DX02 residue in abdominal area, has yours shown signs of it?

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Has your DX02 shown signs of residue buildup in the abdominal area?

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I guess it's not the heat. Thats about the same room temperature I'm at if not just a smidge cooler. Unless Dave's house sits at 27/80f - 30/86f or something...

No don't take it out. I get the impression that if it is related to being in contact to some degree, that once it starts... it speeds up. Once separated it takes a while to slow down the process again until it's stopped but I could most likely be totally wrong. I still wouldn't chance it.
i think it is the separation as well it's not a fast fix unless it is leaking a little but for a lot i think it takes longer too for it to stop leaking
If the suit is leaking only a little bit do you guys think its a good idea to try any of the methods mentioned?
Hot Toys would have already fitted a clear plastic divider by the time you get yours anyway. Saying that it still oozed for those people.

Plastic itself can sometimes have a reaction with these type of rubbers.

It's flat kitchen roll neatly laid out in below mine. One worked near enough instantly. The other took a long time. 2 months to be exact for the badly affected one. Or there about's. I've lost track with it all.
I'm not sure if I missed a post or something, but if I've offended anyone I do aplogise as that was not my intention. I was just talking casual with you guys as if we're all friends, not to attack anyone that is having problems with their figures.

Do I think people are making a bigger deal over this then it really is? Yeah, a little bit, but I don't mean that as an insult, just a jab in the ribs from a fellow geek and just my opinion. I've been accused in this very thread of "bending over" for hot toys and had the phrase "people like you" directed at me and I'm not upset in the least.

Those of you that are very upset about this I say more power to you and hell yeah Hot Toys is totally out of line for remaining silent on the issue. My guess like so many others is that they are trying to avoid mass cancellations of orders. I myself warned the small dealer I just bought joker off of and he may cancel his order for 10 of these. He had no idea this was happening. I basically told him all the DX Batman's are ruined, and though I can live with mine, I think they really are all runied in a way.

Shame on Hot Toys for the silence.

I pretty much feel exactly the same as you about this issue.

Hot Toys dropped the ball and it's not OK.

That said, the figure still is amazing. I am keeping my preorder even if it turns out that the DCD batch is no better. I will not be a Martyr and try to prove something to Hot Toys at the expense of owning a figure that is still incredible despite the leakage flaw.
Those of you that are very upset about this I say more power to you and hell yeah Hot Toys is totally out of line for remaining silent on the issue. My guess like so many others is that they are trying to avoid mass cancellations of orders. I myself warned the small dealer I just bought joker off of and he may cancel his order for 10 of these. He had no idea this was happening. I basically told him all the DX Batman's are ruined, and though I can live with mine, I think they really are all runied in a way.

Shame on Hot Toys for the silence.

This is my problem though. It's not about the figure in general. Sure the oil is annoying as hell but it's the sheer disrespect and contempt Hot Toys has for us. You have to admit though. The worry still remains is the figure going to break down hence why most of the anger from the past discussions.

Thats why I b!tc*ed about this for so long from Hot Toys conduct.

It's like the attitude of politicians. You're all dirt to me but you will lick my boots no matter what I do. Humour you when it's election time tell you what you want to hear, in this case Hot Toys sold us all a duffed up product to some degree thats really flaky, then when they get back into power you're all peasants again. In this case Hot Toys has your money. In between fobbing us off.
Made in CHINA you say, well they (HT) can build it faster, better, cheaper (well not for the end purchaser), NA NA NA NA, Na Na Na Na....naaaa.

I for one will pass on this as my satisfaction with the V1 Dark Knight is enough, and cummon' 1500+ posts and what? a new body that "might" not have similar reactions with the plastic used with the suit.

EASY...pass on THIS figure, and hope like hell Leonidis or AVATAR doesn't leak toxic chemical effluent.
They "found" my bats!
A nice lady from HT allegedly went around to their old office (were they told me to send it) and allegedly found a "missed delivery" note and then allegedly picked it up from the post office.

I say allegedly, because I'm shocked that this could happen in a company the size of HT!

But I DON'T CARE, my DX02 will be coming home soon to it's empty box. Albeit, still leaking (hope not) or stuck in an airport for 6 months due to volcanic ash.

ahhh...the trials and tribulations of being a 1/6th scale nerd...
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Wait, don't you mean your replacement will be on it's way, or are they just sending your package back to you?
Wait, don't you mean your replacement will be on it's way, or are they just sending your package back to you?

Yeah, thats what i meant! My Dx will be coming home to it's empty box. Which sits on a shelf in my office..empty.

Curious to see if they have done anything of real note about the oil. From what i have read here, i don't have high hopes!
You're probably better off expecting the same result. Otherwise you'll be pretty disappointed.
It's very clear HT has no interest in even trying to figure this out beyond the plastic sheet between the armor. Which sucks, is poor customer service, and cost them my business.
:lecture:lecture:lecture While optimism's always good, this late in the game I think HT's just taking the punches, rolling with the damage, and moving on to other licenses.

If they are, without taking care of this problem, theyre full of S--t! and we should all be warry about future products. I still dont believe that many just take a "Ill deal with it, no biggie attitude". This is an expensive figure and no one should have to deal with this. HT should be held accountble. Hell, If big car companies can do recalls why cant they?
Start boycotting all their products, and see if they dont react!
If they are, without taking care of this problem, theyre full of S--t! and we should all be warry about future products. I still dont believe that many just take a "Ill deal with it, no biggie attitude". This is an expensive figure and no one should have to deal with this. HT should be held accountble. Hell, If big car companies can do recalls why cant they?
Start boycotting all their products, and see if they dont react!

Because that's gonna happen. :lol

Unfortunately, those who bought this and are keeping it will just have to take it in the ass. There are other licenses that will command dollars over TDK right now and HT can turn a blind eye to this so easily which is pretty much what they've done. T2 and IM2 being just a couple high profile licenses that will rip attention away from this issue.