Dragon*Con 2007

Collector Freaks Forum

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Boba Fett

El Cazador de Hombres
Aug 20, 2006
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Behind you!

The wildest and wackiest sci-fi/fantasy convention in the U.S. is about to hit Atlanta, GA for a weekend of fun-filled mayhem, from August 31st through September 3rd! Attendees of Dragon*Con can stop by the Tolkien tracks, TheOneRing.net booth, or one of four Star Wars panels featuring Sideshow's own 3-D Development Manager, Heath Hammond, to snag a Sideshow Gift Card, worth between $10-$50 towards in-stock SideshowCollectibles.com stuff! Lucky recipients will need to follow the directions on the back of their Gift Cards and on the Gift Card homepage. We hope everyone has a blast at the Con this year!


So anyone here heading off to it? I'll be there registering on Thursday, so if anyone here wants to meet up, let me know.

I know IrishJedi(Carl) is attempting to organize some Sideshow meet-up on Friday, but I haven't heard anything new on this. Hopefully, Irish can elaborate on it, as I am pretty excited to hear that SideshowDusty and Chris may be showing up.

Otherwise, I hope to see you there for those who are going!

Unfortunately there will be no formal Freaks gathering at Dragon*Con this year. This is for a few reasons:

1) Dusty, Chris and Heath (who are all coming... yay!) are all rather booked up.

2) There really was not enough time to plan and prepare properly

3) Everyone is still recovering from the SDCC party, which would have been okay if not for reason #2.

Still, they are coming and I'm sure we'll all have ample opportunity to hang with them.

Also, Heath will be on a Droid Building panel with me on Sunday at 11:30 AM in the Star Wars track. :rock
I'll be there. It will be my first time attending Dragon Con so I'm really excited. I'm arriving early Friday Morning! Can't wait!
I'll be at TheOneRing.net booth most of the time, and attending all of Heath's panels (I think he's sitting in on 4 total), as well as Chris' 'Hobbit movie' panels, so come by and say hi! :chew
Awesome to hear, but bummer things fell through last minute, though. :monkey4

That being the case, count me in hanging around the panels and getting together. Should be fun!
I usualy go all four days, but for the first time in a while I'll just be doing one. I'll be there on saturday. My fiencee and I are going, Allong with some of our friends. Lcky for me I'm the only sideshow addict going :D SO if they pick up the cards too..... :monkey5 ( provided they have any left by saturday that is)

Is sideshow going to have their own booth this year? I know they did a few years ago, I remember them showing off the holy grail figures a few years back, WAY BEFORE I knew anything about the company.
if it weren't the first weekend of college football i'd make the drive over. sounds like fun though!
Yeah, it surprises me that Sideshow hasn't set up a booth at Dragon*Con after all this time. I'm sure they would attract a lot of people!

Anyway, this will probably be my last day here on the boards, then I'm heading down tomorrow.
Well, I'm back from Dragon*Con and took quite a few pics, plus attended a few panels with the Sideshow crew present, including one with Heath Hammond that was based on collecting.

As usual, it was tons of fun and here's some pics with Dusty and Chris:


Dusty and me


Chris hanging out with the Fett.


Collector's panel with Heath. He hinted at the next SW PF as to having a "lightsaber" with it. Have at the guesses.

Lastly, one with me and David Prowse: Darth Vader himself sharing a pint:

So how was the show? I need to hear stories of mischief. :wacky

I though about coming but when no Freaks gathering was confirmed and the fact Dusty, Heath and Chris were all booked up, I didn't see the need.
Dragon*Con freakin' rocks :rock I am still recovering! :chew

Throw away everything you think you know about fan conventions, because this one is like NOTHING you've ever seen before. Forget Comic-Con, D*Con is my all-time favorite con experience. Seriously, it's a non-stop party. All about the fans. All about the costumes. All about the parties. I didn't go to bed before 5 AM the whole time - walking around at 5:30 AM with people in full on, elaborate costumes, watching rolls of toilet paper fall from the 45th floor of the marriott, room parties, fandom parties, all of it - awesome! The panels were totally cool, just fans (and sometimes celebrities) sitting in a room and BS-ing with each other about their favorite stuff. I heard Comic-Con used to be like that, but now that it's all about the film industry it's changed. This is 100% fan oriented. A MUCH more relaxed environment.

Fritz - you should have come down! There were cash bars set up on every level of every hotel :lol

I heard that there were about 65,000 people there - anyone know if that's true? Seemed like it at times, but it didn't annoy me in the way that comic-con crowds do because there was so much to look at while stuck in crowd traffic.

Anyway, it was a great experience - I'm so glad I went. And it was great to see the few Freaks that did make it out :cool:
Damn, that sounded like a blast! Thanks for that Dusty! It's just what I was looking to hear since mischief is always good. LOL

They had bars on every level! :rock Although it wouldn't feel right sitting at a hotel bar without Dave, Bob and Thomas Jane. :D :duff
Sideshow Chris can confirm that we were both hammered on Saturday night. I don't recall myself heading back to my hotel room, but I guess I made it after all.

Dusty is right, though. It is a non-stop party. I've never been to Comic-Con, but if she states Dragon*Con is much more fun, then you can have it. I'd rather party for three days straight and drink than conform to a film industry convention. Like she said, D*C was always about the fans and I hope it never changes. I don't think I was sober any night. LOL!

I heard that there were about 65,000 people there - anyone know if that's true? Seemed like it at times, but it didn't annoy me in the way that comic-con crowds do because there was so much to look at while stuck in crowd traffic

From what I heard, you're about 5k off. I heard it was about 60k myself and it doesn't surprise me when all three main hotels were booked solid, along with the neighboring others.

Lastly, everyone needs to come down to D*C. Seriously. You won't be disappointed. Here are more picture goodies from it:




Pimp Vader!


Superman and Supergirl


"Makes Cambodia look like Kansas..."

Oh, and thanks for the lanyard, Dusty. ;)
Glad to see Dusty has discovered the wonders of Dragon*Con!

Here are some of my pics:

Yours truly as Zombie Banner w/ friend Bob as Zombie Punisher with MARVEL ZOMBIES artist Arthur Suydam:

She regenerated!

Zombie Punisher helping WORLD OF WARCRAFT Night Elf with her costume:

More Marvel Zombies:

I have no idea, but I dig it:

On the Droid Building 101 panel (Heath is to my left):

R2 Builders Table:

300... Pounds!

Me with good friends artist Sarah Wilkinson and writer Steve Niles (is Steve getting fresh with me or Sarah?):

Me with The Dusty!

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