DCC - Batman: Arkham Figure Series (Origins, Asylum, City, Knight)

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Re: DC Collectibles - Batman: Arkham figure series (Origins,Asylum,City)

Next up....

The Joker -
Am I seeing Heath Ledger with a mix of Hamill's Justice League Unlimited style Joker in this? Because I think I am, and in doing that, they've succeeded in greatly appeasing this particular fan of both looks. It's no spoiler at this point that Joker steals Black Mask's thunder early in the game (a real shame for a Sionis fan like me) but given that the story of Arkham Origins feels like an idealized version of TDK and TDKR (literally put Heath's Joker and Hardy's Bane in one story instead of two) and it definitely won me over. Will the figure do the same for me? Almost but not quite. Articulation-wise he's a bit above Black Mask but just barely (I should mention that both are truly greatly hindered by the fact that they lack balljoint shoulders). That said, with some creativity, you can still get him into some Joker-esque poses the same way that you can easily improvise with Black Mask's severe lack of articulation. The paint apps are standard work from DCD and I find that although he does look muted in color, it works in depicting the gritty look of this version of the character. The head sculpt looks great, and I love the way his hair flairs out at the back, giving that bit of the BTAS/JLU-inspired look to his design.

The biggest shame about this one that sort of puts him in worse ground than Black Mask are the CLOSED FISTS. Why closed fists DCD?! Give us a revolver, a knife, a machine gun. Hell some splayed hands will work wonders in making this figure work much better. Beyond that, this is pretty much a solid figure DCD figure with no accessories that visually looks cool. That said, it's another Joker figure, and unless you're a fan of the design/interpretation of the character (like me), I'd say he isn't entirely a must-have figure.





Re: DC Collectibles - Batman: Arkham figure series (Origins,Asylum,City)

Bane -
This is a HUGE figure, or rather a damn tall one that just looks absolutely awesome on the shelf and did I mention that he costs the SAME PRICE as all the other figures in this series? He'll tower most of your average Bat-figures and it's absolutely amazing to look at, but the superb sculpting just makes him look proportionally plausible to the point that he actually LOOKS like a tall person than an exaggerated lump of muscle (i.e. Arkham Asylum Bane). I'll go the extra mile and say that this is one of the BEST interpretations of Bane in the longest time though. Arkham Origins took the best of Hardy's Bane (global mythic status, underground group of mercenaries using the sewers, military aesthetic) and Knightfall's Bane (Batman-oriented goal with same backstory, mannerisms and unmasked appearance, depiction of his manipulative intelligence, speed and strength, attacking the Bat Cave albeit Alfred instead of Bruce) and it made for such a brilliant version of Bane.

This is the first figure that you can tell where DCD spent the budget on (all while shafting Sionis and Joker), and it's definitely evident if you just look at this fine piece of work. While he has limited range, the articulation is great and if you push those joints far enough you CAN actually get him into some decent fighting poses. I've seen way too many people get too scared to move the damn thing in fear of breakage for some reason, and it just doesn't do the figure justice when you tell your audience that it barely moves when you barely even tried moving it yourself. I think it needs to be said that mine is slightly repainted already as I've added a more gritty look to the way the white paint is applied to his mask (to further make it more game-accurate) and the red outlines near the eyes holes. That said, even without the repaint this guy looks solid paint-wise and if you're not as nit-picky as I am, I'm sure you'd barely even notice those issues in the paint apps. Overall a fantastic figure of a fantastic version in what is probably best depiction of the character since his original depiction in the comics. Hell it made me abandon my chase for the Mattel CnC Bane simply because of how unique and imposing this looks, not to mention how it's finally a depiction of Bane that pays absolute respect to the character.







Re: DC Collectibles - Batman: Arkham figure series (Origins,Asylum,City)

Batman -

Well then, THIS is where pretty much nearly all the budget went if you ask me. And BY GOD it is a masterpiece of a figure and a triumph for DCD.
Did DCD even make this? Holy---- Let's let the figure speak for itself.







So yeah, it's that damn good. Only real downside is the lack of a batarang or any accessories, though I'll admit that this is one of those times where I can easily let it slide due to the overall quality of the figure. For me, this just trumps the previous multi-articulated Arkham Batman figure and it already serves as my most favorite Batman figure to date. If you HAVE to get one from this line, this figure right here is the only one you'll need (unless you're already sick of Batman already then I'd say that Bane is the next best figure in this series).
Re: DC Collectibles - Batman: Arkham figure series (Origins,Asylum,City)

So to sum up, while some figures aren't that great, they're marginally held up by their appealing design (Sionis & Joker), while others just completely top the mark and even serve as some of the best figures you'll ever find of the characters (Batman & Bane). That said, while some were disappointed to find that Deathstroke wasn't in this first series, I'll admit I'm a bit biased in terms of the character choices for this first series. Two of my top most fave bat-villains in what are some of their best redesigns (Sionis) and interpretations (Bane) to date? The two sworn enemies that are none other than the frachise' main protagonist (Batman) and his respective arch-nemesis (Joker)?

Needless to say despite the shortcomings, I was still very pleased with this first series, and with the prospect of characters like Deathstroke and Deadshot seemingly getting the EXACT treatment as the Batman figure in this series when it comes to articulation, well then I say bring on the next series DCD! Until then enjoy these extra pics:









Re: DC Collectibles - Batman: Arkham figure series (Origins,Asylum,City)

Great photo review ronri :goodpost::goodpost::goodpost:

Agree with you completely, that Batman is a masterpiece and just the best Batman on this scale to date, I'm glad I got 2, DC collectibles is really stepping up the game.

I can't wait for Deathstroke, the Greg Capullo line, and the new 52 villains.

I hope they tackle Superman soon, I can only imagine the awesomeness I we get a Rags Morales jeans and tee Superman.
Re: DC Collectibles - Batman: Arkham figure series (Origins,Asylum,City)

Get a blowdryer on hottest setting and heat the cape up for 30 secs- 1 min, then find a way to firmly keep the cape in the position you want and leave it there to cool off completely, best result is to leave it in the right position for like a night or so, a long time. Maybe put it between two books to flatten it out? If you see improvement, but not enough, you could repeat it a couple of times, or use cold water or ice to cool it down more rapidly. Only thing I can think of but it should work... I've straightened plenty of soft plastic out this way.

Thanks for that tip. I tried packing behind the cape with paper to see if it would move it back into shape but will try the hairdryer trick.
Re: DC Collectibles - Batman: Arkham figure series (Origins,Asylum,City)

Fantastic photos ronri! Great reviews too!

I finally got my Hammer & Sickle figures delivered today. They're awesome!! They look so much better in-hand and actually feel quite weighty too. Very much deluxe figures. Shame they didn't come as a 2-pack together, but then I actually prefer the paint apps on this Penguin repaint so it doesn't bother me too much. The twins definitely make great additions to the Arkham city line-up! :D

Now just the looooong wait until Two-Face is released and the AC line-up will be complete! (until they announce a deluxe Clayface that is :p)
Re: DC Collectibles - Batman: Arkham figure series (Origins,Asylum,City)

And a calendar man SFA
Re: DC Collectibles - Batman: Arkham figure series (Origins,Asylum,City)

how likely is a clayface figure? because i'm not willing to pick up a mattel clayface just yet
Re: DC Collectibles - Batman: Arkham figure series (Origins,Asylum,City)

^ and a Black Mask too!

Definitely agree, I have no interest in the origins figure. We need the city version with the hair and everything. I know he wasn't much of a big part in the game but I love the characters representation in the game and arkham comics. Other characters with very little in game roles got figures like, Hush, and Azrael, and Nightwing was only in the game in DLC. I know it is very unlikely as we have just gotten an origins black mask and city is kind of old news. But Two-face is finally coming out so maybe they can sneak in a final line up of city figures.
Re: DC Collectibles - Batman: Arkham figure series (Origins,Asylum,City)

how likely is a clayface figure? because i'm not willing to pick up a mattel clayface just yet

I feel like clayface is definitely still a possibility. Origins doesn't offer many options for larger deluxe style figures and croc and bane are already being released as basic figures. Since asylum croc was released alongside the city line, I can still see him coming out. There is definitely an evident demand and you can see it written all over DC's facebook page with every new post they make. With the amount they make on those deluxe figures it would be stupid for them not to sell it.
I can also see DC with keeping with their ridiculous 2-packs where you keep buying figures you already own, they might do a clayface pack with a clay covered batman and throw in ras' sword. DC almost never misses a chance to sell another batman figure.
Re: DC Collectibles - Batman: Arkham figure series (Origins,Asylum,City)

those are good points,I really am hoping for a clayface
Re: DC Collectibles - Batman: Arkham figure series (Origins,Asylum,City)

How do you do the hair dryer and cold water trick exactly? I need to fix my BM figure's legs so he'll stand properly.
Re: DC Collectibles - Batman: Arkham figure series (Origins,Asylum,City)

^ I think the legs are hard plastic, Im not sure, but with a hairdryer it's really simple: hottest setting (too hot to keep close on your skin) and just keep it underneath the airstream for 0.5-1 min. Any soft plastic will have become completely pliable. Then you have to get it in the position you want and let it cool down, the faster it cools down, the better it works in my experience. Although time is also a factor, the longer it remains forced in the right position, the better it'll stay afterward.

But again, this has zero effect on hard plastic, and I think DCC uses hard plastic for limbs and bodies, not sure.
Re: DC Collectibles - Batman: Arkham figure series (Origins,Asylum,City)

^ I think the legs are hard plastic, Im not sure, but with a hairdryer it's really simple: hottest setting (too hot to keep close on your skin) and just keep it underneath the airstream for 0.5-1 min. Any soft plastic will have become completely pliable. Then you have to get it in the position you want and let it cool down, the faster it cools down, the better it works in my experience. Although time is also a factor, the longer it remains forced in the right position, the better it'll stay afterward.

But again, this has zero effect on hard plastic, and I think DCC uses hard plastic for limbs and bodies, not sure.

Pretty much this, but Black Mask's legs are actually soft enough to morph them into shape just enough to get that right adjustment. While I had no problems keeping BM figure standing, every time I put him on the table and someone bumped it, he'd always fall over. Being the nit-picky person that I am, I got annoyed with that and so I went about heating up the legs and cooling it down and voila! The figure could literally keep standing on its own even when I'm purposely bumping the table he's standing on (the figure even jumped and landed squarely for a second when I pushed the table too hard just to try and make it fall).

Use the hair dryer and heat up the legs for at least 1-2 minutes. Afterwards, you can bend around the knee area and adjust the way his legs are bent. For mine, I bent the right knee and adjusted the plastic around the right ankle so it's straightened out a bit. I also bent the left knee by a small margin just to keep that uniformed look. All of this was done so the right leg doesn't always have to be pushed too far back just to make him stand (originally I had to always push his legs far back just to keep him upright, now he just looks normal the way he's standing).

Once you get the vague position you want, keep those positions nice and firm with your hands and hold them steady. Take them to the nearest tap/faucet and douse the whole figure under cold water. Another alternative to this is to have a big bowl/container with cold water right next to you and you can just dunk him in along with your hands (keeping the figure steady with your hands is essential because otherwise if you let go, the figure might bend back into its original shape). Just to be sure, I put mine in the freezer afterwards for literally 30 minutes to an hour just so it stays with the new position as it cools the figure, down to the last bit of internal plastic in there.

It's pretty easy to do, and in the case of Black Mask's legs (which are very easy to bend around once you've heated them up), it's actually a fun case of trial and error, and a simple matter of choosing what kind of leg stance you want him in. The photos in my review a few pages back already has his legs modified so that gives you an idea on how it looks pretty damn seamless. Not only does it improve the figure's stability, but it actually makes it much more fun to pose him around even with the limited articulation.

If you want I can take a photo of my modded figure from the side, to sort of give you an idea on how his legs were originally positioned in comparison to how it looks now.
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Re: DC Collectibles - Batman: Arkham figure series (Origins,Asylum,City)

Pretty much this, but Black Mask's legs are actually soft enough to morph them into shape just enough to get that right adjustment. While I had no problems keeping BM figure standing, every time I put him on the table and someone bumped it, he'd always fall over. Being the nit-picky person that I am, I got annoyed with that and so I went about heating up the legs and cooling it down and voila! The figure could literally keep standing on its own even when I'm purposely bumping the table he's standing on (the figure even jumped and landed squarely for a second when I pushed the table too hard just to try and make it fall).

Use the hair dryer and heat up the legs for at least 1-2 minutes. Afterwards, you can bend around the knee area and adjust the way his legs are bent. For mine, I bent the right knee and adjusted the plastic around the right ankle so it's straightened out a bit. I also bent the left knee by a small margin just to keep that uniformed look. All of this was done so the right leg doesn't always have to be pushed too far back just to make him stand (originally I had to always push his legs far back just to keep him upright, now he just looks normal the way he's standing).

Once you get the vague position you want, keep those positions nice and firm with your hands and hold them steady. Take them to the nearest tap/faucet and douse the whole figure under cold water. Another alternative to this is to have a big bowl/container with cold water right next to you and you can just dunk him in along with your hands (keeping the figure steady with your hands is essential because otherwise if you let go, the figure might bend back into its original shape). Just to be sure, I put mine in the freezer afterwards for literally 30 minutes to an hour just so it stays with the new position as cools the figure down to the last bit of internal plastic in there.

It's pretty easy to do, and in the case of Black Mask's legs (which are very easy to bend around once you've heated them up), it's actually a fun case of trial and error, and seeing what kind of leg stance you want him in. The photos in my review a few pages back already has his legs modified so that gives you an idea on how it looks pretty damn seamless. Not only does it improve the figure's stability, but it actually makes it much more fun to pose him around even with the limited articulation.

If you want I can take a photo of my modded figure from the side, to sort of give you an idea on how his legs were originally positioned in comparison to how it looks now.
Please and Thank You.:hi5:
Re: DC Collectibles - Batman: Arkham figure series (Origins,Asylum,City)

I'd really like to see an Initiation Bruce Wayne figure. Finally a non-Batsuited Wayne worth making ...


Re: DC Collectibles - Batman: Arkham figure series (Origins,Asylum,City)

Thought I'd mention that entertainment earth has some big arkham sales on today.

30 for bane and batman 2 pack
60 for solomon grundy with free shipping
25 for hammer and harley

Was pretty rattled I already got bane and hammer packs but since I'm in Canada the shipping costs break even again anyway.