Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice (March 24th, 2016)

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Or Elektra sticking the Sai in the guy's eye and then TWISTING it almost completely around! :horror :yuck

I'm still on a DD/BvS a week apart high! :lol

Now had Irish only met me for a beer while I was down in Hells Kitchen last week it would've been a perfect transition from DD to BvS! :lol
Glad to see the movie making decent money. Alot of the hate is just becoming boring, even the people who like the movie are open about the fact that it has it's faults. Snyder, Affleck,'s all too easy to latch on to and people have had three years to think over stuff too much. :lol
Dude, she's dating the Man of Steel AND she's an investigative reporter AND she looks great in heels, she can get info very easy!
I mean, if it came from the kryptonian ship, it's ok to assume it's kryptonian :lol

But mainly the plot didn't know what to do with her at that point cause they wanted Supes and Lois to have their goodbye, it was a compromise but I'll take it.
Two great "oh ****" moments were Batman getting so close to acquiring the kryptonite he could taste it and out of nowhere Superman himself shows up. The look on Bruce's face was priceless, almost as if he was actually contemplating whether Superman might actually BE so godlike as to have instinctively known Bruce's motives for the chase. So so moment in the trailer became a great moment on film.

The second was when Batman was pounding Superman's face and the kryptonite gas started to wear off. Even he couldn't help but reflexively cower for just a split second when he realized that he was temporarily facing an utterly INVINCIBLE and angry opponent.
I mean, if it came from the kryptonian ship, it's ok to assume it's kryptonian :lol

But mainly the plot didn't know what to do with her at that point cause they wanted Supes and Lois to have their goodbye, it was a compromise but I'll take it.

That was where I ended up on her involvement as well. I was actually starting to get pissed that they kept cutting away to her when ****ing SUPERMAN, BATMAN, and WONDER WOMAN were teaming up for the first time but she and Supes did have a decent payoff on account of her being there so I thought "okay fine."
Two great "oh ****" moments were Batman getting so close to acquiring the kryptonite he could taste it and out of nowhere Superman himself shows up. The look on Bruce's face was priceless, almost as if he was actually contemplating whether Superman might actually BE so godlike as to have instinctively known Bruce's motives for the chase. So so moment in the trailer became a great moment on film.

The second was when Batman was pounding Superman's face and the kryptonite gas started to wear off. Even he couldn't help but reflexively cower for just a split second when he realized that he was temporarily facing an utterly INVINCIBLE and angry opponent.

They should've played Eye of the Tiger during that scene! :lol
That was where I ended up on her involvement as well. I was actually starting to get pissed that they kept cutting away to her when ****ing SUPERMAN, BATMAN, and WONDER WOMAN were teaming up for the first time but she and Supes did have a decent payoff on account of her being there so I thought "okay fine."

Her time with him in this was much smoother than MOS.

His "My home world no longer exists" speech on her balcony was his most powerful from both movies.

I lol when Batman ditched her at the abandoned building when he took off with his Batplane to go save Martha # 2. :lol
Agreed on the Supes/Lois moments. This movie righted the wrongs of MOS and effectively made it unnecessary viewing (a very good thing.) There were so many flashbacks in BvS that the destruction of Metropolis prologue felt like it was just part of all the stage setting right along with young Bruce, Diana's photo, etc. BvS works quite well as the beginning of an established film universe featuring many superhuman individuals. Goodbye MOS. :wave

"The filth of Goyer is washing away..."

Agreed, in MoS their thing was cliché and straight up cringe (kiss) *barf*

In this one it felt like a genuine relationship.

I thought Cavill's acting sucked in this film to be honest. He's a monotone robot with two facial expressions... angry and less angry....or sad. What happened to the Clark Kent from the last scene of MOS, the one with a personality, or the Superman from MOS with the kind eyes? He totally sucked in this film. WW and Batffleck saved the film.
I thought Cavill's acting sucked in this film to be honest. He's a monotone robot with two facial expressions... angry and less angry. What happened to the Clark Kent from the last scene of MOS, the one with a personality, or the Superman from MOS with the kind eyes? He totally sucked in this film.
What about the bath scene where Lois is worried abut him loving her? I thought that was nice. But yeah, you can always have more smiling Supes, I thought in the scene of the day of the death, when he stood up, they could've had him drop a little smile, but could be contradictory with the imagery.

I thought his acting was good though, except for the Bats is ded line, everything else was fine.
I thought his acting was good though, except for the Bats is ded line, everything else was fine.

Yeah, that was the one moment from the trailer that didn't play any better in the film. Party scene? Better in the movie. "I thought she was with you?" Better in the movie. "The bat is dead?" Still cringe-worthy. Oh well.
Can't really blame him if the script has no Chistopher Reeve moments for him to chew on.

I'm ready for a happy Superman but WB clearly still thinks i'm not. :lol
I have to say.... I don't see why people say pacing is a problem, but like I've said, I was familiar with the plot long before the movie was released, so that maybe helped.

Is it too fast? Too jumpy? I thought the editing was fine, the pacing was a bit slow at first and a bit fast at the end, nothing dizzying. I do think they should've shown Batman seeing the metahuman files instead of showing WW, but that's about it.
The movie simply didn't have an effective narrative flow. The story didn't progress in a logical and compelling way. Fury Road was intense as ****, but it worked marvelously for that movie. Something like Room has a much more methodical, deliberate pace. But again, it works extremely well for that movie, because it reflected the narrative (shifting into a faster gear for scenes where it made sense to do so, like the escape). Here, it was frequently random scenes following random scenes, sometimes pretty unnecessary scenes, sometimes scenes that didn't make a lot of sense, sometimes scenes that did work pretty well. But again, going back to Rorywan's initial review, it was like spaghetti. Just stuff all over the place, that didn't congeal in a rewarding way to my eyes. So, pacing and editing is a shorthand to describe the way that the story was told. But you can't divorce it from the script. Some stuff needed to go, other stuff probably could have benefited from being moved around. Some stuff, like the joke coming right after Batman kills a guy, or the intense Fury Road Wonder Woman theme popping in at weird times, or Perry White's focus on the damn sports story, or the excessive use of flashbacks, could have been reeled in to help lessen the negative impact of the whole thing.

But in truth, I'm not sure editing could salvage the mess of a script.

BTW....BvS > DP by a longshot!
Despite its zaniness, Deadpool had a more straightforward and focused plot. It used the unconventional flashback approach to telling his origin, but it was still very clear and done effectively. BVS was all over the place, with many things happening that didn't make much logical sense, or that didn't flow well from established scenes or characters. The dream sequences being a good example. They could have worked well, but they weren't properly set up, so much of them just serve as baffling nonsense to the moviegoer without inside knowledge of what is going on there. Then the explosion during the hearing didn't make sense. Wonder Woman's ignoring Zod but feeling compelled to fight Doomsday makes no sense. The Middle Eastern bullet subplot didn't seem to have any bearing on the story. Etc.

Deadpool had pretty clear motivations throughout, and his relationships developed in a fairly logical way, even for someone who is very zany and "unpredictable." Superman's motivations are. . .??? Luthor's motivation is that he really wants to kill Superman, but it never makes sense why he feels that way. He makes some vague, pseudo philosophical rants about gods, but it just comes off as some random, half-baked thoughts. Not a compelling and "realistic" motivation. Batman had a well developed motivation, but then he changes his mind about it all on a whim because his mom and Superman's mom have the same name. . .???

Deadpool movie had a logical resolution to the story, and could work perfectly well as a stand-alone movie. BVS was more of a commercial for future movies than any of the Marvel movies have been, which is saying something. The ending is a total downer, and was not the necessary resolution to the story. But instead something among many other things shoehorned in as a mixture of fan-service and means of selling something else down the road.

These are just a few ways off the top of my head that Deadpool was better, as a movie. You can hate the way they handled the Deadpool story with the lewdness and 4th wall breakage and whatnot, and you can hate the character. And you can also accept that BVS may have had better stand-alone sequences, like the great Batman thug fight, and maybe even the Batman/Superman fight. But as a story told through the medium of film, or as a story period, Deadpool wins!

This movie righted the wrongs of MOS. . .
Of course, we had the requisite "Snyder compensates for fan complaints by doing X" moment, which was the opening scene showing the destruction of MOS from Wayne's perspective. But that clearly wasn't something he had in mind when filming Man of Steel, and was reactionary. Other moments of compensation were the characters going out of their way to explain how they were luring Doomsday into a deserted area, and that the buildings around the Kryptonite spear didn't have people in them, etc.

Putting that obvious stuff aside, I feel the movie was a very logical continuation of Man of Steel, in terms of tone and approach. Humor was few and far between, and usually awkward. If I'm remembering correctly, the movie opens with a funeral, then flashback to Man of Steel from Wayne's perspective, referencing 9/11, with lots of trauma and death, then we have killings in the Middle East, with Jimmy Olson being shot in the head. Movie ends with Superman's death From the get-go, this is a dour, depressing approach to a comic book movie. An appropriate sequel to Man of Steel.