Doctor Who: Song For Ten

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Malalaking Gagamba
Staff member
Super Moderator
Apr 2, 2006
Reaction score
76, Totter's Lane
I have not been able to get this AWESOME song from the end of the Series 2 opener "Christmas Invasion" out of my head. I looked on iTunes to see if I could find it and it was there.

I downloaded it and its some crappy different version of the same song. Why didn't they include the actual version from the series on the soundtrack?

So I figured out a way to rip it from a high quality stream and now I am happy.


Thank you for listening. :eek:
Pix, it was actually released on the BBC Website not this past Christmas but the Christmas before as a track so it's totally clean.
So where can we get the song? I haven't been impressed by a TV show soundtrack until recently. BSG is awesome, I can listen to the score all day long. And Who is a very close second - some great, cinematic music.
I love everything Who; except for Catherine Tate being the next seasons companion........

Indeed. The new series is only a couple of weeks away in the UK and it's the one major doubt I have about the quality. The bit of dialogue she had in the trailer didn't exactly do much to reassure me so I think I'll just have to tune her out as best I can. There's still plenty of things to look forward to though such as the return of the Ood,Sontarans,UNIT and Rose.
Cant agree more. there's Loads of little hints and snippets coming out regarding whats going to appear in the new series.

I dont mind Catherine Tate really that much. Dont think she's a great companion thogh but I guess we will have to see.

dont know if anyone saw the clip thats on youtube today regarding what they are filming at the moment on the streets of Cardiff. I wont post the link as its a HUGE spoiler for the finale.

all I can say is its gonna be AWESOME.
Cant agree more. there's Loads of little hints and snippets coming out regarding whats going to appear in the new series.

I dont mind Catherine Tate really that much. Dont think she's a great companion thogh but I guess we will have to see.

dont know if anyone saw the clip thats on youtube today regarding what they are filming at the moment on the streets of Cardiff. I wont post the link as its a HUGE spoiler for the finale.

all I can say is its gonna be AWESOME.


Go ahead. Post it. Those who want to see will follow it. Those who don't won't. :naughty
I was wondering why Song for Ten was different on the soundtrack than on the episode.

The music on this show is simply phenomenal, probably the best on television right now. Martha just debuted on Torchwood (I'm two weeks behind BBC America because I watch on HDNet) and was so glad to hear Murray Gold's Martha theme throughout the episode.

They still haven't released the second soundtrack in the US yet, I may have to import it...
Has the second Doctor Who soundtrack not been distributed here (US) in stores? I bought my copy a month or two ago from and I think they still have it.

This is the CD for the 3rd season with Martha's theme, This is Gallifrey, etc right? I like it better than the first soundtrack and have been playing it way too much.

If you get it, there is a code on the disc (I think that is where I found it, look for a number that relates to when the first ep. of the original series aired) that will let you get a free download of an extra track from the Silva Screen website. When you find the number google it to find out how to get the download.The track is a new version of the theme used in the most recent Christmas ep. (I haven't seen the episode but that's where it is supposed to come from.)
Has the second Doctor Who soundtrack not been distributed here (US) in stores? I bought my copy a month or two ago from and I think they still have it.

Hey, you're right! It looks like it was released at the end of January. I didn't hear anything about it's release, and I kind of gave up hope of it's release after months of looking after the UK release.

Thanks for the heads up!