Captain America Movie Costume

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Wolverine wasn't an original X-Men and his name is pretty much synonymous when you hear the name so that whole "original member" thing doesn't really matter at all.
Wolverine wasn't an original member in the first Singer X Movie, the team was in existence when the film began so that is a moot point anyway.

I wouldn't hold my breath for Spidey or any other Marvel character that isn't own by Marvel Studios to even appear in the Avengers let alone be part of it. It would require both Marvel Studios and whomever the rights holders are whether it be Fox or Sony to both agree and come together to allow it to occur, not to mention that they'd have split profits on ticket sales, split costs on promotions, split profits on merchandising, its a whole mess that I guarantee either studio is willing to undertake. Its a fanboy's dream nothing more.
Really? I'm diggin it. Looks totally bad ass and what I think a real world translation of the outfit and character looks like.

Really... just looks goofy to me. I'm okay with the Captain America... and seems like it would look better in "real life", but the Thor (to me) just seems very uninspired.
Really... just looks goofy to me. I'm okay with the Captain America... and seems like it would look better in "real life", but the Thor (to me) just seems very uninspired.

I agree

That being said, the official cropped photo of Thor released a few weeks ago looked better then these renders, least the shoulder corner rise of his cape and texture :lol
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Thor looks cool, but it doesn't seem like the outfit a Norse god would wear. But who is to say that Thor wouldn't look take one look at some of our modern battle wear and say, "Hell yeah! Forge me some of that ____!"

And that group pic is awesome, but I agree with IJ that someone needs to redo it with Cap front and center.

And I'm firmly in the camp that the Avengers should be these three and possible Hulk. Widow did nothing in Iron Man that makes me feel like she should have Avengers status.
I think the thor costume is a better translation than Caps. At least, they didn't take out the cape for Thor. If they would just redesign those stupid shoulder pads to something that makes sense.
I don't mind Black Widow being in the movie, I hope she is since she seems to be a high ranking SHIELD agent like Coulson, but I don't want her to actually be an Avenger.
Really... just looks goofy to me. I'm okay with the Captain America... and seems like it would look better in "real life", but the Thor (to me) just seems very uninspired.

Different strokes I guess. His costume matches what they've gone to in the comics if you've read anything recent with him in it.
Wolverine wasn't an original member in the first Singer X Movie, the team was in existence when the film began so that is a moot point anyway.

my argument was that it doesn't matter who was an original member or not in the comics, it's who comes to mind when you think of the team and as long as the Avengers have the "big 3", I'm fine with whoever else they add to round out the team.
With Disney taking over Marvel and Chris Evans being cast as Cap. My expectations for this movie is really low. I'm not sure it's going to be all that good. And with this mock up of the costume, it looks like I may be right. :(

Too bad I love Captain America.
With Disney taking over Marvel and Chris Evans being cast as Cap. My expectations for this movie is really low. I'm not sure it's going to be all that good. And with this mock up of the costume, it looks like I may be right. :(

Too bad I love Captain America.

I've been saying this a lot, but all those things you mentioned above? They don't spell doom for how the movie will turn out. It's JOE JOHNSTON we should be worried about. and the scriptwriters....them too.
This whole movie has doom written all over it. Ughhhh. Might as well try to redeem it a little and go cast the Rock. lol
I've been saying this a lot, but all those things you mentioned above? They don't spell doom for how the movie will turn out. It's JOE JOHNSTON we should be worried about. and the scriptwriters....them too.


Exactly right
A freakin' kid got hung in the beginning of POTC:AWE. I don't think we really have to worry too much about Disney interfering with the movie. I agree with Plasmid is the script and the director that makes or breaks movies.
I've been saying this a lot, but all those things you mentioned above? They don't spell doom for how the movie will turn out. It's JOE JOHNSTON we should be worried about. and the scriptwriters....them too.

So true, you can have a perfect costume but a good script director and acting are what makes the movie. Hopefully Johnston pulls it off, his last offering wasn't that well recieved.