DX02 residue in abdominal area, has yours shown signs of it?

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Has your DX02 shown signs of residue buildup in the abdominal area?

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This is how obvious it can be, and some can be even worse than mine.


You can easily see in hand, that the affected areas don't match the rest of the suit and in cases like mine, you can't even pretend it was meant to be that way because there's on consistency to where it's affected. Had both bottom plates on mine turned out the same, it might seem like, ok, that's how it should look, but where it's the one, clearly that one is defective.

Mine, is even a lot worse than yours. Bottom 2 abs are dripping, I haven't wiped since I got it and it is actually a little pool now. Soaked, like someone poured half a teaspoon of olive oil on it. Well off he goes into an envelope back to HT, along with his defective Pers head and dodgy cape....
This is so annoying. Mine started leaking after about an hour of taking it out of the box. That was over a month ago. It is still leaking now. I normally have a couple of new figures on display in the living room for a short time. This one went straight into the collection room which I go into like once a week at most, and permenantly has tissue covering the stomach to stop oil building up and runnig down the body.

It would have been nice to have displayed this one prominently as a showpiece figure for a while.
Is HT doing anything further with this yet? Mine still has it, although only a little but still a worrying amount

Well I got a mail from HT saying they would replace mine, although I had a couple of other problems with my DX02.

I weighed up keeping it and living with it or sending it back to them, but had a look at it last night to discover it has gotten really bad, so off it goes for a month or so I guess.
It's going to take a month for Hot Toys to replace it? o_O

If it's getting mailed from the U.S., yeah, when I get overeas packages from that general area, takes a couple weeks, so figure a couple out and a couple back plus any processing time, it's not a quick turnaround that's for sure.
This issue better get fixed. I keep venturing back to this thread, hoping that there is some sort of development that figures this problem out.
If this problem is confirmed to be resolved there will be a dedicated thread for it for sure :D
If this problem is confirmed to be resolved there will be a dedicated thread for it for sure :D

Willpower if failing. I just bought a Joker so they BETTER figure this out. Me want's a Batman and I am not sure the original Dark Knight version is going to do.:(
If this problem is confirmed to be resolved there will be a dedicated thread for it for sure :D

I don't think the figure needs yet another thread, but certainly the enthusiastic posting will increase in the regular thread and this one.
I don't think the figure needs yet another thread, but certainly the enthusiastic posting will increase in the regular thread and this one.

But I really want to post or see a post like "HT you have reinstated my faith in you" kinda title :monkey3 It would be a huge deal and definetely better than the many posts some dude has up here announcing every single purchase he made so far :monkey3
But I really want to post or see a post like "HT you have reinstated my faith in you" kinda title :monkey3 It would be a huge deal and definetely better than the many posts some dude has up here announcing every single purchase he made so far :monkey3

I see what you did there.:lol
It'll be interesting to see what happens May onwards with the American's. Since Facebook seems dead with this whole fiasco.
I know :(
I am suffereing withdrawal symtoms from not having unboxed any new HTs for almost a month and I think I am seeing things for sure at times. I could have sworn I saw an announcement by HT that they will come out with a Harley Fatboy as well as a Burton Batmobile
I know :(
I am suffereing withdrawal symtoms from not having unboxed any new HTs for almost a month and I think I am seeing things for sure at times. I could have sworn I saw an announcement by HT that they will come out with a Harley Fatboy as well as a Burton Batmobile

I thought those were dispelled as "authors' wishlist ideas" a while back in the Terminator thread.

Any time withdrawl kicks in, I just futz with the Iron Man or Terminator figures. Usually fixes that. ;)
Working on bashes is my fix between releases...have Malcolm Reynolds, Indiana Jones and House in the works at the moment :lol
I haven't had a break between figures. For me it seems as though I have one after another. Maybe it's also because I'm still trying to find the older figures along with making some bashes. Buy some bodies, bits and pieces here and there then buying an old figure makes for no down time.