Chris Howes' Sculptural Creations

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I dont know what to do...? I've paid him for 4 hs and dont know if any of them have been completed or not. one of the commissions I dont know if he has even started. :( I'm in for over 100.00 and one of the commissions is over 10 months old. I've said before that I'd wait if I had some word of the projects. I mean really what else can I do at this point. :huh
I've committed to a few pieces: Dr Who, Dexter, Ghostbusters, Supernatural.

Although I still hold some hope & faith in Chris I do have to say thanks to Spencer for nailing the Ghostbusters.

I gotta also say thanks to 16K, gotta check that Dexter out now
I was willing to give the guy the benefit of the doubt that maybe his regular job was slow and he thought he would have time to do the customs but then he got swamped.

He wont come back because it got too hot here.

But he has stated he has shipped the unpainted heads, and I don't have my unpainted head.

And now he is selling and delivering on ebay. Now that is a seriously jerk off move.
I was suposed to get a river hs. but Im not going to hold my breath. :lol I also paid for 2 milla hs but got one from spencer when his came out. Im just thankful to spencer. I've gotten 4 hs from him in the last 2 months. he has been great to do business with. Now if only Spencer would make a David hs I would be set. :rolleyes: :)....well, except for being out 100.00 dollars....poop!
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I got a notification from Serang yesterday that my House sculpt set is on the way from him. There's definitely some consolation in that- at least I'm getting the best House sculpt fast from a very reliable, humble, nice guy. Good to know there are still good folks out there doing it every day. It's just a damn shame Chris let it get away from him like this, and sad that his arrogance keeps him from correcting it. I was an unpainted House head order too, so it's obvious that the first shipment of heads was a lie.
What's funny to me is that it seems like the most talented sculptors are also the most humble. There's no shred of ego or bravado in it.
Alright. Here we go. I'm putting this entire e-mail up for full disclosure to you all.

You all have money in this, and so i think you deserve to at least hear something that i have going on with chris communication wise, even if you are not getting a response yet yourself. (Too which i would say, do not give up. Keep trying, and hopefully eventually you will get a response from him. He's very overloaded, and clearly he still seems to be trying to make good on his word to finish the work. But obviously, don't hold your breathe either. I think it will take him a while. But at least with him not taking any new commissions here, he can focus on the ones he has outstanding, and hopefully complete them all)

I'd really love to see chris make some refunds when he can, and keep sending off work.
I know this e-mail is gonna stir crap up, especially since half the posts here come from the person named in the e-mail. Which i'm sure will cause problems too. But i think we all deserved to know about this, and at least take it into consideration. I'm not saying we should believe every word chris is saying. But read it, and make your own call. We should also be careful of listening to what the famous "recaster" has to say too.

I should have my sculpt in the next few days, hopefully by friday. I'll post pictures and review it asap, and let you know how it is.

This is my 7th exchange with chris in just a few weeks, and he has been very thorough and thoughtful in all of his responses. Even when he didn't answer my questions about refunds to you guys, he always still responded. So while there is no news on if he is going to follow through on those, at least he's still communicating and working. Good news for those of you who are going to patiently try and wait it out. Bad for those of you who don't want to wait, or want to take legal action. Either way, best of luck to us all. (i'm gonna sink in my chair now, since i know this e-mail is gonna cause some serious mudslinging..)

from C. Howes <[email protected]>
to Michael blah blah
date Tue, Jul 14, 2009 at 6:16 PM
subject Re: Hello!

It on it's way, I promise!! USPS delivery confirmation number (I checked the number, and it is valid, and leaving from Ohio, and everything looks legit)

Sorry, been seriously distracted with the harassment and stalking issue..... It's Dale Van Slyke, AKA captdan, AKA Diver4 (NOTE: I checked that name and it came up on ebay with dozens of sculpts.. so this seems true so far), the most notorious thieving recaster in the business is trying to destroy my life through harassment and stalking. I've tried to resist exposing him, I have no interest in hurting him despite all the trouble he's caused. He's the one stirring up all the trouble on SSF. He's contacted my professional clients trying to ruin my relationships with them, posted my address and phone number on the net while encouraging others to harass me with frivolous police reports and lawsuits, even written a nasty letter to my elderly father. (which I think I already told you) It's crazy. All because I asked him to no longer recast 2 heads of mine and to not recast any other work of mine in the future. This guy is scary!! I'm worried he's going to show up at my door with a gun.

I'm going to be posting an open letter to him demanding he cease and desist. He's actually committing a federal crime by concealing his identity while harassing and threatening me and encouraging others to do so as well. Not to mention all the violations involving the 100+ stolen heads he's selling.

Anyway, I apologize, he's driving me to distraction. You should have it in 2 days since I sent it priority. I hope you enjoy him!

I REALLY appreciate your kind words of support, it means a lot. If you could let people know that you are satisfied (assuming you are satisfied!) with him and that I'm not a monster, or whatever you are comfortable saying, I would appreciate it. I really am working hard to satisfy people, but it takes a lot of time and hard hard work.

Oh, yes, it's drilled for a truetype small neck joint adaptor. It fit snugly on the one I have here, so you should be able to pop it right on. A drop of glue should make it permanent. I look forward to seeing the end result. I did try hard to match the prototype as closely as possible. Each one varies a little, but it's pretty close.

Sorry to hear you had to work on the Fourth. That does suck, big time! I slept in.... not something I get to do very often!

Take Care,
.... so blame a recaster for ruining your life? I never knew that guy had so much power. He pretty much turned him into a super villain in his reply. whatever....

why couldn't Chris just come on the forums and explain his situation?.. I mean if captdan is the one committing the crimes then what is Chris Howes doing to the rest of the guys who paid him? Is he saying that he hasn't done anything wrong this entire time and that we should blame captdan for his broken promises with updates and delivery dates? This guy promised that he would update us and send out a 1st batch of House heads exactly one month ago and the only person to get anything is collector49. Hell even captdan gave him the shadow of the doubt for the first week or so.
.... so blame a recaster for ruining your life? I never knew that guy had so much power. He pretty much turned him into a super villain in his reply. whatever....

why couldn't Chris just come on the forums and explain his situation?.. I mean if captdan is the one committing the crimes then what is Chris Howes doing to the rest of the guys who paid him? Is he saying that he hasn't done anything wrong this entire time and that we should blame captdan for his broken promises with updates and delivery dates? This guy promised that he would update us and send out a 1st batch of House heads exactly one month ago and the only person to get anything is collector49. Hell even captdan gave him the shadow of the doubt for the first week or so.

chris said he wasn't coming back. i don't think chris said he didn't do anything wrong. In fact, he's told me before he hates how this has ended up, but that it was just a bunch of things going wrong all at once. He still isn't owning up to everything that was his fault ( a LOT) but.. what's new, right? lol

No excuse for the lies about the batches being sent out though. I know he meant to calm things, but a bad idea, for sure, to have said that.

I don't know if captdan gave him the shadow of the doubt though. He says that. But is it possible that it could all be a plot to drag chris even further down? (not that he need much help really..)

Idunno. I'm out for now though, off to see HBP.
chris said he wasn't coming back. i don't think chris said he didn't do anything wrong. In fact, he's told me before he hates how this has ended up,

In other words because one person may be a recaster, Chris felt it neccassary to lie to and rob over 100 people.

Hmm whos the real bad guy?

He's being sued by another forum member, I've already and will continue to contact the police in his local county.

Chris is really a ball-less coward, He'll get whats coming to him.
I had a successful email correspondence with him too today, trying to keep optimistic as I'd still rather have my stuff than a refund:

C. Howes
to me

show details 11:32 AM (10 hours ago)


Follow up message
My apologies. For some reason I didn't have you listed in my hand written notes, but I see you were the first order. I will get your heads and cane out post haste.

Take Care,

Hopefully I'll see my stuff soon.
At this point, I wouldn't be surprised if captdan and Chris were the same person.

In other words because one person may be a recaster, Chris felt it neccassary to lie to and rob over 100 people.

Hmm whos the real bad guy?

I agree. Even if you believe everything that Chris is saying it makes no sense.
Just when you think someone couldn't be more pathetic, he displays a whole new level of arrogance. Gimme a break, what a character. :rolleyes:
We should commission an artist here to sculpt up a Chris Howes head, he'd go great with Sideshow's Scum and Villainy line.
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