Media Dino Crisis Reboot?

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Super Freak
Apr 23, 2011
Reaction score

"So in the great scheme of things, there really aren’t many good dinosaur games. Every now and again we get something like Ark: Survival Evolved, and one or two of the Turok games were okay (when they weren’t generic FPS garbage or inventing Tobias Bruckner, a character so stupid he ended up being the basis for EGM’s ‘Best of the Worst’ awards) but for the most part we kinda just have the handful of terrible to mediocre Jurassic Park games to fall back on (with the best of those being a Tycoon style game). There was however, two really excellent dinosaur games. Capcom’s Dino Crisis and Dino Crisis 2, which were ostensibly sister games to the Resident Evil series (being helmed by the same creator, Shinji Mikami and playing very similar in a lot of respects, save for DC being significantly harder core).
Unfortunately, the series ended up falling under the same axe that a lot of Capcom’s older IPs got in the early 2000s, ending on a rather sad note on consoles with the terrible Dino Crisis 3 (which was essentially the Jason X of dinosaur games) and the series’ final release was an oft forgotten mobile game called Dino Crisis: Dungeon in Chaos. However, it might be seeing a comeback. Earlier last year, Dino Crisis was brought up by Tao Weishi (along with other Capcom franchises) as something he’d love to help them work on rebooting. Dino Crisis is back in the news again, as Resident Evil 7‘s producer, Masachika Kawata was asked about the series in an interview.
“I think if you were to create Dino Crisis with modern gaming technology it would be a really exciting prospect,”
He went on to explain that while he has “a hope for [it] in my heart”, he admitted that we shouldn’t get too excited just yet, stating that “There’s not currently any conversations happening [at Capcom], that I’m aware of”. Capcom has gone on record however as wanting to resurrect some of it’s older IPs, starting with Marvel vs Capcom: Infinite sometime this year.
There’s probably a few franchises in line before Capcom would get to Dino Crisis, most notably Devil May Cry comes to mind (despite solid review scores and sales numbers, fans were pretty divided on its 2013 reboot), and despite Mega Man appearing in lots of crossover games he hasn’t had a new title since 2010’s Mega Man 10. Don’t lose hope, however, Dino Crisis probably stands just as good a chance as other games like Clock Tower and Power Stone. We’ll see soon enough, I’m sure."
Didn't they said something similar with Onimusha not too long ago? I'll believe it when I see it.
I saw this earlier too. Would be nice... But let's do one remake at a time :lol I'd much prefer REmake 3.
Oh man, I loved the first Onimisha game. I'd love to see Dino Crisis and Onimusha get redone.

The second one was even better, probably one of my favorite PS2 games. The story and music was sooo good.

I saw this earlier too. Would be nice... But let's do one remake at a time :lol I'd much prefer REmake 3.

Let's not count our T-Viruses before they incubate. :lol
O man I'd love this so much. When was the last time we had a kick ass dinosaur game?
DC 2 is definitely one of those games that does not get mentioned enough in greatest games of all time conversations. It's so good. it constistantly ups it own ante. There's no part of that game that isn't fun or interesting...even the underwater segments are fun... BRING IT BACK!
DC 2 is definitely one of those games that does not get mentioned enough in greatest games of all time conversations. It's so good. it constistantly ups it own ante. There's no part of that game that isn't fun or interesting...even the underwater segments are fun... BRING IT BACK!

I prefer DC myself, slower, nicer graphics, great atmosphere.

Didn't they said something similar with Onimusha not too long ago? I'll believe it when I see it.

I need to replay Onimusa 1 and 2, great games.
I prefer DC myself, slower, nicer graphics, great atmosphere.

I need to replay Onimusa 1 and 2, great games.

DC is great too. It's a true survival horror game. Probably one of the hardest out there. You're on edge almost the entire time The environments get a little samey and bland though. What it lacks in enemy variety, it makes up for with every raptor encounter feeling like a life or death situation and every moment that T-rex shows was an event and something to actually be in awe of.

DC2 is actually a pretty different beast compared to DC1 and I enjoyed it for different reasons. It's almost pure action with a ton of content variety. Every turn of the corner seemed to give you something new. The giganotosaurus had such a great set up too. Back then I was legitimately shocked and excited when it showed up :lol It's one of my favorite gaming moments :rock
I never actually beat DC1 :lol but I did beat 2... loved the variety of weapons and heavy artillery you can use to take out the bigger dinos.
I suppose it was for performance purposes given you had many dinos on screen at once, while in DC it was usually one at a time.

But those 3d levels were just so nice and comfy.
Yeah that's probably right. I love the way DC was built. Simplistic, but atmospheric for the time. Part of the reason I hate Code Veronica is that it seemed to try to emulate DC, and didn't work at all. For me anyway.
I remember running away from my tv when the t.rex crashes through the window in the first game .
DC 2 is definitely one of those games that does not get mentioned enough in greatest games of all time conversations. It's so good. it constistantly ups it own ante. There's no part of that game that isn't fun or interesting...even the underwater segments are fun... BRING IT BACK!

Perfectly worded.