretty much everyone agrees that the MMS clothes were the best, particularly when you put a paperclip in the collar of the MMS jacket to correct its one flaw (being too open on the front).

Putting a paperclip inside the collar of the MMS jacket gives the collar a tighter arc and this in turn makes the 2 front sides of the coat come closer together and it looks more film-accurate. The DX jacket and pants are too clean-looking for even the beginning of the film and also the sowing of the lapels of that DX jacket isn't quite right.

Its all subjective ultimately, you can do what you want with your figures, but we're giving the most common opinion from the more discerning POV.
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The DX jacket also has the zipper on the wrong side. What a pain that was to swap sides.
I put my MMS jacket on my DX10 and vice versa. The MMS jacket looks more weathered and looks better for a latter looking Arnie in T2. The DX10 clothing is a cleaner looking outfit which looks better for an early Arnie imo. :dunno
Oh and I swapped the weathered boots on my MMS with the clean ones on the DX + DX sunglasses of course.



I only recently have the MMS pants and I must say that they are wonderful, easily the best and if I was really fussed I may be tempted to hunt down another pair and a MMS jacket and replace my DX10 clothes.