Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice (March 24th, 2016)

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Aquaman was totally the "Captain Phasma" of this movie. Why'd they even release pictures of him in advance? At least Phasma survived a sucker punch from a wookiee. What did Aquaman do? Out swam a waterproof camera? Oooooh what a badass. :lol
Not only was his cameo pretty pointless, it was laaaaaaame. Flash's was pretty cool, if a bit cliche'. Cyborg felt super cheesy to me. That stuff seemed about as forced as some of the stuff in Spider-Man 3 that was pretty obviously forced onto Raimi by the producers. So, that stuff I actually don't fault Snyder for. Though it's too bad they couldn't come up with a more interesting way of doing it.
I didn't mind the footage of additional metahumans. To me that stuff didn't feel shoehorned in because I found Bruce's arc to be a pretty organic transition from "must war with any metahuman threat" to "must unite them." That is his arc which was all related to the film at hand. It just also had the added benefit of conveniently leading into the big team-up movie they want to do. A nice way to show that Diana was just the tip of the iceberg that only took a quick minute of screen time. IMO of course. But I was surprised to see Aquaman do nothing more than hiss at the camera and peel off.
I assume that the script to JL1 is being tweaked as we speak to include a scene where some kids throw rotten tomatoes at Superman and he just shrugs them off.

Then the scene will cut to a random shot of him in his mom house in full costume, where he'll hear her condemn the human race and receive the worst advice ever. Unsatisfied, he'll go to the top of a deserted mountain without his costume this time...ironically, to hear Casper talk about cows and farming...or something. It all ends in nothing, Sups dies again and he's buried in a tomato field.
I like that they addressed the destruction from Man of Steel and the consequences of it, but it seems like it was only done half-heartedly. They showed the angry Superman protesters and Batman was pissed about it, but what about Superman? Instead of continuing the depressing, existential exploration of Superman wondering whether he should be Superman from Man of Steel and showing the burden of him saving people in the most depressing montage ever, maybe have him dealing with the guilt of causing so much death and trying to do better. Instead, Superman seemed annoyed that anyone would question him and his actions. Anyway, it seems a little hypocritical for Superman to question Batman's methods when he played a part in leveling fifty skyscrapers and killing tons of innocent people.

I was also a little disappointed in Batman too. He seemed to jump to conclusions without really researching anything. Batman is supposed to be the greatest detective in the world and it would seem that he'd do his homework a little more on Superman rather than just conclude that he had to be killed and that was the only option and it bothered me that he allowed himself to be manipulated by Luthor so easily. Luthor's plotting shouldn't have been too difficult for Batman to figure out with little effort when it was so clear to Lois. Additionally, I know Batman has killed in previous incarnations, but the no kill code has been a big part of the character for a long time now, and I was really hoping that the Batman that is going to be a part of the bigger DC Universe film series wouldn't have gone out of his way to kill random Luthor security/thugs the way he did in this. That said, I still think Affleck did a very good job with what he was given.

My final point, Lex Luthor ruined Jolly Ranchers for me.
Poor dude with the flamethrower. "See this terrified mother named Martha? I'm totally gonna kill her." The WRONG ****ing threat to make to Batman. :rotfl

That scene was awesome. Straight out of DKR. "I believe you."


And to think Lex was not only going to have Superman's mom killed, but killed with a flamethrower. :lol
The "Flamethrowe-Receiver" guy (Anatoli Knyazev) was supposed to be KGBeast, so maybe he didn't die (just, uh, "injured") and will be back in Suicide Squad or something. It makes sense from a "shared-universe" standpoint. Plus, KGBeast has lost one arm from the elbow down, and has a gun in its place, so that would work. Kinda like the DCEU's Crossbones.
The "Flamethrowe-Receiver" guy (Anatoli Knyazev) was supposed to be KGBeast, so maybe he didn't die (just, uh, "injured") and will be back in Suicide Squad or something. It makes sense from a "shared-universe" standpoint. Plus, KGBeast has lost one arm from the elbow down, and has a gun in its place, so that would work. Kinda like the DCEU's Crossbones.
Ooooooooh good catch.

Besides, there are some who say he didn't kill the mutant in that panel, so could be....
Aquaman was totally the "Captain Phasma" of this movie. Why'd they even release pictures of him in advance? At least Phasma survived a sucker punch from a wookiee. What did Aquaman do? Out swam a waterproof camera? Oooooh what a badass. :lol

They only released the one picture which was more a JLA teaser than BvS promo (UNITE THE SEVEN).

Aquaman, like Cyborg and Flash were always meant to just cameo in BvS, which they did.
They only released the one picture which was more a JLA teaser than BvS promo (UNITE THE SEVEN).

Aquaman, like Cyborg and Flash were always meant to just cameo in BvS, which they did.

Aquaman got action-figures and Pops!. He hardly gave the impression of "just a cameo". Sure, he didn't get a lego fig so nobody was expecting him to have tons of screen-time, but something along the lines of Wonder Woman was what the majority had in mind.
Aquaman got action-figures and Pops!. He hardly gave the impression of "just a cameo". Sure, he didn't get a lego fig so nobody was expecting him to have tons of screen-time, but something along the lines of Wonder Woman was what the majority had in mind.

Would have been kewl to see it was Aquaman that saved Supes out of the water after the oil rig came down.
Would have been kewl to see it was Aquaman that saved Supes out of the water after the oil rig came down.

Some speculated that it was he who sent the whales to help him. It would've been cool, indeed, but it would've messed up the plot even more. Guess we'll have to see if the R-Cut has something extra.
Aquaman got action-figures and Pops!. He hardly gave the impression of "just a cameo". Sure, he didn't get a lego fig so nobody was expecting him to have tons of screen-time, but something along the lines of Wonder Woman was what the majority had in mind.

I never did.

The biggest surprise to me was the scene where Flash warns Bruce. Never expected Flash to talk in this movie.
I never did.

The biggest surprise to me was the scene where Flash warns Bruce. Never expected Flash to talk in this movie.

Eh, when you release a full pic of the guy in costume months before the film hits, while also coming out with toys, most people will expect at least one line of dialogue.

We knew that he'd warn Batman for a while now, if you were one for spoilers that is.