Dewback, Tauntaun, Rancor, etc.

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Super Freak
Jul 13, 2006
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How long til we see the SW beasts in some form? Full 1/6 scale, no comrprimise, fully articulated, with posable jaws... I'll buy them. PFs would be welcome, too.

I'm kind of leaning towards never, but then again, they did Jabba, so... maybe.
I would like these, but I'd rather not have them poseable. Think of them like a plastic statue for your figures to sit on.
The poseable animals done by Sideshow in 1:6 scale would be VERY cool. But if they were ever to do them (and I think they would, if the line wasn't dieing) I would prefer the vehicles first.
I'd love a Rancor or Wampa... I think the Wampa is probably the most likely to be made since he wouldn't have to be incredibly huge.

Still, probably not gonna happen.
Sideshow has the JP license. Rubberized dinos with internal mechanical skeletons would be pretty cool. Imagine a poseable T-rex and raptors.
Sideshow has the JP license. Rubberized dinos with internal mechanical skeletons would be pretty cool. Imagine a poseable T-rex and raptors.

Hell yeah! Statues are cool, but limited in what they can offer, especially for JP. They can sell them as studio scale models.
I have all of these creatures from Gentle Giant and they are great pieces. I don't know if I need to repurchase them. I prefer static sculpted pieces to poseable ones, anyway.
Hasbro did the Wampa, Taun-Taun, Dewback and the Speederbikes in 12", why not sideshow?
i would like to see something a lil' more feasible as in the wampa..........which could pave the way for a .......:chew. a rancor would be outta this world but highly unlikely. though i would purchase one in a second. the vehicles????.......well.......let's hold out hope with hot toys.......they seem eager to have the chance at a go at them. time will tell :D.
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I personally would love to see a 1/6th scale Imperial Prode Droid, the kind that we saw on Hoth. :wacky