Current discount codes at SSC

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Re: Current discount codes at SSC and other random rumblings May code is AVENGE2015

Yes, but the good news is, they throw them at me so I can review them and help them sell. And I'm no longer allowed to win contests. So you can't blame me for not wining any more. :lecture


Way to win the sympathy vote :lol
Re: Current discount codes at SSC and other random rumblings May code is AVENGE2015


I'm no longer allowed to win anything because they just give me them now.
Re: Current discount codes at SSC and other random rumblings May code is AVENGE2015

So Cof, what do you do when a figure that comes out is not that great? Like the uncharted Nathan Drake?
Re: Current discount codes at SSC and other random rumblings May code is AVENGE2015

my job is to do what is called a sponsored review. So I am supposed to take pictures of the figure and talk about the highlights of the figure. but if I was given Nathan Drake I'm not sure what there would be to talk about. Sideshow does their best to give us reviewers things that we would want in our collection, so far the only things I've gotten are Marvel and DC and they've all been things that I like. But if I get something to review that I'm not interested in I'm not allowed to sell any of them I can only give them away. its the same deal that several other reviewers have with sideshow.
Re: Current discount codes at SSC and other random rumblings May code is AVENGE2015

"Sponsored Review" is like an "Overview" which not only this industry, but a lot of others, have come to call "Reviews" - they include the analysis, the highlights and details, without the critical component. It's a showcasing/promotional activity. Nothing wrong with that and in this case in particular, I think it's all really above board and transparent. Viewers get to see the figures and hear about them, while left to make up their own judgements.
Re: Current discount codes at SSC and other random rumblings May code is AVENGE2015

How do I get a job like that?
Re: Current discount codes at SSC and other random rumblings May code is AVENGE2015

Sponsored review is basically "we'll give you free stuff if you help promote it and only say positive things about it". It's done all the time in different industries. I always call ours "sponsored reviews" when I talk about them because like you said I want it to be transparent. As long as people keep clicking through on our reviews on Facebook, on the SSC blog and in the emails that go out, we'll get to keep doing them. Been a lot of fun so far, and I love incorporating my Son into them, I think it's a great experience for him. :)
Re: Current discount codes at SSC and other random rumblings May code is AVENGE2015

I'm not much of a talker, but I would sure do an extensive photo review if I got a free fig for doing it.
Re: Current discount codes at SSC and other random rumblings May code is AVENGE2015

I used to do online DVD reviews a few years ago. I would literally get a box of movies in the mail, write about them and get to keep them. My friends would love me because I gave away all the ones I did not want. It was fun for a while, until I was expected to do like 20 in a month.
Re: Current discount codes at SSC and other random rumblings May code is AVENGE2015

Sponsored review is basically "we'll give you free stuff if you help promote it and only say positive things about it".

It doesn't get any more frank and transparent than that. And I don't think there's anything wrong with this when you guys are so up front about it and even Sideshow isn't trying to pretend it's something that it's not. Win win, IMO. Sideshow and Hot Toys are the ones coming out way ahead here, because IMO, your videos are worth a lot more than a free figure.
Re: Current discount codes at SSC and other random rumblings May code is AVENGE2015

I thought they came down hard on bloggers and companies about "reviews" in the past couple of years so you had to legally say you were given free items, etc to the point where if you mention the item in the future, you have to disclose that it was free. I know certain industries had major problems (video games, clothing), where some companies would basically just buy off journalists/bloggers with so much free stuff. Although I'm sure the FTC doesn't really pay that much attention, so I'm sure it still goes on.
I find the whole practice way too one-sided. If I see a free movie, of course my expectations are different cause I didn't have to pay for it. I would say it's extremely hard to write anything unbiased when you take out the equation of paying for it.

Although in Cap's reviews, they are obviously more about fun and tongue in cheek so I don't find it deceptive.
Re: Current discount codes at SSC and other random rumblings May code is AVENGE2015

I would say it's extremely hard to write anything unbiased when you take out the equation of paying for it.
I think the key is that there is transparency here, so savvy observers will expect some level of bias/censorship. And as Pixel says, there's nothing wrong with that. This approach allows someone relatively detached from Sideshow to do a positive review without spouting out corporately approved talking points, and I'm sure that sells figures (probably also costs less than the time and energy SSC would devote to doing these kinds of reviews using their in-house staff). I personally like seeing the figures in three dimensions, whether it's a Sideshow employee or someone else showing that to us, but of course, we should take any review of this type with a grain of salt.

But I do like the idea of requiring someone doing these reviews to state that the figure is given for free, so there is no ambiguity by any observer. Saying that it is a "sponsored review" may explain that situation to those familiar with market lingo, but won't mean much to casual observers. Theoretically, a company could pay someone to undertake a fairly independent review.
Re: Current discount codes at SSC and other random rumblings May code is AVENGE2015

I think the key is that there is transparency here, so savvy observers will expect some level of bias/censorship. And as Pixel says, there's nothing wrong with that.

I feel with SSC/Hot Toys it isn't that much of an issue compared to other industries/companies because a one or two reviews isn't going to sway me from no to a yes on a product that's $250+. I mean these are for fanboys. Although I have read reviews where they state I wouldn't buy it for X but for Y, which I like. It gives me a better sense of worth, even though it's subjective.
Other places/products I find the whole practice less acceptable.
Re: Current discount codes at SSC and other random rumblings May code is AVENGE2015

I won't even bother with any of the sponsored reviews - the sugarcoating stuff does nothing for me. When a figure is released I just go to the forums and weed through all the positive and negative comments and make my decision based on those. If there is a major problem with a figure it will pop up regularly in the comments. I WANT to hear the negative stuff, if any of course, on an item before I buy it.
Re: Current discount codes at SSC and other random rumblings May code is AVENGE2015

I won't even bother with any of the sponsored reviews - the sugarcoating stuff does nothing for me. When a figure is released I just go to the forums and weed through all the positive and negative comments and make my decision based on those. If there is a major problem with a figure it will pop up regularly in the comments. I WANT to hear the negative stuff, if any of course, on an item before I buy it.

Re: Current discount codes at SSC and other random rumblings May code is AVENGE2015

Even though my Son and I do sponsored reviews for Sideshow, I have hardly ever watched a full video review (they're typically waaay too long for me) and never read reviews that others do. I've never ever bought or not bought an item based on what anyone else things. Whenever we do video reviews I try to keep them between 5-10 minutes. Some people spend 3-4 minutes on the box.....SHEESH! I have no patience for that. LOL

But also, I'm not hugely picky like some collectors are. As an example, I have a Batman DX12 and the Captain America Stealth figures, both of which had numerous complaints about them. Mine are both totally unmodded (except I did buy Tony Meis cape for DX12) and I'm very happy with both.

I buy everything that I buy based solely on pictures from HT and from bloggers right after a release.
Current discount codes at SSC and other random rumblings May code is AVENGE2015

I've read some "reviews" like this where thankfully they do mention that the figure was given free. I remember a review specifically of Hoth Luke where everything was described as being perfect -- no mention even of the screwy badge. Yet the same place will slam a 3 3/4" figure for any small error. One being free, the other not presumably.
Re: Current discount codes at SSC and other random rumblings May code is AVENGE2015

People unhappy with DX12 shouldn't be collecting 1/6 figures, period. :lecture
Re: Current discount codes at SSC and other random rumblings May code is AVENGE2015

I watch clippers reviews...over a few days time lol.

Xenomorphs, I watch for the high quality look.

Optibotimus I'll watch if he gets a figure I'm expecting and I want to see it again.

When reading reviews I'll skip to the ending comments and look at the purdy pictures[emoji14]
Re: Current discount codes at SSC and other random rumblings May code is AVENGE2015

I've read some "reviews" like this where thankfully they do mention that the figure was given free. I remember a review specifically of Hoth Luke where everything was described as being perfect -- no mention even of the screwy badge. Yet the same place will slam a 3 3/4" figure for any small error. One being free, the other not presumably.
Well there's a difference between being dishonest and not being overly critical :lol Saying everything is "perfect" is going bit far with any figure, particularly something manufactured from Sideshow.