Darth Maul – STAR WARS Mythos Statue

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I got around to displaying the second portrait and it did not sit flush, resulting in a huge seam. Hopefully SS will send me a new one, even though I am outside the 40 day window.
Re: Darth Vader (Mythos) Statue

Gotta admit I really like this. I try to stick to pfs but this looks to good

I just a $50 credit from ss for bei g with them 10 years. Think I'm gonna use it on this
Re: Darth Vader (Mythos) Statue

Gotta admit I really like this. I try to stick to pfs but this looks to good

I just a $50 credit from ss for bei g with them 10 years. Think I'm gonna use it on this

You can't. That code is for gift card items only.
Re: Darth Vader (Mythos) Statue


I think ur right. Hard to believe iv been doing this so long and still forget these awkward rules...so what's in stock that's cool

Nothing. :thud:

The Dewback looks cool and well priced now, I've always wanted that as a display with the sandtrooper if your into Hot Toys. I'm not into Hot Toys anymore but I do like that set up.
They may. They hooked me up when my chromed CC helmet started peeling long after delivery.

Damn, I hate liking a prequel statue this much! :mad:
Colour difference.


Is it just me, or does Cyborg Maul almost look orange?
Coming from someone who owns him, he is orange. They literally painted (cyborg) Darth Maul orange. Seriously. Orange. The character that is famous for his red skin and black tattoos. Orange.

The orange isn't as bright as in that photo, but it's still orange.
Got mine today, just opened it!! Here r my thoughts:
- the packing not very good, no QA seal and you cant tell which side from the white box you should remove, I opened the wrong side & every thing was out of order! WTF sideshow!
- Wow he exceeded my expectations! Looks great & the pose are awesome, now I cant wait to see the rest displayed together!!!
- the scale is not as small as I thought, not PF big but very representable
- the certificate of authenticity is a nice touch !
- if u r a Darth Maul fan, u cant go wrong with this price, I actually got him using my rewards point! Glad I order it just before the estimation shipping date pushed to April!

A quick pic! More to follow
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Is it just me, or does Cyborg Maul almost look orange?

Orange is one word, another is retarded. :pfft:

I can't stand that piece; the overextended lean, the horns, the face, the legs, the orange coloring... it all irks me. What a way to destroy an unbelievably cool character.

Sorry, just me :gah:
Orange is one word, another is retarded. :pfft:

I can't stand that piece; the overextended lean, the horns, the face, the legs, the orange coloring... it all irks me. What a way to destroy an unbelievably cool character.

Sorry, just me :gah:

I actually quite like the piece, I love the fact they steered clear of the over used "museum pose", it remains one of the best poses used in a star wars PF to date, and the fact they stayed true to the old wounds story is fantastic.

It annoys me that the clone wars stole his design and made his return canon though.

And I will agree that the colour is all wrong, I may try find a painter to repaint him for me.
Yeah, the pose on Cyborg Maul is brilliant. Couldn't have asked for a better one.

Just received my Mythos Maul. Now to open him...
Hes fantastic his lightsaber is huge! I campare them general grievous and there a bout half an inch smaller. I can't wait to see obi wan... its gonna be legendary!
:lecture Actually, there is another "legendary" Darth Maul, but I'd steer clear away from that one. :panic:
First of all, the box art is fantastic. I don't know if SS came up with that or if it's from a comic, but it's really beautiful.

Okay, statue looks great but I have a few issues.

1. There's a tiny paint chip on his left pectoral and on his right eyebrow. They're both on black areas. Rather than get an entire replacement, I figure I will attempt painting them in myself. Can anyone tell me what type of paint to use? And what kind of brush? I'm clueless when it comes to this sort of thing.

2. His lightsaber wielding hand as well as the lightsaber blades are incredibly loose and won't stay in. How can I fix this? Can I just use some sort of putty? Would that damage the paint or completely harden overtime making the pieces unremovable?

I really like the statue. The colors are perfect, especially the red. One complaint I have is that the eyes on the menacing head aren't equal. I think I can live with it, but it is annoying.
if you really really wanna stick the hand and blades permanent on it.. you can use some epoxy. two part epoxy in liquid format. You can get that everywhere. Just dont use to much and make sure not to spill it on the statue to avoid damage on the statue.


about the paint, you can just use acrylic I would suggest. Tamiya is very very good !
First of all, the box art is fantastic. I don't know if SS came up with that or if it's from a comic, but it's really beautiful.

Okay, statue looks great but I have a few issues.

1. There's a tiny paint chip on his left pectoral and on his right eyebrow. They're both on black areas. Rather than get an entire replacement, I figure I will attempt painting them in myself. Can anyone tell me what type of paint to use? And what kind of brush? I'm clueless when it comes to this sort of thing.

2. His lightsaber wielding hand as well as the lightsaber blades are incredibly loose and won't stay in. How can I fix this? Can I just use some sort of putty? Would that damage the paint or completely harden overtime making the pieces unremovable?

I really like the statue. The colors are perfect, especially the red. One complaint I have is that the eyes on the menacing head aren't equal. I think I can live with it, but it is annoying.

You have to twist the arm after inserting into the peg. Also you have to twist the blades after insertion into the sabre. That should make them more secure.
I think you have to twist it clockwise.