Captain Antilles is the next 12" Star Wars figure

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I'm still interested in how they determined who to send this to. Since they apparently didn't send it to everyone, I would assume that they wouldn't be sending it to people who just order their Marvel statues or something.

My guess is that it's people who preordered Darth Vader, but it's just a guess. I did preorder Vader, it's the 1st SW SS figure that I have taken a chance on since Yavin Luke,which I was seriously disappointed in. With everything else I have waited to see people's "in-hand" figures before I pulled the trigger. I think SS needs to solicit fan/customer opinion a lot more often, they would have a better chance of offering items that would generate buzz and excitement. The figure choices based on recycling parts and low complexity of costume is so transparent.
I'm more interested in finding out if the drop in oil prices will yield a return to the cheaper cost of figures. Since the escalating cost of oil is what apparently contributed to it most significantly, it would stand to reason that, now that oil is cheaper than it was when figures were $45, a price reduction should be in order. :rolleyes: Yeah.
Just canceled Stormtrooper, Antilles and Rebel Fleet Trooper.

And I'm actually a big fan of that scene. I just need to make a stand. These figures need to come down to a realistic price again. I'm willing to overpay for a Vader type once in a while or Carbonite Han, but these basic figures on the buck and the troopers need to be closer to $50.

I hope to pick these up with giftcards or on 2nd market someday.
It was never realistic to expect the troopers to be close to $50.

I agree on the standard guys on Buck bodies, though. Antilles for $70? Get out of here!
I just knew people would pick apart that statement regarding the troopers. I suppose I can clarify that I meant mostly the fleet trooper and Captain to be $50 and the troopers to be somewhere between there and $90. The figure elements are going to be super mass produced and reused after all. Anyway, hope that clarifies.
True, but just because it is a generic trooper, doesn't make it easier/cheaper to make and offer. I see the edition size on these type figures to go down in the future.
True, but just because it is a generic trooper, doesn't make it easier/cheaper to make and offer. I see the edition size on these type figures to go down in the future.

Which based on SSC's business practice will likely increase price which will further cause people to stop buying, which will lower the edition size further.

With the floundering economy I think it may be wise to be more aggressive with pricing and really make people feel they are getting a value product which SSC can capitalize with by upping, not lowering quantities..
Just found out my Repentence Wait List for Ki Adi just got converted so its bye bye Cap. :wave

Ki Adi never made it to my order box. I still have the Hasbro one you sold me. :)

For you is it a PT > OT or specifically Ki Adi > Captain?
the latter definitely. Since TPM I have always loved Ki Adi's look. When I canceled him the first time it was because things were looking a bit bleak and I was excited about Vader having someone to choke. But he would actually make Vader's force powers look pretty impotent considering the blank expression SS gave us so I was glad to give him the ax this morning.. But things are less bleak now (knock on wood) so I was glad Ki Adi converted. :)
Glad it worked out for you. A more agonized expression sculpt would have been a great accessory, I agree. Ki Adi should be a fun figure too.

I hope to pick him up one day.
Just ordered him from for $63....I am pretty darn happy with the Rebel Trooper and this one will look pretty awesome with the upcoming Vader and Stormies...didn't realize he was due in Jan already!

$63 seems like a darn fair price for a fig that would have been $50 two years ago. Compared to a lot of collectibles like this, that price jump seems adequate....
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