Daniel Craig confirmed?

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I hope if Sideshow does make a Craig Bond, and I assume they will, that he isn't TOO moody, but I like the look I have seen in the previews like the last shot at the gambling table where he looks good and PO'd. Bring it on! I am ready for a badass Bond again. A truly mean killer. That's how he was written...back in the day...and in Casino Royale, being based on Fleming's first Bond novel, Bond was not a nice man.

Bring it on Sideshow! I'll be gettin' one for sure!
Sounds like they are refering to a Sideshow figure. I mean who else is making Bond figures or "dolls?" If it looks like him, he should just be pleased he is figure and not "its too moody." I know if we got a figure of ourselved we'd rather have a "moody" version of ourselves than none at all.
I'm really looking forward to this movie. It's effectively a 'new' bond.

I always thought that it would be cool if 'James Bond 007' was a kind of title for whoever held the position.

I'd like a tux Daniel Craig as the initial figure and then the free-running T-shirt and combats look if it does the business.
I'm really looking forward to a Craig Bond figure as well as the movie. As Les said, in the original literature... Bond was not a nice man. He was a trained killer, suave and debonair...yes. But a killer with a dark side. He womanized, he drank heavily, he smoked and he killed without remorse. I really can't wait to see THAT character brought to the screen.

Blond hair? No problem. Craig was wonderful in Layer Cake and from the preview, he looks like he will be Bond as soon as the opening begins. I can't wait.
DarkArtist81 said:
he killed without remorse.
Actually Bond exhibited a reluctance to kill in the Bond books. "It was part of his profession to kill people. He had never liked doing it." That's from the opening to Goldfinger and if you read on you see he really seems to feel rather guilty about killing the Mexican.
Agent0028 said:
Actually Bond exhibited a reluctance to kill in the Bond books. "It was part of his profession to kill people. He had never liked doing it." That's from the opening to Goldfinger and if you read on you see he really seems to feel rather guilty about killing the Mexican.

Thanks for the heads up Agent! I've only read the first book but would love to go through the others as well. Fleming created one of the best characters ever to grace a novel's pages or the silver screen. Bond is.... an almost perfect character. A balance of aggression and compassion, conflicted and driven.... his flaws could be used for story threads endlessly as could his heroic tendencies..

I guess that's why we have 20 Bond films.... :lol
See, I was always under the impression that Craig was the end goal of the Legacy line... so, that's not really why I posted it.

My point of interest was more the line that said it would be out in time for the film. If we are indeed getting the Craig figure in time for Casino Royale, they would have to announce it very soon. :chew
007 said:
See, I was always under the impression that Craig was the end goal of the Legacy line... so, that's not really why I posted it.

My point of interest was more the line that said it would be out in time for the film. If we are indeed getting the Craig figure in time for Casino Royale, they would have to announce it very soon. :chew

I have a feeling that the Craig figure will be ANNOUNCED/PRE-ORDERED to coincide with the release of Casino Royale. He'll be a 1st Quarter 2007 release. As far as having Bond figures in hand when the movie's released...well all the other Legacy Bonds are 4th Quarter 2006 (November, I presume :D )
That's more than likely going to be the case, but I am rather hoping the actual figure is out by the movie.

They did do it with Brozzy for Die Another Day, so I still have my fingers crossed.
007 said:
That's more than likely going to be the case, but I am rather hoping the actual figure is out by the movie.

They did do it with Brozzy for Die Another Day, so I still have my fingers crossed.

Having a Daniel Craig figure by November would be great. I'd be on board for one then...seeing as how I have Connery on pre-order and my mom is getting me a GoldenEye Brosnan off eBay for my birthday in September. I'll have the two best Bonds and the newbie (who definitely has a look that harkens back to the Cold War-era).
DarkArtist81 said:
Thanks for the heads up Agent! I've only read the first book but would love to go through the others as well. Fleming created one of the best characters ever to grace a novel's pages
I agree, I think the character of James Bond has alot of depth. That sounds silly, but when you read the books there is alot of turmoil and conflict in the character. And I think the reason it comes across so well is that Fleming wasn't trying to create a complex character, he was just trying to write a few books. But Fleming himself was complex with innner turmoil and conflict and when he wrote the character of James Bond he was practically writing a fantasy diary. That the way I feel about it at any rate.

The books are really great, The Spy Who Loved Me is a particularly interesting one, even though Fleming hates it and claims the manuscript was left on his desk asking him to publish it, but part of that goes in with the whole James Bond was actually real gag that's so popular.
Yeah, that's the feel I got from Casino when I read it... Was that Fleming was putting alot of himself into the story, that it was as you said.. a fantasy diary. I know that the stuff I've written has always featured a protagonist like myself and the situations were pulled from my own military and life experiences.

The Bond movies have always been so great, with each new actor bringing something new to the character.. I'm excited to see what Craig does with HIS Bond. It should be nothing short of exciting.
I carn't wait to see what Craig brings to the role of 007.
I hope he does the movie justice as I like the Bond movies.

I carnt wait to see this Craig Bond figure though.
abstractharmony said:
I'm really looking forward to this movie. It's effectively a 'new' bond.

I always thought that it would be cool if 'James Bond 007' was a kind of title for whoever held the position.

I actually agree with that idea.
Now, not so much for the books of course, and not for the first seven films, even though Lazenby was in there...maybe you could still apply that...but, I think for them it was supposed to be one guy.

But, like Dr Who, in a continuation theme sort of way, if they ever approached all the films like this, that a specially chosen operative was hired based on his personality, temperment, skills and likeness to the namesake "JAMES BOND", then that operative would become the new 007, after the previous one either retired or was killed in the field, ie, like The Phantom, effectively making this operative name an ongoing thing.
This is the only way I can accept all the movies as one long line of stories that are somehow actually connected and "real".

If the previews for Casino Royale are any indication, then either Craig is the "NEW" agent Bond, OR, this is a total restart to the whole shebang. Day one. Truly James Bond 2.0. It all begins again.
That would make sense if then, they remade movies of all the books, in order of how they were written, and had Craig or whoever played Bond.

Either way, there needs to be some addressing of all this or it becomes this odd reality where all the movies are just this guy called Bond and they just keep coming out and on and on with no addressing why the differences. And I know that many people like that just fine. I don't. It bugs me somehow.

(BTW, I like to think that in the movie, "The Rock" With Connery, that he is indeed the agent that was the first Bond, and that MI6 had him put "underground" to get him out of the way. Just my fun way of making that movie a part of this wild and harebrained scheme that the Bond Operatives are indeed different men....food for thought...)

Oh, one more idea to ponder in this....in 1959, the movie North By Northwest came out. Clearly a predecessor to all the Bond films in many ways, style. dialogue, danger, women, etc. In it, innocent but debonair and "ready for action" Roger Thornhill sort of "becomes" the non-existant agent George Kaplan. Is this a good lead idea for the agents to become James Bond? Just a thought.

I think this idea does make for a good way to tie all the movies together, and I am curious to see if it gets addressed in the new film.

Anyway, I hope the Craig film is good regardless and the future Sideshow figure is awesome! Looking forward to adding it to the collection.