Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice (March 24th, 2016)

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Re: Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice

Why do people hate the batsymbol? Why? I just don't get it.

"It's too fat", "it's too big", STFU! It's fine. It makes Batman look like a boss. I mean, atleast we can see the damn thing and it isn't hidden because of some armored, kevlar bra. He's the ****ing Batman, he's larger than life, the symbol represents that. I love the description that Batman pulls a tarp off this batsignal to get Superman's attention, then that big, blue ****er shows up ready to shoot him with laser eyes and Batman just grins. It's inspired by Dark Knight Returns, it's a gooood thing. I don't know how the plot or other characters are going to work out (personally, I'm expecting the worst), but so far, all the tidbits about Batman seem great. He looks great, sounds great, all I need is to see is him in action and hear his voice. So far everything relating to him has been good, from Irons cast as Alfred to that costume.

The batsymbol is fine. The critique against it reminds me of the fans that were so caught up with the stylized symbol on the '89 Batman suit. They added two stylized scallops on an already cool ass design and everyone lost their minds and STILL nag on about it 25 years later. :lol
Re: Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice

It's not a bat symbol, it's a fat symbol and Affleck is perfect for it. Too bad Cavill couldn't be recast as Jason Todd. This film won't be anywhere near Frank Miller's DKR. Let it die and kick some dirt over it. You'll thank me later!
Re: Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice

It's not a bat symbol, it's a fat symbol and Affleck is perfect for it. Too bad Cavill couldn't be recast as Jason Todd. This film won't be anywhere near Frank Miller's DKR. Let it die and kick some dirt over it. You'll thank me later!

What if you like it Frank, what if you like it?!?

Re: Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice

He isn't mentioned on any news site??? Where's this info?
on this site they had live twitter feed of the panel and they mention that there is an animated image of superman punching doomsday
actual words on the site: Luis A Jaime @MyPortalCat
And then we see Superman Pnching Doomsday, similar to a motion comic. #SupermanSDCC #HallH #SDCC #PortalCat
its concept art for the film not actual footage
Re: Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice

A few months back, a leaked plot stated that Batman held Superman responsible for the destruction of Metroplolis, hence the fight. It also stated the movie ended with Supes in exile.

Somehow, I still believe it was legit info and it would make sense. Imagine, the heroes assemble because they see this godlike creature as a threat so he goes away. Now, let's not forget that they're filming BvS back to back with JLA. And the alleged DC calendar called a further Superman movie MOS 2. So my bet is Doomsday appears towards the end of the movie, possibly the result of an experiment from Luthor with Kryptonian DNA. End of the movie.

Cut to JLA, with the newly assembled team having to fight Doomsday and be beaten, forcing Supes to live his exile and die fighting Doomsday, thus finally be accepted for what he is: the greatest hero on earth.

The several flicks on the calendar could revolve around the war of the Supermen, since they said the movies would tell a larger story. This would probably be in the background or as a secondary plot ( you know, sightings of the dead Supes, his body disappearing...)

Then, culminating in MOS 2 where the real Supes comes back from the dead and confronts his doppleganger(s) ( I'd kill for a cyborg Supes!)

Well, at least, this is how I see the whole ark. The other heroes allying against Supes led by Batman would also justify their presence...

What do you guys think?

can't be real. it's too comic booky for something written by someone like goyer.
Re: Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice

:lol :lol :lol They could save this production if only they had Clint for Mxyzptlk. :lecture
Re: Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice

can't be real. it's too comic booky for something written by someone like goyer.

no its all fake , doomsday is in this one according to eye accounts of the con panel where they saw doomsday trading punches with supes in the form of concept art, and since they have not even started to work on anything for justice league, its taking place in batman vs superman, meaning we will probably get darkseid as the villain in it, meaning that each film has an uber villain in it.
First Zod, then doomsday, the darkseid etc...
Re: Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice

Or Doomsday is in Justice League . . .
Re: Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice

Seen the footage, was good of them to do but tbh, it's not really anything special.
Re: Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice

Seen the footage, was good of them to do but tbh, it's not really anything special.
go home marvel fan .. joke but can you shine some light on the doomsday concept art, did they indeed show him as part of the film concept art or where they hinting to justice league