Completed Satipo 1/6 Custom with basket/backpack

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Super Freak
Mar 13, 2010
Reaction score
The Indy customs seem to have dried up a bit, so I thought I would toss in a work in progress (maybe 3/4's done) - Sapito/Satipo.

I've seen a few of this guy on the boards, but I took a good look at the movie (along with various making-of shots and pics) and have tried to make him as screen accurate as possible. Thanks to the amazing Greggo for the repaint on the Doc Ock head (and the Marion too - the dress is half done but taking forever, buddy!)


Note that these quick pics are pretty all over the place - the macro lens really distorted most of the close-ups and the light seems to have obscured half the color/weathering, and made the other half seem darker than it is in-hand.


I will be adding sweat/grime to neck as well. He has some belly padding, but not quite enough. Tank-top has drifted up a bit - will need to glue down. Found this jacket in parts bin that seemed a good match, but all buttons had to be matched to make screen accurate (i.e. moved and button holes created) Jacket has a lot of mods - collar insert, sleeves changed, weathering.


I am building a second torch that has a lit/unlit swap-out top.


Tried to take a few frame-grabs to match colors.


Hands were chosen to be able to hold gun and torch, but also so it would match his distinctive hand positions in the idol scene...


Pants are not quite done yet weathering wise, but I'm trying to get them 100% like on-screen (pic is really blue for some reason.) No pants button so belt can be smoothly positioned:


I'm still working on his holster, but have nearly completed his Serape pouch, belt and pistol...


I gave him a short barrel Remington 1858 (slightly diferent to Barranca's 1875 Rem) because that's what it appears to be from the protruding barrel and grip that is visible on screen. The Serape pouch changes a lot scene by scene, I chose to match it in the scene where he sees the scary statue (where porters run.) It is designed to slide onto the belt (where the coiled fabric is,) which hides the joins.

Backpack and everything in it was scratch-built. Here is basic frame of the backpack - actually a chair, an idea lifted from "Month Python and the Holy Grail." Here it is only partly painted:




Here is custom basket now fitted to frame with paint complete. The photo is extremely distorted due to the macro - the torch looks huge!

Anyway, each of these pieces was screen-matched and hand-built. The greyish roll is only temporarily put together, and the strings that hold it all together haven't been made. The brown fabric attaches to the polystyrene insert and goes under the leather folio. The two bowls and cup hang from the outside. Metal plate sits on top of folio and grey roll.

This is a very slow-motion, spare time project, so any updates will be slow.
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Re: 1/6 Sapito

Congratulations on an awesome custom. The attention to detail is astounding. Really well done.
Re: 1/6 Sapito

WOW!!! This Satipo is amazingly accurate, and I love that!

Perfect job on the jacket and pants! Love that you're doing tha serape bag too! Even the correct tear in the t-shirt. That torch is excellent as well. Can't wait to see what you do with the backpack. And I never knew he had a gun -- I saw the holster here and there but thought it was empty.

GREAT WORK! I will be watching and taking notes. :)

You've got to find some 1/6 tarantulas! I've looked from time to time when I was going to attempt a Sapito but I never could find any the right scale.
Re: 1/6 Sapito

ITS amazing, You've done a super incredible job! I love how accurate it is! I don't know why all this time i thought Indy said to him "Adios Stupido" which is "stupid" in english. Maybe that's what Harrison meant....
Re: 1/6 Sapito

Thanks everyone for the comments. I'm actually nearly finished the holster, so I may try to have this guy completely finished in the next few weeks, will post pics.

WOW!!! This Satipo is amazingly accurate, and I love that!

Perfect job on the jacket and pants! Love that you're doing tha serape bag too! Even the correct tear in the t-shirt. That torch is excellent as well. Can't wait to see what you do with the backpack. And I never knew he had a gun -- I saw the holster here and there but thought it was empty.

GREAT WORK! I will be watching and taking notes. :)

You've got to find some 1/6 tarantulas! I've looked from time to time when I was going to attempt a Sapito but I never could find any the right scale.

Thanks, Wor-gar - and he has a pistol in the holster in the first few opening shots of the movie, its barrel protrudes maybe and inch two. For the swing, he appears to have a wooden blank in the holster (for a stunt) as the barrel is no longer visible.

Re: the tarantuals, I was thinking these, but the small ones are 1" across, so maybe slightly too big and the legs look mighty thick:

And yes, this guy should be about as 100% screen accurate as you can get - I looked at every single shot and photo, and also took grabs from the making of.

ITS amazing, You've done a super incredible job! I love how accurate it is! I don't know why all this time i thought Indy said to him "Adios Stupido" which is "stupid" in english. Maybe that's what Harrison meant....

Yeah I read that when I was starting this and listened a few times, but HF clearly doesn't have a "t" sound in there - it sounds distinctly like "Sa-pee-do" as opposed to "Stoo-pee-do." Also, seems a bit cruel - the dude's just been skewered and Indy calls him a dumb-a__! BUt then again, Indy does throw sand, go for the 'nads and use every dirty trick against German Mechanic, so maybe it could be...

Awesome! Fantastic details and a great likness too!

If you wanted, you could change him into Rahad Jackson from Boogie Nights! :rotfl

Need to glue on a mo' and get a nice open neck shirt. The '70's porn star mo' WILL make a comeback!
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Re: 1/6 Sapito

Re: the tarantuals, I was thinking these, but the small ones are 1" across, so maybe slightly too big and the legs look mighty thick:

Yeah, an inch will be too big, as big as his entire face. Besides, those come to you unpainted. They do like nice once painted though.

Halloween is just around the corner so keep an eye out at your local Halloween shop... seems I alway think about spiders for Sapito around this time of year. :)
Re: 1/6 Sapito

Brief update - finished holster/belt:


And Wor-gar, if you see anything in scale, let me know. I seem to recall about a year ago finding an old Satipo custom someone had done that actually had some decent looking spiders.

Maybe I should chop up one of the Hasbro 12" Russian KOTCS baddie's ants, add a set of legs, then cast it!
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Re: 1/6 Sapito

Damn, Wor-gar - you nailed it! Thanks. Those are the ones the guy used on that other custom I had seen. Some dry brushing of the reddish stripes and these will be perfect, and the perfect size too. Now how to make them fuzzy...!

And Cavlcade, that is so funny that they put the "not" in capitals in that auction page! It's like - "Don't even think about it!"

Just found a good frame grab to make the spiders screen accurate :

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Re: 1/6 Sapito

Yeah I read that when I was starting this and listened a few times said:
Hahaha Plus if you look at the credits, it does say "Satipo: Alfred Molina" BUt it would make sense of Indy calling him stupid since he didnt throw the whip back at him!!! Any ways with those tarantulas, you've got yourself a great great custom my friend!!!!!!!!:clap
Re: 1/6 Sapito

Go to a hobby store and use the stuff car modellers use to make the interior of scale car models fuzzy to add texture to the spiders
Re: 1/6 Sapito

Go to a hobby store and use the stuff car modellers use to make the interior of scale car models fuzzy to add texture to the spiders

These spiders need to get flocked! :lol

The first thing you see in the movie is how really fuzzy the spiders are. The model car stuff (which I've never heard of) sounds like a great idea, mfisher! Paint them up, then I guess you use spray adhesive and sprinkle it on? I'll get to a hobby store and check it out.

I'm trying to think how to use these spiders - maybe do a removable "spider rug" like Hasbro did? I don't want to glue them all on - I'd like to be able to display with the spiders, or with his backpack on, so they need to be removable.

I'm putting the backpack together - really tough to get right with all the string/rope all over it, but I'm getting there.
Re: 1/6 Sapito

Maybe just get a little Blu-Tac so they can "stick" on but do no harm when removed.

You're gonna have a real hard choice: spiders OR backpack?
Re: 1/6 Sapito

Sorry, I don´t want to bother anyone...but the name of the character is Satipo...