Big Chief Studios - 1/6 Doctor Who - #12 Peter Capaldi

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My 12th Doctor arrived today.
So I now have two versions - This (which is actually a pretty cool figure) and my S9 finale version made from the spare head that came with 11.

A quick pick, straight out of the box (switched hand) to see how it would look.

And even though i'm probably the last guy on the planet to get this - look at the number!!

And here is my S9 Finale look again.

This is the Doctor that I have most enjoyed since the series returned, and I have his figure front and centre of the Doctor Who display. More than happy to go after different versions of him if BC take another plunge from S9 or the upcoming S10.
So I had the day off yesterday and decided to spend it binge watching season 9.

Il admit I hadn't been much of a fan of this show lately. In fact I was pretty close to quitting it. I had grown tired of the repetitive plotlines and Moffat's clichés. Revealing something mundane was actually a monster, his fondness for "timey wimey" storylines which I enjoyed when they were reigned in by RTD's showmanship but had grown so out of control convoluted that they were barely comprehensible, and especially despised his insistence on taking this show away from sci-fi and pushing forward more magical and fantasy concepts.

All of these elements were at their worst last year, and to top it all off we didn't even have Smith's awkward charm to hold it together. Instead we got an aloof and detached protagonist that displayed none of the warmth or care that is inherent in the doctor. He even genuinely seemed to not understand why Clara would be upset that her boyfriend died. This is a man who spends his time saving the world every week? Oh, and I absolutely hated Missy with every fiber of me. Top this off with one of the worst and most convoluted finales I have ever seen. Overall there wasn't a single episode last year which I enjoyed. I was afraid that the show had run out of ideas and maybe it was time I moved on.

However I had been a huge fan of this show (mostly in the Eccelston/Tennant years) for so long that I felt a bit of an obligation to give it one more chance. And what did I think? Honestly, this show knocked it out of the park.

Almost every episode was great, Capaldi finally hit his stride and became a great Doctor, and even Clara (a companion I had never been too fond of) I found myself being attached to as her and Capaldi developed some engaging chemistry. This all culminated in the penultimate episode "Heaven Sent", which was one of the best sci-fi stories I had ever heard, let alone episode of Doctor Who.

Sure, not everything worked. "Sleep No More" was a fairly lame episode and the "Under the Lake"/"Before The Flood" two-parter was pretty forgettable (although the latter started with a really awesome scene that finally sold Capaldi's Doctor to me). And of course Missy was back.

But overall this show really seemed to get back to the idea that while Doctor Who is about strange planets and aliens, it is at its best when it focuses on the humanity of a situation. Something relateable that we can connect to. Even though he is an alien, The Doctor represents the best of humanity; qualities we should all aspire to. And for the first time in awhile this show inspired me.

I've got to get this figure now.
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I enjoyed the Christmas Special.
Decided to give him (well one of em) the red jacket look from that show.