Bespin Luke 12" figure

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The Sideshow sculpts have been way more hits than misses. It's inevitable there'll be differences of opinion when it comes to hard-to-nail likenesses like Hamill and Ford.
While I agree that Andy has captured the best likeness, I can also see why LFL had problems with it. As he already pointed out, the features are a bit exaggerated. Hamill still looked fairly young in ESB. I think Andy did an excellent job with the hair. As you can see in these pics, Luke's hair wasn't exactly combed. I would love to see Trevor tackle Dagobah Luke.






Still the tops of the pockets should only reach mid-breast. On the figure they are all the way up to the collar bone. Its still no big deal to me. If it gets fixed it will be just the icing on the cake. He is a great looking figure.
Still the tops of the pockets should only reach mid-breast. On the figure they are all the way up to the collar bone. Its still no big deal to me. If it gets fixed it will be just the icing on the cake. He is a great looking figure.

I think some of the height problem is because the jacket needs to be pulled down on the body. But the pockets do still look a little large as far as pocket length and width.

This is one of my favorite shots. Bespin Luke is definitely a figure that could use an additional head pack to convey the various emotions and states of physical distress (wet hair, bruising, etc).
Seeing that the movie came out before there was any liteture for this saga, I think it only fair that Mark Hammil get the true recognition for the Skywalker character. He made that character, if it was up to George this film may have been the stinker everyone feared it was going to be.

Am I the only one who thinks this sounds completely ludicrous?

Great Ape, I am seriously not trying to be hateful. I just feel passionately against this and the way you phrased the statement pretty much nails on the head everything I disagree with about the actor/character relationship.

1) There was a script before there was a mannequin named Mark Hammil to fill the costume. Therefore Mark Hammil did not create the character...he just filled the costume for it. That is why I refer to actors as "mannequins".

2) There are at least a thousand actors across the globe that could have done as well or better than MH, but just didn't go to the audition. Mark is the benefactor of the right place/right time lottery. Nothing more.

3) At the end of the day...Mark Hammil is Mark Hammil...not Luke Skywalker. Luke Skywalker is a fictitious character that has no fingerprints, and no voice until someone comes alomg to fill those characteristics.

These are some of the reasons that I have no care whatsoever if my action figures look like the mannequins that stood in their places in the movies. I actually consider the likeness issue to be a pain in the rear because it serves no useful purpose to me and drives up the cost of my figures.

Now, if the figure looks just like the actor, kudos to the artist. But if the artist would have preferred the character to look different from the actor, and sculpts it that way, I'm all the way down with that as long as I can agree that the likeness captures my own interpretation of the character as well.

Let me hit on an example...the 2 actors that portrayed Tarkin did not look alike except in the most general of descriptions. But they both bore likenesses that could easily fit the character.

Heck...with all of the demand for accuracy in how the likenesses have to match each incarnation of the character...I am surprised that there is not more uproar about the fact that Hayden Christianson doesn't bare even the slightest family resemblance to Sebastian Shaw. I, myself, can not see any of the Hayden Christianson Anakin in the older Anakin even with the age difference and the injuries. I wonder if they even have the same color eyes.


The whole reason that I visited this thread is because I just found out that the Bespin Luke thast I ordered at CC is NOT the exclusive one. I am not happy.
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Darth I think you're missing the point behind likeness drive with collectibles. Many people want collectibles that are true represenations of the film characters. To be true to the film character, Luke portraits need to look like Mark Hammil, he is the face of Luke Skywalker on film and once the film is shot, Luke Skywalker is no longer and abstract, but an image, one that people would like to see wonderfully replicated in collectible form. You don't care about that, no big deal, but I think you're lost on the point of view of people that want collectibles to look like actors. It's a separate matter from how much Hayden looks like Sebastien or Ewan like Alec, those are continuity issues. The character representation in collectibles issue is about owning something like what we watch in the movies.
Right Maul Fan.

We pay Sideshow to present likeness which represent characters from a film. Not some abstract concept of a character which would, really, only exist in the imagination of the reader. Ergo there would be no accurate representation because everyone would have a different idea.

Like Lord of the Rings. Before the movies (and cartoons) the concept of what Frodo looked like may have varied slightly from reader to reader. But once the movie came out, licenses purchased, the product is a representation of the actor playing a character on screen.

But as far as Great Ape's point that Mark Hamill carried Star Wars... well :rolleyes:

Although I don't think its ludicrous to want the figure to look like the actor, I do think its overrated, myself.

For me, I think so much focus goes into worrying about getting the head right that attention to other stuff like the clothes or functionality of the toy gets less priority sometimes.

Also, sometimes the accuracy of a headsculpt seems to depend on picking certain facial expressions that aren't the appealing, like ROTJ Luke.