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I really enjoyed yesterday's episode. I think it made Pierce likable which is something that hasn't happened in a while as he usually grouchy and curmudgeonly, which is, of course, his whole character, but it was nice to see Jeff getting along with him for a change.

And Abed's fraternity that he threw together was hilarious.
I'm sad that there will be a day when "Chevy Chase" is no longer on the opening credits. To be honest, he's the whole reason I started watching the show, and I never got all the hate for his character.
I'm sad that there will be a day when "Chevy Chase" is no longer on the opening credits. To be honest, he's the whole reason I started watching the show, and I never got all the hate for his character.

He's old. Nobody wants to watch old people.
Was there a new episode tonight? My DVR didn't record anything. Just want to be sure my wife or kids didn't mess with the DVR.
Was there a new episode tonight? My DVR didn't record anything. Just want to be sure my wife or kids didn't mess with the DVR.


Not sure why they delayed the season for 4 months and are already showing re-runs, but that's that network brainpower for ya'.

I had high hopes that this season would be business as usual... Nope.

They've really been hit or miss with the episodes so far. My fave so far, and by far, was the Dance episode. The Puppet Episode was pretty meh (and I love me some puppets), and last nights, aside from the Darkest Timeline but was horrid. :( I will no longer be sad or heartbroken when the inevitable cancellation occurs.
I had high hopes that this season would be business as usual... Nope.

They've really been hit or miss with the episodes so far. My fave so far, and by far, was the Dance episode. The Puppet Episode was pretty meh (and I love me some puppets), and last nights, aside from the Darkest Timeline but was horrid. :( I will no longer be sad or heartbroken when the inevitable cancellation occurs.

I agree, it's definitely been hit or miss this season. And the Darkest Timeline reminded me how great this show can be. Too bad there wasn't more of that last night.
Someone please tell me Jim Rash writes all of the remaining episodes. Last night was, by far, the best episode so far this season.
Someone please tell me Jim Rash writes all of the remaining episodes. Last night was, by far, the best episode so far this season.

His Joel McHale impression was spot on. I thought they had dubbed in his voiced for a second. Definitely the best ep. this season.
An uneven season so far for Community, which is especially regrettable if this season is Community's swan song...but last night episode was great. As mentioned, the Dean's impression of Jeff as well as Troy's impression of Abed were spot on.

Best moments were when Jeff bursts in the Dean's office saying "Dean, I need you" with the Dean gasping "It's happening...close the door" and the Dean mentioning having Jeff inside him multiple times. :rotfl
I friggin' missed that, have to check it out On Demand. Hate it when the networks don't play their shows within my DVR's scheduled time.
I feel like this season was written by a group of people who didn't get the show, just went through a bunch of Tumblrs and fan sites to see what people liked about it, and just kinda did that stuff.

Especially this finale, it felt like it was all just a checklist of stuff. The paintball was really shoehorned in there.

I would laugh if it turned out Dan Harmon wrote the finale.
Dan Harmon was taken off the show so he wasn't a part of this last season.

Anyways, hope this wasn't the last episode of the show, it was ridiculously bad. So many mistakes this season, lots of storylines that went nowhere and just wasted time (the stuff with Chang). Sad way to see the show go.
I wouldn't say that the finale was that bad actually. Some funny lines in it, and enough of an ending to fit a series finale with enough open points remaining if the show gets renewed (hopefully it does).

The moments with Pierce fitted nicely in my opinion, and if there is another season which will be Chevy Chase-less, then it fits the theme song. "One by one they all just fade away". He graduated and then faded away.
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On the surface I liked the episode, but after sleeping on it I see it for the shoehorned fan service that it was. Liked that it was left a little open and the basically wrote Pierce off just in case. But it seemed almost a parody of itself. I'll still watch if it's brought back because it seems like they were getting more consistent as the season went on. Hopefully the writers will hit the ground running if there's a 5th season.
It made no sense compared to the rest of the season, throughout it they were talking about how they were graduating, with Annie and Shirley competing for Valedictorian and suddenly now everyone but Jeff is taking a 5-year degree? The episode really seemed like they just didn't spend much time on it