Captain America killed!

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:monkey1 :monkey1 :monkey1
Shai Hulud said:



:monkey1 :monkey1 :monkey1

I wonder how long he'll stay dead? Or if they'll bring in someone who's a relative or something?

And I just ordered the regular from Bob, just in case my wait list doesn't come through.
Darth Loki said:
I wonder how long he'll stay dead? Or if they'll bring in someone who's a relative or something?
He'll probably be back around the time the movie comes out in 2009.
Batty said:
He'll probably be back around the time the movie comes out in 2009.

That'd be a great thing for publicity for both the comic and the movie. You may be on to something here.
carbo-fation said:
I can't wait to read this issue! Wonder why decided to kill him off now?

I am sorry, but if this is what the Quesada, Bendis, Millar, etc. "modern" Marvel age is going to be ... make mine something else. Don't get me wrong ... I like the more edgy works that have come out this decade : 100 Bullets, Preacher, Ennis Marvel Books, Fables, etc. However, certain Marvel characters are cornerstones. Cap is more than just a muscle bound hero in tights. He was inspiration to our country in one of our darkest hours. He helped motivate and build morale during the dark days of WWII. He transcended comics and became an Icon ... symbol of what made America great. Doing this now for publicity is insulting ... and don't think they are doing it for anything other than attention. Why the he## would it be making the main stream new first if it was a natural progress of a story arc. Someone leaked it because they want to draw attention to Marvel Comics. Its as bad as, if not worse than the whole Death of Superman story line. And you saw how long Supes stayed dead.

I read Civil War frontline last week and a feeling of disgust began to set in. This feels like an extension of that. And I will be frank ... I don't like it. Let me explain. There are spoilers here, so skip this if you haven't read the book...

When the reporters are talking to Stark and uncover that it was he who masterminded the attack on the Atlantis diplomat ... that he did it to cause fear among the public, to create a fake war to garner support for his Initiative, I thought we were building to a cool ending ... an actual ending unlike Civil War. However, then the reporters pretty much say, "its okay, we won't report this because you were right." I couldn't believe how stupid this was. First, its insulting to the Woodward and Bernsteins of the world. Reporters report .. they tell the world the truth and let us decide right or wrong for ourselves. They don't cower under to the government or hide stuff from the public. But, I could have lived with that, because people are human and sometimes make bad decisions. However, it felt to me like the writer was trying to convince the reader that Stark was right. That it was okay to put American lives at risk for the sake of his pipedream. Now... don't get me wrong, I am a student of history. I realize this stuff happens all the time. It was no accident that the Germans were leaked info claiming the Luistannia was carrying war supplies. Everyone wanted the US to have a pretense to join WWII. And these instances go on and on throughout history. However, that doesn't make it right. Of course, the real world is not always cut and dry / black or white. However, that's what the "fantasy" of comics is suppose to provide us. It gives us a place where we can clearly define right and wrong ... where we can escape the "You can't handle the truth" mentality of the world, if only for 10 or 15 minutes. If Marvel is looking to mimic the currupt nature of the "real world", I can save my 3 bucks a book and turn on the Evening News. If they are trying to tell me the American Spirit is dead, I am done. I don't care if they are correct or not.

Captain America is a historical icon and doing this to him is not better than graffiting the Statue of Liberty. Okay, sorry ... I will step off my soap box now.

P.S. Sorry for any spelling errors... I wrote this from the heart. And my heart is a terrible speller :D
DouglasMcc said:
I am sorry, but if this is what the Quesada, Bendis, Millar, etc. "modern" Marvel age is going to be ... make mine something else. Don't get me wrong ... I like the more edgy works that have come out this decade : 100 Bullets, Preacher, Ennis Marvel Books, Fables, etc. However, certain Marvel characters are cornerstones. Cap is more than just a muscle bound hero in tights. He was inspiration to our country in one of our darkest hours. He helped motivate and build morale during the dark days of WWII. He transcended comics and became an Icon ... symbol of what made America great. Doing this now for publicity is insulting ... and don't think they are doing it for anything other than attention. Why the he## would it be making the main stream new first if it was a natural progress of a story arc. Someone leaked it because they want to draw attention to Marvel Comics. Its as bad as, if not worse than the whole Death of Superman story line. And you saw how long Supes stayed dead.

I read Civil War frontline last week and a feeling of disgust began to set in. This feels like an extension of that. And I will be frank ... I don't like it. Let me explain. There are spoilers here, so skip this if you haven't read the book...

When the reporters are talking to Stark and uncover that it was he who masterminded the attack on the Atlantis diplomat ... that he did it to cause fear among the public, to create a fake war to garner support for his Initiative, I thought we were building to a cool ending ... an actual ending unlike Civil War. However, then the reporters pretty much say, "its okay, we won't report this because you were right." I couldn't believe how stupid this was. First, its insulting to the Woodward and Bernsteins of the world. Reporters report .. they tell the world the truth and let us decide right or wrong for ourselves. They don't cower under to the government or hide stuff from the public. But, I could have lived with that, because people are human and sometimes make bad decisions. However, it felt to me like the writer was trying to convince the reader that Stark was right. That it was okay to put American lives at risk for the sake of his pipedream. Now... don't get me wrong, I am a student of history. I realize this stuff happens all the time. It was no accident that the Germans were leaked info claiming the Luistannia was carrying war supplies. Everyone wanted the US to have a pretense to join WWII. And these instances go on and on throughout history. However, that doesn't make it right. Of course, the real world is not always cut and dry / black or white. However, that's what the "fantasy" of comics is suppose to provide us. It gives us a place where we can clearly define right and wrong ... where we can escape the "You can't handle the truth" mentality of the world, if only for 10 or 15 minutes. If Marvel is looking to mimic the currupt nature of the "real world", I can save my 3 bucks a book and turn on the Evening News. If they are trying to tell me the American Spirit is dead, I am done. I don't care if they are correct or not.

Captain America is a historical icon and doing this to him is not better than graffiting the Statue of Liberty. Okay, sorry ... I will step off my soap box now.

P.S. Sorry for any spelling errors... I wrote this from the heart. And my heart is a terrible speller :D

To an extent, I agree with you. I think that showing Stark in a very gray, borderline villainous mind set, is only a set up to something beyond Civil War. Think about it, would you rather have Cap’s side win at the end of Civil War and have things go back to status quo, or have Iron Man’s side win and set up great potential story lines. You have to imagine, Iron Man’s actions wont go unchecked, one way or another he will have to answer for it. WW Hulk will start stirring things up, and I have a feeling will have, for lack of a better term, Civil War 2. I think things will change, the whole Initiative storyline will only serve as a springboard for another event like series.
Here's my 2 cents:

I am certainly no comic book fan or reader. Maybe this is a paradox but I love Marvel characters and films. I own 4 Marvel PF figures. I have nothing against comic books, I just don't collect or read them so my opinion is neutral.

Captain America seems to be a character that's very iconic story wise and visually. I myself am a little surprised a big budget film hasn't been created or isn't in the works. Anyway, maybe comic book sales on his character are down and having him killed off would generate new interest in this character. Maybe Marvel even has plans to create a more modern version of Captain America. Wasn't the original Captain created from a wounded or close to death soldier.

Maybe scientists have figured out a way to create an even more powerful soldier and given Captain America's ability to accept the transformation will emerge as an even more powerful superhero.

This is all speculation, but with Superman, Batman, Iron Man, Hulk, Ghost Rider, Spiderman, all having the attention, Maybe Marvel thought killing off Captain America would breathe new life...forgive the pun...into that character. Maybe he'll be back with a new costume....that could be cool
DouglasMcc said:
I am sorry, but if this is what the Quesada, Bendis, Millar, etc. "modern" Marvel age is going to be ... make mine something else. Don't get me wrong ... I like the more edgy works that have come out this decade : 100 Bullets, Preacher, Ennis Marvel Books, Fables, etc. However, certain Marvel characters are cornerstones. Cap is more than just a muscle bound hero in tights. He was inspiration to our country in one of our darkest hours. He helped motivate and build morale during the dark days of WWII. He transcended comics and became an Icon ... symbol of what made America great. Doing this now for publicity is insulting ... and don't think they are doing it for anything other than attention. Why the he## would it be making the main stream new first if it was a natural progress of a story arc. Someone leaked it because they want to draw attention to Marvel Comics. Its as bad as, if not worse than the whole Death of Superman story line. And you saw how long Supes stayed dead.

I read Civil War frontline last week and a feeling of disgust began to set in. This feels like an extension of that. And I will be frank ... I don't like it. Let me explain. There are spoilers here, so skip this if you haven't read the book...

When the reporters are talking to Stark and uncover that it was he who masterminded the attack on the Atlantis diplomat ... that he did it to cause fear among the public, to create a fake war to garner support for his Initiative, I thought we were building to a cool ending ... an actual ending unlike Civil War. However, then the reporters pretty much say, "its okay, we won't report this because you were right." I couldn't believe how stupid this was. First, its insulting to the Woodward and Bernsteins of the world. Reporters report .. they tell the world the truth and let us decide right or wrong for ourselves. They don't cower under to the government or hide stuff from the public. But, I could have lived with that, because people are human and sometimes make bad decisions. However, it felt to me like the writer was trying to convince the reader that Stark was right. That it was okay to put American lives at risk for the sake of his pipedream. Now... don't get me wrong, I am a student of history. I realize this stuff happens all the time. It was no accident that the Germans were leaked info claiming the Luistannia was carrying war supplies. Everyone wanted the US to have a pretense to join WWII. And these instances go on and on throughout history. However, that doesn't make it right. Of course, the real world is not always cut and dry / black or white. However, that's what the "fantasy" of comics is suppose to provide us. It gives us a place where we can clearly define right and wrong ... where we can escape the "You can't handle the truth" mentality of the world, if only for 10 or 15 minutes. If Marvel is looking to mimic the currupt nature of the "real world", I can save my 3 bucks a book and turn on the Evening News. If they are trying to tell me the American Spirit is dead, I am done. I don't care if they are correct or not.

Captain America is a historical icon and doing this to him is not better than graffiting the Statue of Liberty. Okay, sorry ... I will step off my soap box now.

P.S. Sorry for any spelling errors... I wrote this from the heart. And my heart is a terrible speller :D

i agree, our media twists things to appear this way so why can't comic writers be creative and not copy the real-world media. but at least they had characters like the thing who saw both sides and having good and bad points.

cap will be back though but they'll take a couple of years showing the new cap coming into his own. i would love to see the punisher take over the cap type roll....he way is kick a$$ and ask questions later. it's black or white, if you're a bad guy you die, if not, you just get punched in the face.
Wow....this sucks. I'm getting a "Death of Superman" vibe and a "The Neo-Captain America is too merciless something has to be done..." vibe as well. They cloned Thor so that'd be an interesting twist to clone Steve and see how much more disconnected that character could be....especially if they take the aspect that the clone wouldn't have any of the original's memories. I just hope they put his replacement in a different uniform so when Steve does come back it isn't in anything to radicalized. :monkey2 RIP Steve Rogers......
My theory: The killed Cap was an L.M.D. which would be an easy switch to have made since they were using Nick Fury's safehouse. I would think he would have one of those L.M.D.'s floating around. That could explain why Cap gave up at the end of the Civil War. I haven't read the issue yet but perhaps the Punisher (working in tandem with Cap) "assassinated" the LMD allowing the world at large to believe Cap to be dead. This would allow the real Cap to work underground and eventually come back to reclaim his mantle in a miraculous return from the dead to glory.

:flag :fireworks :flag
They have gone the route of having someone else be Captain America many times during Cap's career. So it would not be new for this to happen. He has also came back as different personas. This is all retread stuff if they do this.
Of all the theories presented here, Natrix's seems the most plausible. I too was very disappointed at the reaction of the reporters in the Front Line issue but Iron Man will go down, one way or the other.
Does anyone know how Thor died? I just recently started reading comics again with Civil War arc and I don't know much about the things that happened before. Thanks!:)