DCC - Batman: Arkham Figure Series (Origins, Asylum, City, Knight)

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Re: DC Collectibles - Batman: Arkham figure series (Origins,Asylum,City)

Ok here is pic of my AA series 1 batman next to the AC series 3 batman next to the AA 2-pack batman.

As you can see there some slight difference with the 2-pack batman mainly the color so this one will match the color of the series 3 batman. I was upset that the logo on the chest is different than series 1 batman but other than that is just a simple repaint. It's still a cool figure and will be good for those who was not able to get the series 1 batman the first time around.

Wow! Thanks a lot! Really. Needed a shot like this lol the series 1 AA batman looks the best. The paint apps look better and is it me, or does he look a bit bigger or thicker than the other two. More accurate in my eyes, maybe I'll try for him then. Hope we get some pics of the 1/4 AO bats soon, it's looking really good. Thanks again

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Re: DC Collectibles - Batman: Arkham figure series (Origins,Asylum,City)

That batman is the same from Arkham Asylum series 1 just in all black/grey and not blue/black/grey.
Re: DC Collectibles - Batman: Arkham figure series (Origins,Asylum,City)

The Bane pack Batman is the exact same figure sculpt wise as the AA Series 1 EXCEPT he has the torso from the AC Batmans without the raised Bat Logo. Unfortunately DC Direct put the City Bat Logo on his chest instead of the Asylum one. :slap

Honestly, he has to be the most boring Batman they've made. He just looks so much like AC Series 3 it's barely noticeable unless you look closely at the belt, gauntlets, and boots. If they just would have made him a lighter shade of grey it would have been pretty cool, since the only real problem with the AA Series 1 is he was based on certain lighting in the game where his armour looked blue, but I personally like it. If this was the alternate lighting version, it might have been worth it.

I guess it's just a trend with new DC Direct Two Packs. One amazing figure, and a half-assed rerelease.
Re: DC Collectibles - Batman: Arkham figure series (Origins,Asylum,City)

The paint apps look better and is it me, or does he look a bit bigger or thicker than the other two.
@ Yodasodabo,
in the pic i didnt really set them perfectly so it may look off i just did it to show the color variants. the AA series 1 batman is slightly taller but by a cm, it looks like the AC batman torse shrink a bit so when i put the AA and AA 2 pack side by side the 2pack is a tad short.

The Bane pack Batman is the exact same figure sculpt wise as the AA Series 1 EXCEPT he has the torso from the AC Batmans without the raised Bat Logo. Unfortunately DC Direct put the City Bat Logo on his chest instead of the Asylum one. :slap

I guess it's just a trend with new DC Direct Two Packs. One amazing figure, and a half-assed rerelease.

@ The Penguin,
yeah i notice it during wondercon or at NYCC the logo on batman is the AC one not the AA. in the promo pics they showed online has the correct symbol, but i have no idea what happen inbetween and the symbol changed to me it looks off and feels like a hybrid of the two figures.

you i think thats the point they make new figures and put with releases of the previous one with little to no paint so they can up the price.
Re: DC Collectibles - Batman: Arkham figure series (Origins,Asylum,City)

If you pay $35 your soul will finally find rest, for your collection will be complete.

He came already, and totally worth it. Real pleased with this guy.
I also had an order for Robin that fell through from last week but managed to find him again for a better deal at a place out in Alberta and ordered their last two so I could trade the second.
Re: DC Collectibles - Batman: Arkham figure series (Origins,Asylum,City)

Just got the collectors edition for arkham origins. It's awesome! A season pass and all the dlc would've topped it off but anyway, does anyone know if the joker statue the same scale, or close to, this line?

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Re: DC Collectibles - Batman: Arkham figure series (Origins,Asylum,City)

He came already, and totally worth it. Real pleased with this guy.
I also had an order for Robin that fell through from last week but managed to find him again for a better deal at a place out in Alberta and ordered their last two so I could trade the second.

Haha nice :hi5: it feels great to fatten your collection.

I actually ordered 2 AO Batmans so I could sell one but now that I have it, I don't want to :lol I'll keep one mint!
Re: DC Collectibles - Batman: Arkham figure series (Origins,Asylum,City)

Just got the collectors edition for arkham origins. It's awesome! A season pass and all the dlc would've topped it off but anyway, does anyone know if the joker statue the same scale, or close to, this line?

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It is, more or less, I've seen a lot of pictures of many 6/7" figures posing next to the statue so it can't be too far off, I'm guessing the Joker figure is on scale.

I was trying to find pictures but I can't find them, they've used the statue with Marvel legends figures and DC figures quite a lot on the ACBA fb page.
Re: DC Collectibles - Batman: Arkham figure series (Origins,Asylum,City)

It is, more or less, I've seen a lot of pictures of many 6/7" figures posing next to the statue so it can't be too far off, I'm guessing the Joker figure is on scale.

I was trying to find pictures but I can't find them, they've used the statue with Marvel legends figures and DC figures quite a lot on the ACBA fb page.

Oh I see. Thanks I always loved this line, just never bought any, idk why... But I did get a penguin last year that I never opened

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Re: DC Collectibles - Batman: Arkham figure series (Origins,Asylum,City)

Well I just got both my Penguin & Sickle and Harley Quinn and Mr. Hammer two packs earlier this week so I'm here to give my two cents.

Off the bat, Hammer and Sickle are pretty good figures. They have a good amount of articulation, the paint apps and sculpts are almost dead on and they look great amongst the rest of my collection. The only major flaw is with how well they stand, they require a bit of help in that area. Bare in mind, once you get them to stand they stand very well but they can't stand fully up, at least Mr. Hammer can't thanks to the way his knee joints are cut.

Harley and Penguin are the exact same figures we've got before just with light paint apps...which actually work for Harley. I don't know but for some reason I like the paint apps on this figure better than the original. Maybe its because it resembles the original color scheme on the animated Harley Quinn more. But that's just me, the only real improved paint app for the Penguin figure is on the umbrella, which comes off as a shiner metal and the blood on the end stands out more.

Overall...I'm happy with these two packs. What are your thoughts on these two packs?
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Re: DC Collectibles - Batman: Arkham figure series (Origins,Asylum,City)

Anyone every done a complete ranking of the arkham figure series? Independent of cost, just how everyone feels the figures line up with each other. And also any figures anyone was especially let down by?
I imagine detective mode batman would be at the bottom of my list with the mad hatter, and then Freeze and scarecrow at the top. And while I loved Nightwing and Robin's in game renderings, I felt both figures were a letdown. I'm still really glad we got them and do love them, I just think they would have been my favourites if they were done right.

p.s. I managed to get my hands on an extra Robin if any collectors in ontario are still in need.
Re: DC Collectibles - Batman: Arkham figure series (Origins,Asylum,City)

Anyways I feel like I shouldn't rank anything I don't personally own and cant form a proper opinion on but this is my list.

1/2. Scarecrow - Cannot stop looking at this guy on my shelf. That mask is amazing, the stitching is amazing, his little powder sack is unreasonably detailed. The toxin glove isn't ideal but once I replace the needles with some real ones he'll be perfect.
2/1. Mr. Freeze - Loved him since i opened him. So many intricacies. Price wasn't an issue because i got him on clearance at BBTS. Wish the blues were lighter though
3. Asylum Joker - Insanely well executed figure with the best accessory ever!
4. Infected Batman - I know almost no one agrees with me here but, I love him and I got the best one I've ever seen. The detailing on the belt alone is magnificent, his face doesn't have the weird gloss and the infection is toned down on mine, I never get over how cool the curling cape blowing in the wind is, and his suit is quite a bit darker than the series 3 which I really like.
5. Origins Bane - Good scale and basic figure price, not too posable but the details are amazing. Wish the tubes were done differently, translucent would be cool. Asylum 2 pack is coming for christmas so he might take his spot in the main display.
6. Origins batman - Wicked figure, amazing articulation. Head sculpt is perfect to me. The colouring seems a little off to me though and I really would have preferred bicep swivel, the armour even parts there.
7. Hush - Perfectly executed in my opinion, I stare at the coat for days, The suit is detailed perfectly, really think this one is one of the most underrated in the series. By far the best to come out of series 2. Didn't like the guns much, but no real complaints.
8. Nightwing - Hate this thing as much as I love it. Could have been perfect and it seems like everything is there but its just off in a lot of ways. Hate the Hips especially, but am so impressed with the escrima sticks.
9. Azrael - Not in love with the figure but it was executed insanely well and really detailed. I had to fix the gauntlet blades and flame blade thing but those things are always warped.
10. Riddler - Would have had him way higher on the list because I love this thing so much, but it is far from perfect. Love the hat cane and outfit, but the face is awful. I always have him looking down and to one side, with the hat almost over his eyes so he looks good in the periphery. And I almost broke his arm off trying to get that damn cane in his hand.
11. Robin - Love it, but hate it. Almost all of the plastic colours seem off. The bo used in the game was so cool and intricately detailed and really screwed us with the stick, at least there is one though unlike with mattel's
12. Zsasz - A lot of great details and the pre posing doesnt bother me that much since these are display figures for me anyways, I just never loved the figure. I got him for $17 quite recently though even though he's gone through the roof online so I thought I couldn't pass it up. Glad I have him, just not in love with the figure.
13. Penguin - I dont mind the pre posed figure, he wasn't gunna do anything cool anyway. Really glad they gave him the hat. He never wore it in the game but I like it for a more traditional look. I hate the skin tone though, and I really hate the blood around the eye and neck. Would have looked better unpainted because it's just supposed to be scarring. I am really glad I have him though, I always loved penguin but the rest of the line is just so amazing he doesn't quite match up to them
14. Talia - Got her for $5 and I almost regret it. I feel like she compromises the look of my entire display. Her Jacket has some cool details but nothing to the rest of the line. Her one arm broke on its own. I hate her face. She is impossible to stand. I am also really unlucky that her one foot with a peg hole is the one that is slightly warped inward so i cant even use a stand to help.

That was a lot longer than I had planned. Just wanted to make a list but thought I should give reason to my rankings.
Re: DC Collectibles - Batman: Arkham figure series (Origins,Asylum,City)

I just wanted to say, the most disappointing thing about Origins to me, is the fact that's it's not at all disappoiting, in fact a lot about is a great setup, worthy of the series, but there are just so many missed opportunities and I really think the plot unfolding was a mistake that actually ruins a more broad spectrum of story arcs.
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Re: DC Collectibles - Batman: Arkham figure series (Origins,Asylum,City)

Thank you delivery man
Re: DC Collectibles - Batman: Arkham figure series (Origins,Asylum,City)

I got my Bane and Batman double pack today. Bane is a superb figure with great detail, though it is somewhat weird that the tank on the back comes away but cannot be removed due to the tubes!

I have a slight problem with my Batman though and am wondering if anybody has any tips for me. Because they feed Batman's cape through a hole in the plastic packaging I had trouble getting it out and it now has this almost weird kink init where it sort of folds in then back out. Does anybody have any idea how to get rid of it?

Oh also Origins Batman Origins and Bane are also great.
Re: DC Collectibles - Batman: Arkham figure series (Origins,Asylum,City)

How did score those Robins? Trying to find one for cheap myself.

I got him at an online shop from Alberta. They had two and were only 15 bucks each. The shipping was twenty bucks, but when i got both they came out to 25 bucks apiece.
Re: DC Collectibles - Batman: Arkham figure series (Origins,Asylum,City)

I got my Bane and Batman double pack today. Bane is a superb figure with great detail, though it is somewhat weird that the tank on the back comes away but cannot be removed due to the tubes!

I have a slight problem with my Batman though and am wondering if anybody has any tips for me. Because they feed Batman's cape through a hole in the plastic packaging I had trouble getting it out and it now has this almost weird kink init where it sort of folds in then back out. Does anybody have any idea how to get rid of it?

Oh also Origins Batman Origins and Bane are also great.

Get a blowdryer on hottest setting and heat the cape up for 30 secs- 1 min, then find a way to firmly keep the cape in the position you want and leave it there to cool off completely, best result is to leave it in the right position for like a night or so, a long time. Maybe put it between two books to flatten it out? If you see improvement, but not enough, you could repeat it a couple of times, or use cold water or ice to cool it down more rapidly. Only thing I can think of but it should work... I've straightened plenty of soft plastic out this way.
Re: DC Collectibles - Batman: Arkham figure series (Origins,Asylum,City)


A little late to the party buuuut.....

Gonna give you all my own short little review on each one of them along with a whole slew of photos, starting with....

Black Mask -
LOVE the new update on Black Mask's design, pretty much a direct lift from his "The Batman" white-suited look which I personally find serves as a better look than the usual all-black suit appearance and grittier depictions as of recent. In Arkham Origins they pretty much went back to basics with the character and made his mask removable (in-game of course) similar to his original non-skull-face version. That said, while this figure looks gorgeous at first glance, execution-wise I feel like DCD dropped the ball on this one (or maybe Gentle Giant? since they're credited at the back of the packaging). Lackluster articulation is pretty much the only way to describe this, and this is pretty disappointing even for a DCD figure. You can't help but feel like the saved the budget elsewhere *cough*Batman & Bane*cough*. Even the wash on the figure seems haphazard along with the gloppy paint apps on the tie (I should note that he does have a nice-looking pearly white appearance to his paint apps which eases a bit of this gripe for me).

That said, despite minimal articulation and the shoddy weathering on the suit, the head LOOKS great, so I guess they at least got it right where it counted. Even the balljoint head makes a huge difference in giving this guy some personality and character on your shelf. Don't want him just standing around? Have him pointing at something or beckoning someone in a fight. Too tame? Have him pointing his guns at someone. Too simple? Have him look as if he's taunting with his guns. One little gripe is that depending on the mold (as I've seen this vary across different reviewers), his legs can serve as a headache in keeping him standing if its bent to far forward. It's an easy enough fix with the use of the ol' hair dryer+cold water trick so you can bend and adjust his knees to get that right balance, but it's still worth noting if you ever get one that's prone to falling over. Overall I'll say this right now, with such below average articulation this isn't a must-have figure AT ALL, but for fans of Black Mask (such as myself who's pretty much fallen for his original non-face-grafted-appearance and look in "The Batman"), the idea of a back-to-basics in concept with an updated look ain't such a bad deal.






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