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It will likely entail how he became an apostle during the hundred year war. Still impatiently waiting the day we get backstories on the God Hand though. :(
Maybe this is just the beginning of a series of novels that will outline the past of several Berserk characters? Like maybe some of the other Neo Band of the Hawk members such as Zodd (hopefully, this is what would be the most interesting), Locus, and Irvine? That's what the situation looks like to me.
Maybe the publishers told Miura to focus on the main storyline with Guts and Griffith and to avoid some flashbacks for some other characters.
Or Miura initially wasn't planning on detailing some of the characters' pasts to leave it somewhat ambiguous (he did provide background for some of the members like "he was a fearsome and powerful soldier from so-and-so army") and the publisher offered the idea to maybe start a series of light novels that explains more about some characters' pasts. I honestly hope that the latter happened.
Side note, am I the only one who's not seeing any white streak of hair in Guts's hair on the volume 39 cover? Hopefully Miura didn't forget to add that...
Hopefully this means that the series is nearing into some big revelations. This arc happening rn is absolute gold. The other pieces of her mind will obviously have a lot of Griffith in them and the eclipse.
I was messing with my Threezero Guts figure and the ****ing thumb on the metal hand broke off. :mad: I guess I'll just glue it back on, but it pisses me off.
I can see novels for Locus and Irvine happening eventually if this one is successful. The backstories for SK and Zodd, however, are too important not be included in the manga. It's almost guaranteed at some point.

Looking back, the way Miura did Ganishka's backstory was perfect -- it was simple and straight to the point without taking up an entire episode. This approach could be applied to the history of the God Hand, though perhaps with more detail especially for Void as he was the first and his ascension most likely connects to Gaiseric and his fall. Heck, I wouldn't mind an entire volume dedicated to one big flashback about Gaiseric and the God Hand.

We don't need to know every detail, I just want to see their human appearance, what led them to trigger their crimson Behelit and who they sacrificed at the eclipse to obtain their desired form. Though this is still possibly many years away from happening.
More Berserk stuff is always a good thing. I'd also like to see more information about Skull Knight and Zodd. The broken thumb is a shame, mine is pretty loose so I'm quite gentle with it but then again I've been gentle with stuff before and they break. On the bright side, at least your Guts hasn't fallen off a desk or something, that'd be heart breaking.
I was messing with my Threezero Guts figure and the ****ing thumb on the metal hand broke off. :mad: I guess I'll just glue it back on, but it pisses me off.

I just got mine in the mail today from BBTS and the damn thumb was broken off in box! I was pretty miffed and am awaiting a reply from CS now. Other than that I am thoroughly enjoying the figure but it does seem rather fragile.

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I think the plastic they used on the thumb that goes around the ball joint on the hand is just incredibly weak. I haven't really messed with mine at all, and the first time I tried to move the thumb--SNAP. ****ing stupid. The figure is pretty damn amazing, but I'm afraid to touch half of the stuff on it when I'm trying to get it into a pose.
I got my Guts from BBTS last night... yeah, their QC is for ****. I was going to replace the one I had already had and sell off the other, but this one was even worse. The paint on his neck (why did they even paint it?) is all cracked and there's a huge bubble on the rim of his neck. Also, his head pretty much falls off every time you touch it since the neck peg is weak. They better not give me **** for wanting to send it back. I'll gladly try a replacement, but I don't think they have anymore.

I've resigned myself to the fact that I can't get one that's perfect. Threezero's bodies suck, and they aren't consistent with how they glue things. Not to mention, the weathering is completely random.

The only positive with this Guts is that his Dragonslayer looks nice.

I was going to try and get another Skull Knight since his one loose him bugs me, but whatever. I had wished they sent me back the same Skull Knight but instead gave me a new one with less resistant joints.
Damn, all the QC issues mentioned makes me worried about the TZ Berserker armour whenever that arrives.

Speaking of which, is that coming this year or the next?
They got a shipment last week. I'm actually waiting to hear back since mine is ****ed up. QC on these things seems random.
Well they're honoring the return. They damn well should. His neck is so damn was so damn look that it would even stay inside of the neck and the head would come off really easily. He also had a blob of dried paint on his neck.

They're going to replace it, but I'm kinda of okay with the one I got considering this is what I may end up getting again and I would rather just sell it. It's just not worth taking shots to try to get a "perfect" one.

I can't believe so many people had the fingers fall off the cannon arm. They didn't make them tight enough. I never really messed with mine. Just balled up the fist and left it alone.
Aside from the issues with Guts, I'm happy mine is alright. The plastic pegs that are attached to the straps come off the belt but it's an easy fix. I'm just hoping that they show some progress on the rest of their Berserk line. Hopefully show a clue regarding that "female character" and progress on berserker armor.
They gave me the option of just returning it now, so I'll just do that.

I really hope it's Slan. Her wingspan, as well as other "things" would look great on a shelf.