Disney to Acquire Lucasfilm Ltd.

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I wonder if these movies will entirely negate the expanded universe post-Jedi books? Just curious...
I wonder if these movies will entirely negate the expanded universe post-Jedi books? Just curious...

Disney will probably try not to.

I would imagine they will take the opposite tack from Lucas, and actually try respecting the fans and the efforts that have gone on with his approval rather than rewrite history.
Yeah, after Disney spent 4 billion they're going to have their own ideas. Like hiring a director of their choosing.

Current staff to stay as is for awhile, guess it was part of the contact. Lucas as been working with these people (friends) for years he would not turn his back on them.

He built the Star Wars universe from nothing, it's his baby, I'm sure that contract was very specific about almost everything.
I'm speechless! I just read this story right now after getting home from work and was floored! I have not been this excited in ages! Fantastic news just for the fact that we're guaranteed more star wars fims! Possibilities are endless!
Like a lot of you here, I reacted to this news the way I did when I found out Disney was acquiring Pixar a few years back and, more recently, Marvel. But when you add this deal with Lucasfilm into the hopper, it's obvious Disney is looking beyond audiences merely interested in singing & dancing animals.

I can't help but imagine the possibilities that are in store for the Star Wars franchise, especially for Episode 7. When you look at who Disney's been courting lately over their other upcoming live-action properties, like David Fincher for "20,000 Leagues," Guillermo Del Toro for "Haunted Mansion," or Edgar Wright for "Ant-Man" (laugh if you must, but that movie is gonna be SWEET!), I have a feeling Star Wars will be in good hands.

Then again, John Carter happened under their watch, but I hope lessons were learned from that misstep. It was certainly no worse than Attack of the Clones!
Would not want to be the Disney receptionist who has to take all the calls from people with 'scripts' for movies based on the EU.

I'm of the opinion that they should distance themselves from the first six and use it as a chance to explore the wider universe, but I'm sure I'll be there for Ep7 on opening day with my kids anyway
The end of the world has gotta be around the corner, it's gotta be.

"Meh" news for me really. I thought Star Wars died years ago with the new millennium. Everything is just merging together and being recycled.

I still have the original trilogy and all the nostalgia and memories from the 70s, 80s and 90s. The best thing that can come out of this is the Original Trilogy (not new versions, or special editions but the originals) updated on blu ray/the latest home video option. I won't be prejudice against this but I'm not going to welcome it with open arms either. I don't care about the "new" Star Wars. I guess it's good for new generations and their "Star Wars", whatever the hell that is. Whatever happens, happens.
This may have been mentioned already, but I'd really like to see Dark Empire become Episodes VII-IX. Lucas has previously approved of the idea (hypothetically, of course).
The end of the world has gotta be around the corner, it's gotta be.

"Meh" news for me really. I thought Star Wars died years ago with the new millennium. Everything is just merging together and being recycled.

I still have the original trilogy and all the nostalgia and memories from the 70s, 80s and 90s. The best thing that can come out of this is the Original Trilogy (not new versions, or special editions but the originals) updated on blu ray/the latest home video option. I won't be prejudice against this but I'm not going to welcome it with open arms either. I don't care about the "new" Star Wars. I guess it's good for new generations and their "Star Wars", whatever the hell that is. Whatever happens, happens.

Will the DiFabio ever post something I don't agree with. :lecture

Maybe if you call my wife skinny. :lol