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Pretty excited for the Colonial Marines game and was planning on picking up another Hicks. Are there any rumors of these getting re-done anytime soon? I'd hate to splurge on one now if an updated ones on the horizon.
Pretty excited for the Colonial Marines game and was planning on picking up another Hicks. Are there any rumors of these getting re-done anytime soon? I'd hate to splurge on one now if an updated ones on the horizon.

From what I've gathered, odds are not good. The OSW site had a nice thread going on Hot Toys planned 2013 projects (based on the previews released by the company), and the Aliens line is most definitely not among them. In fact, the thread was riddled with complaints about 2012 lines that were announced and never materialized. Seems hot toys has more on its plate than it is able and/or chooses to crank out at the moment.

Plus, If the release of a new canonical video game featuring Colonial Marines didnt motivate them to try and capitalize on some hype with new figure releases, what will motivate them?:dunno

Just looks like a horrible long shot. At least for the foreseeable future. But thats just my guess based on what we know...
Sounds "good" then. I just didn't want the same thing happen with the City Hunter Pred and Joker where I was about to buy one and they literally announced updated versions shortly after. P2 was literally announced a couple hours after I put up a WTB in the wanted section here.

I'm looking forward to actually having to build a HT figure again after all these years. Does the original Hicks body still hold up well or so you guys recommend one of the newer HT bodies?
Sounds "good" then. I just didn't want the same thing happen with the City Hunter Pred and Joker where I was about to buy one and they literally announced updated versions shortly after. P2 was literally announced a couple hours after I put up a WTB in the wanted section here.

I'm looking forward to actually having to build a HT figure again after all these years. Does the original Hicks body still hold up well or so you guys recommend one of the newer HT bodies?

I hear that. On one hand I would be thrilled that they revisit the line, on the other I know my collection of "old" ones would drop dramatically in value and nearly make my efforts of the last few months pointless.

As for his body, my main complaint is its a bit 'orange' by comparison to today's more natural appearing bodies. I have been looking to upgrade mine, but its not so bad that I want to spend any significant amount of money to do so. But maybe its just me? Im hardly a guru of those things.
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Sounds "good" then. I just didn't want the same thing happen with the City Hunter Pred and Joker where I was about to buy one and they literally announced updated versions shortly after. P2 was literally announced a couple hours after I put up a WTB in the wanted section here.

I'm looking forward to actually having to build a HT figure again after all these years. Does the original Hicks body still hold up well or so you guys recommend one of the newer HT bodies?

I know many do not like Ebay but that is probably the best chance of finding a Hicks or parts to build one. I watch Ebay a lot for Colonial Marines and partial sets and have noticed that there has been a few good deals that have been popping up lately.

As far as Hicks body stands up I think it's not bad even by standards set today with all the new bodies. I have used several of those bodies to build my USCM army and they are fine.
Thanks for the help guys. I remember selling my Hicks a few years ago for around the mid $400 mark and have tried to stay away due to those kind of prices but I just got one off eBay for $280. Did these guys value really drop or can I just chalk this up to being lucky?
i wish hot toys would remake the whole colonial marines along with some aliens.
Sounds "good" then. I just didn't want the same thing happen with the City Hunter Pred and Joker where I was about to buy one and they literally announced updated versions shortly after. P2 was literally announced a couple hours after I put up a WTB in the wanted section here.

I'm looking forward to actually having to build a HT figure again after all these years. Does the original Hicks body still hold up well or so you guys recommend one of the newer HT bodies?

I think the original bodies that they came with still hold up rather well in comparison to the newer bodies. I replaced the body on my Hudson with a Captain America First Avenger body that I got off ebay cuz I wanted better looking forearms/elbows and a little bit more bulk in the body. If I was working right now and had some income:monkey2 I would do something similar with my Hicks, Apone, Drake, Vasquez and my Power Loader Ripley. Although the Drake could be a problem since his skin tone is a little orange.:monkey4

Also, I think the only way HT could make new updated versions of the Marines would be if they got the likeness rights. I sure wish they had those to begin with.:gah: If they were to revisit the line, I would hope they would make more Marines like Crowe, Frost, Ferro and others.:dunno
Nice. He's cool in my book based on that Curtis Jackson head alone. Looks like I'll have to keep an eye out for his Hicks head then. Thanks
Some progress on my marines.





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WOW love the marines Elvis!
Hicks is Apone's originally? I bought one cheap recently hoping to change it into Hicks too ^^
Can you please tell me what HS is Hicks and where did you find the knifes for both figures?
Have you done Hicks' shotgun holster?
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WOW love the marines Elvis!
Hicks is Apone's originally? I bought one cheap recently hoping to change it into Hicks too ^^
Can you please tell me what HS is Hicks and where did you find the knifes for both figures?
Have you done Hicks' shotgun holster?

I did indeed used an Apone armour.
Head is from Snyderman.
About the knives I don't remember exactly. I found them on ebay. Not a perfect match but those are the closest I could find.

I still need to add the name on the armour and the born again near the hole on the shoulder pad.