Chris Howes' Sculptural Creations

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uhm yeah... i was the one who started the dexter howes project... but i was also skeptical so i held out on paying... im just saying to ask about a project or suggest paying anything to this crook is just ridiculous at this point.

I don't think anyone said they were paying him anything right now, they just asked about it.
OK Heres the deal if your interested.

I spoke with a detective today. They have one outstanding complaint against Chris Howes right now

If 4 more of us here call the detective from Chris's county, it will become a criminal matter.

Once 5 complaints are made, the district attorney gets involved even if its just a single person not a buissness, and they will take him to court as it becomes a criminal enterprise.

YOU MUST HAVE ALREADY SENT MONEY IN ANY AMOUNT TO FILE THIS KIND OF COMPLAINT. Do not call if you have no money already sent. Thanks.
whats the number and how can i prove to them that i paid with paypal?
Can't you view your archive transactions on PayPal? and screen cap/print it out/fax...
Nah, they still send stuff. You're supposed to put a return address... but not everyone does.
Really... yours is less strict then. They wont allow that to happen in the UK. They wouldn't accept my parcel until the sender address was put on. Royal Mail and such said it's policy. Going back 1997/98. Even to this day.
Really... yours is less strict then. They wont allow that to happen in the UK. They wouldn't accept my parcel until the sender address was put on. Royal Mail and such said it's policy. Going back 1997/98. Even to this day.

I've never had that happen, wasn't even aware there was such a policy in the UK
I'm not going to post the phone number for the detective here publicly, that would probably be a bad idea with some of whats gone on in this thread, but if you have already sent a payment and actually have a stake in this, then you'll have his address, just call that town's police station and file a fraud complaint, he should be at 2 complaints by now. As i said once they get 5 or more it will become an actual criminal investigation and the D.A. gets involved.
I'm not going to post the phone number for the detective here publicly, that would probably be a bad idea with some of whats gone on in this thread, but if you have already sent a payment and actually have a stake in this, then you'll have his address, just call that town's police station and file a fraud complaint, he should be at 2 complaints by now. As i said once they get 5 or more it will become an actual criminal investigation and the D.A. gets involved.

The paypal invoice does not list the address of the person you sent money to, PM me if you need his info and I will send it to you.....
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The paypal invoice does list the address of the person you sent money to, PM me if you need his info and I will send it to you.....

Yea I figured anyone who sent him money, which are the only people who should be calling, will have his info through paypal or money order or w/e.
Im not even involved in this at all but i'll even chip in a few bucks if you guys need to get money together for legal actions.
Oh man Chris, how did you let it get to this...

This saddens me no end for I feel this is damaging the entire customizing community and the trust and spirit of cooperation there used to be.

Just very sad.
abake - I'm guessing that Chris isn't bothering to check in to read these threads anymore. As such, the complaints posted are going back and forth, and frustration is building up amongst members with each new post ..adding fuel to the fire, and it's falling on deaf ears so to speak.

I'm only in for a small amount on the Milla commission, but hope this all works out for everyone to eventually receive what they have paid for.
Surely they have an email address that can be posted. I promise to address it as "hello".

Yes it is sad. Sad for us. We've lost tens of dollars and he's gained thousands. We give and he takes. It's just a little one sided. He did a good job getting it. He promised and, on face value, we trusted him. The promises fell through and so has the trust. Back to square one. He gives the money back and he gets relieved of his workload. The only thing left is to involve the authorities. I'm sure once he gets the knock at the door his grandmother will back him up. What did the poor old lady do to deserve him? Of course the whole procedure gets fast tracked if he just sends everyone their money, but he wants to play games. It's the old shell game in another form.
Just caught up on the last 30 or so posts :monkey4

This guy is a real piece of work. I am so disappointed in how this has turned out.

Basically all I can say is Chris is an f'n jerk. Regardless of if I get my House head in the mail tomorrow, Chris is an ass. Period. Just an ass.

There. I said it. I feel better now.


Leaving this thread forever, and this whole ^^^^ situation as a whole.

Chris, karma will catch up with you. Believe it.

King, is Roy trying out for the Ball Scratcher position? Now that p!tu is famous, I guess it was inevitable you would need a new one.
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