Clone Wars - How Do You Think Ashoka Dies?

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I agree it's much better...but the public is very fickle in this country with domestic abuse issues. It would be bad PR for George Lucas and his Star Wars dynasty to have negative press for a serious issue. That negative press could infact backfire and both Lucasfilm & 20th Century Fox could lose millions. It was bad enough that they were given a PG-13 rating for ROTS. Imagine the ratings board if they changed the plot to have Anakin's force choke Padme to death (although it makes more sense as a storyline). Lucas is trying to reach out and create a storyline that everybody could enjoy, and it includes young children. As much as I don't like the "Padme's heart is broken" storyline in ROTS, I understand why it was done.

Never thought of it that way, Nitro. You make valid points. I just wish Lucas had come up with a different way of killing her character. The way it was done was kind of insulting to the audience and even to her character who was so strong willed. Maybe she could have been hit and mortally wounded by a lava fireball or birth complications even, :confused:, but losing the will to live and dying instantly?????
It's suggested that Darth Vader kills children, how much darker can you get?
Also, I like the fact that Darth Vader believes that he killed padme, a lie that is told to him by the Emperor who is still manipulating him.
What Padme died of actually exists. It's called Stress Cardiomyopathy
Never thought of it that way, Nitro. You make valid points. I just wish Lucas had come up with a different way of killing her character. The way it was done was kind of insulting to the audience and even to her character who was so strong willed. Maybe she could have been hit and mortally wounded by a lava fireball or birth complications even, :confused:, but losing the will to live and dying instantly?????
i'm still waiting for lucas to yell "APRIL FOOLS!!!" and then release the "real" prequel trilogy he's had hidden in the vaults all these years.
Some of you still really think they're gonna kill off Ashoka onscreen? Wow.
i don't. i think we're meant to believe she dies during order 66.

and i don't get everyone's problem with her anyway. is there some rule that there can't be kids in star wars?
Never thought of it that way, Nitro. You make valid points. I just wish Lucas had come up with a different way of killing her character. The way it was done was kind of insulting to the audience and even to her character who was so strong willed. Maybe she could have been hit and mortally wounded by a lava fireball or birth complications even, :confused:, but losing the will to live and dying instantly?????

Wouldn't that death be over months and months, and thus Leia could have stayed with her which could have been why she remembered her mother. But alas for the movie and drama, they had her die when Vader was born...
Why do people assume that every single Jedi has to die in order 66? In the Force Unleashed, there were several surviving Jedi. Yeah, it's EU but so is Clone Wars.
Everybody brings up that Leia remembers her mother.
But if you listen to what she says in RotJ, it can easily be interpreted that she unintentionally using the force to remember her mother.
Behold the double standard Icruise.
Personaly, i HOPE she dies fighting Asajj, and asajj Golats about it to anakin, who in turn Kills Asajj. this lends more weight to the scene in sith between palpatine and anakin after he kills Dooku.

" Anakin: I should not have done that."
Palpatine : "It's only natural. He cut your arm off, you wanted Revenge. Besides, it's not the first time, is it? Remember what you told me about the..... Sand people."

I allways felt that Anakin had lashed out like that MORE than once, and Palpatine knew about it... subtly manipulating anakin intop the person he needs him to be, in order to corrupt him. Having Ashoka's death lead into him seeking revenge for it makes the most sense.

Besides, her COMPLETE absence from ROTS majes her death beforehand, as well as Asajj's nessacary. Done properly the arrivial and death's of these characters will ADD to the story, not fill it with more holes.

For the record, I greatly enjoy BOTH Asajj and Ashoka, but for the sake of the story, they need to get killed off.
Everybody brings up that Leia remembers her mother.
But if you listen to what she says in RotJ, it can easily be interpreted that she unintentionally using the force to remember her mother.

I just hate that we accept this half baked idea that George cooked up for us. Once again it's him trying to fit the PT in the saga by changing the meaning of things said in the OT.

Just like Obi-Wan mentioning Yoda trained him, then bam...George makes it so Yoda trains all the younglings problem solved. So lame.
I just hate that we accept this half baked idea that George cooked up for us. Once again it's him trying to fit the PT in the saga by changing the meaning of things said in the OT.

Just like Obi-Wan mentioning Yoda trained him, then bam...George makes it so Yoda trains all the younglings problem solved. So lame.

CGI for Yoda was not perfected for episode 1, so using Yoda was still limited.
Anyway we got Qui Gon who is one of my favourite Jedis so no complaints from me.
As someone who enjoys the prequels (episode 2 is my least favourite though) and Indiana Jones and KOTCS. I have to say that I don't get this George Lucas bashing, maybe the consensus is that your not cool if you like his new films. Lucas has made these films and this TV show those who will enjoy them. I don't really like Clone Wars so I don't watch it every week, but I don't mind it existing. I also hate Ashoka but I understand she was created for the kids who this TV show was aimed at. I just except the show as Non Canon.
Didn't Anakin already kill Assaj? I'm confused, I thought the original Clone Wars cartoons take place AFTER the new ones , but right before ROTS??? But then again he has the scar on his face in the new series..aghhh my head!
Didn't Anakin already kill Assaj? I'm confused, I thought the original Clone Wars cartoons take place AFTER the new ones , but right before ROTS??? But then again he has the scar on his face in the new series..aghhh my head!

No, she did not die in the cartoon. The cliff edge broke from Anakin's attack, and she must have survived the fall. I think the order it goes in is Season 1 Cartoon, First episode of season 2 cartoon, then the CGI show, then back to season 2 cartoon.
it's gonna be Ventress or Dooku that kills her! And I definately see her going on screen! I think she could actually turn out to be a very important character in Anakins downfall storyline.

But just be sure, she's going out ONSCREEN!!!!
