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i bet HT don't re-release marines because they are developing a new groundbreaking level of molding armor altogether with clothes. and bodies. and weapons. no more lost accessories/broken pegs!


Awesome!!! Let's hope! ;-)
yep those were the times when hot toys made figures consisting of hundreds of parts, painted them with weathering and charged no more than $150.
now they mass produce them, mold entire parts as one piece of plastic, paint them with one cheap layer and charge $300.

P. just thought about this when I looked at my Noland figure just now. This belt... imagine how it would have been made back in the day! This thing, I just can't display this.
P. just thought about this when I looked at my Noland figure just now. This belt... imagine how it would have been made back in the day! This thing, I just can't display this.

that's exactly what i'm talking about. their predator line suffered greatly.
Could anybody suggest any off-the-shelf head sculpts that look similar or convey same feeling as the orignal cast, for Vasquez, Drake, Bishop and Burke?

Thus far, I have bought these (suggestions much hoped for and appreciated):

- Apone:

- Gorman (usual choice here on this thread): https://www.eagleeyesactionstation....-marine-item-no-cal-8013-edition-with-rifle--[5]-2585-p.jpg

- Frost:

- Hicks: Damon/QQ图片20160705174951.jpg

- Hudson (I know: too dramatic with all those wounds... but I prefer it so):

- Spunkmeyer (I mistook him with Wierzbowski... sorry):

Thanks to anybody contributing.

...and I know I am abusing you now, but...

...any suggestion as to the transparent dog tags used by the CMs on the film?

Thanks again!
...and I know I am abusing you now, but...

...any suggestion as to the transparent dog tags used by the CMs on the film?

Thanks again!

The dog tags you can make yourself. Just use some transparent plastic. I did that and it looks good. Don't think you can buy them finished anywhere.
For the heads.... would you really wanna look at your marines and see Finn or Bourne or whomever? I mean, you will never ever see Frost and Hicks when you look at them - especially using other iconic characters from other movies... I personally couldn't live with that. you can get plenty of custom sculpts of the real actors. For instance Snyderman is doing them and are always on eBay. And the original heads look ok with a repaint. Plenty of ways to get good headsculpts where the likeness is not only reflected in the collection color of the skin...
just search on eBay: 1/6 Aliens head

Edit: these are just repainted originals:
Thanks for your help buddy.

This hobby works at strange psychological levels... To me, realism/good quality, already makes me happy. Of course there's the problem of accuracy, but after some time chasing perfection (to no avail), I've searched myself and found what I really care about. And I just need that the figure convey the same message as the original character did on screen.

Bourne or whomever might have any meaning to you. To me, they are nothing. My relationship with action/fantasy/scifi flicks was severed long ago, and still is and will remain flaccid: Marvel's Gods bore me, and Disney's new SW stuff is even duller than Lucas). This means that actor faces are of course familiar to me, and I find them intriguing/attractive/interesting, but fortunately they still are what I want them to be. I couldn't do that with a headsculpt of Han Solo, James T. Kirk, etc.

Another example: I do Asmus LOTR a lot. What annoys me most of them (if anything) is not their lack of accuracy, but their lack of realism in certain instances (Frodo, Sam, Aragorn, Merry, Pippin...), in which they don't even look like human beings (Hobbits, Elves, Men... they all look more or less human). If they were more natural-looking HS', I wouldn't give a damn about they looking exactly like the actors, as long as they "convey the same message" as the book (and movie) characters did. On the other hand, Gandalf (both), Saruman, Bard... they are OK to me, even if their accuracy can be disputed.

You get the picture? I know it is weird...
For the time being (and for lack of a full solution), I'll have to keep doing look-alikes.

So: anybody any suggestions? There has to be some HS of a brunette latina with short, raised hair I can put a red bandana on...

Thanks for your help buddy.

This hobby works at strange psychological levels... To me, realism/good quality, already makes me happy. Of course there's the problem of accuracy, but after some time chasing perfection (to no avail), I've searched myself and found what I really care about. And I just need that the figure convey the same message as the original character did on screen.

Bourne or whomever might have any meaning to you. To me, they are nothing. My relationship with action/fantasy/scifi flicks was severed long ago, and still is and will remain flaccid: Marvel's Gods bore me, and Disney's new SW stuff is even duller than Lucas). This means that actor faces are of course familiar to me, and I find them intriguing/attractive/interesting, but fortunately they still are what I want them to be. I couldn't do that with a headsculpt of Han Solo, James T. Kirk, etc.

Another example: I do Asmus LOTR a lot. What annoys me most of them (if anything) is not their lack of accuracy, but their lack of realism in certain instances (Frodo, Sam, Aragorn, Merry, Pippin...), in which they don't even look like human beings (Hobbits, Elves, Men... they all look more or less human). If they were more natural-looking HS', I wouldn't give a damn about they looking exactly like the actors, as long as they "convey the same message" as the book (and movie) characters did. On the other hand, Gandalf (both), Saruman, Bard... they are OK to me, even if their accuracy can be disputed.

You get the picture? I know it is weird...
For the time being (and for lack of a full solution), I'll have to keep doing look-alikes.

So: anybody any suggestions? There has to be some HS of a brunette latina with short, raised hair I can put a red bandana on...


I do understand what you mean, and it's all fair enough. But just to give you a little heads up, this thread is called 'building your marines CORRECTLY' - and people seem to take the 'correctly' quite seriously. So, just to tell you that you might not get that many responses on this kind of question ;-) I say this with the outmost respect of how you value a figure. Not trying to be a jerk :)
I know you already found your 'apone', but you may want to check out the Kaustic Plastik KP03 head. I was using that one on mine for a while.
Apone - Kaustic Plastic KP03.jpg

I hear (and appreciate) what you are saying about going for the realistic over accurate. Paint jobs on mass produced heads have come a long way in 10 years so I can see the appeal of getting a 'natural' looking head over one with more technically accurate facial features. That is why I am trying to teach myself to paint these damn heads! (It goes sloooowlyy)
Just a heads up since a lot of people have PM'd me checking if I have extra gear available over these last few months: I bought out another person's collection and I'm going to be selling off the stuff I don't have current plans for. Right now the plan is to use evilbay.

*See below post*
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i definitely would like at least one full set of armor and weapons, will see what the prices will be.
Just a heads up since a lot of people have PM'd me checking if I have extra gear available over these last few months: I bought out another person's collection and I'm going to be selling off the stuff I don't have current plans for. Right now the plan is to use evilbay. Stuff will start going up tomorrow and hopefully it will all be up Wednesday. My username there is the same as it is here.

None of my custom stuff will be available. This will be all 'stock' parts, but there will be LOTS of parts.
(not everything in pic will be for sale, but lots will be)
View attachment 333835

so keep an eye out and/or hit me up if you are looking for something specific.

Yep, if I could build Apone or Hudson's outfit from some of this stuff...
Not sure I'll have full sets, unfortunately. All the ab pads and shin guards are pretty much spoken for.

As for pricing, it will be a hell of a lot cheaper than what is posted there now and will be a bit cheaper than what has actually sold recently ( based on data from actual 'sold item' search of last 3 months).

**Its all up and running, btw. Items are now posted**
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I saw someone asking for a Burke head recommendation a couple pages ago, this Dragon figure's head may do the job.

The figure was named Lewis Wilson. Not a terrific Paul Reiser resemblance but it might do for now.

Not related to that question, but here's a Drake I did up awhile ago.

I wanted Drake to look like he did just before he got sprayed in the face with acid. Also the rubber muscle body doesn't have the best posing, so I put the Smartgun on a different guy.

I repainted his head and body using makeup, of all things, then sprayed with dullcoat to help seal it in. I repainted the hair and eyebrows with watercolour, then some Tamiaya flat yellow, toned down with some yellow ochre water colour.
Splashed some semi-gloss on his lips and eyes for a nice subtle effect. I've got to weather his pants and then he should be good to go.
That is a decent sub head and waaaay better than the one I'm currently using. I will start looking for that one to hold me over.

On a related note, Burke is one of the heads we are trying to get made by Joy&Tom (snyderman) at the moment. Check "Hammer-nb"'s linked thread 2 posts up. The goal there is to get the 5 characters who have zero sculpt options available. They can be done very affordably with just 6 interested parties each. Would love an honest effort at those characters, but need more people!
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It would be great for someone to take up making the armor in 6th scale. Heck, even if Neca did upsized 'hero' sets of armor, that would be pretty cool.
Aside from Dorgmal Snow's small Aliens run a couple years ago, there hasn't been anything since the EVA kits.

I picked up a couple sets of Dorg's armor when they were available and painted them OD. I plan to do some re-working to them in the near future.
Oh man, it is great!! Gotta get it!!!
A huge thank you!!!!!

I saw someone asking for a Burke head recommendation a couple pages ago, this Dragon figure's head may do the job.

The figure was named Lewis Wilson. Not a terrific Paul Reiser resemblance but it might do for now.

Not related to that question, but here's a Drake I did up awhile ago.

I wanted Drake to look like he did just before he got sprayed in the face with acid. Also the rubber muscle body doesn't have the best posing, so I put the Smartgun on a different guy.

I repainted his head and body using makeup, of all things, then sprayed with dullcoat to help seal it in. I repainted the hair and eyebrows with watercolour, then some Tamiaya flat yellow, toned down with some yellow ochre water colour.
Splashed some semi-gloss on his lips and eyes for a nice subtle effect. I've got to weather his pants and then he should be good to go.