Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice (March 24th, 2016)

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I wonder if Bruce is going to figure out that Clark is Superman? If so I hope it's not some easy put together scenario where someone says something or makes easy for him. Batman is a detective he should put it together.

All he needs to do is get one look at him. Isn't that what they showed when Bruce called Superman a clown for his Clark Kent persona?

"We have a bad history of freaks dressed like clowns" I guess I'm wrong.
All he needs to do is get one look at him. Isn't that what they showed when Bruce called Superman a clown for his Clark Kent persona?

"We have a bad history of freaks dressed like clowns" I guess I'm wrong.

For me he was implying Superman was a freak who dressed like a clown while at the same time referencing Joker for the shared universe fanboys to cream their pants over
Because general public doesn't care what happens in toons.


Transformers The Movie by Sunbow - Less than 6 million world wide.

Transformers by Michael Bay - Almost 4 billion world wide.

It's not about making a good comic book story. It's not even about making a good story at all. It's about maximizing viewership. And the Bay example is a great one. His movies suck in just about every way imaginable, but people go in droves to see them at the movies. This movie, not unlike Transformers, is primarily hoping to cash in on name recognition. And it will do so with crappy humor, big fights, overuse of CG, an attempt to piggyback on the success of the grim Nolan films by making this also grim, and as a distant secondary concern, Snyder's affinity for Frank Miller.

You can already tell that the movie is going to be pretty dang inconsistent in tone, looking at the teaser from a couple days back to the trailer from yesterday. And that helped contribute to Amazing Spider-Man 2 being a critical failure.
For me he was implying Superman was a freak who dressed like a clown while at the same time referencing Joker for the shared universe fanboys to cream their pants over

I missed that second part. Isn't it enough that the movie is called "Batman V Superman"? :lol DC and Marvel have so many great characters; they don't need to resort to the constant pandering and self-referential humor. Hopefully, that's not the case when Ben Affleck directs the solo Batman flicks.
The humor didn't work because of the lousy editing and this gem of a reaction from Bats.

Even if the editing issue was isolated to just the trailer, this is not how THE Batman would react to getting saved from a metahuman blast.
The humor doesn't work because it's ****** dumb sitcom humor, even the comics aren't that dumb anymore, well, Marvel comics are sometimes. It's humor meant to appeal the same crowd that likes MCU humor, it's ****** humor in the MCU, and it will be ****** in the DCEU.

I don't object dumb humor itself, it's the timing, delivery and who says the jokes, the MCU did right before Avengers, Stark had no quips during his fight with Stane, Thor had no quips during his fight with the destroyer and so on, but in Avengers "I don't see how that's a party lol", "lol budapest", not even TWS was spared of that.

If they must have Batman saying that, having him say it without looking back at Supes, just looking forward looking angry, or even have him not saying anything at all, just have him give Supes a slight condescending look.

I have the feeling that is just a take for the trailer, I don't think that's gonna be in the movie like that, but man hasn't it bummed everybody out.
In retrospect, I think the Avengers is a bit overrated. It's good. Very entertaining. The humor worked fine. But, not quite the unmitigated superhero masterpiece that its reputation says. It's actually a pretty shallow, lighthearted story. Fun, but lacking the depth of better superhero movies. I'm hoping BvS has a bit more depth.

I read that. Then again, I also read a lengthy, contorted, obnoxious article that said Affleck was playing Slade Wilson, and Christian Bale was still Wayne in the BvS universe. Heh. If he is Lex Jr., it does raise the question of what happened to the actual Luthor. Superman just arrived ... and he's facing the son rather than the father? It'd be a damn shame if this version of Superman skipped over his biggest rival.


I don't think Avengers is a perfect film... But as an entertaining comic film it was just about perfect. Sometimes a movie can just be fun... Avengers managed to do that without being stupid.. Nothing wrong with that IMO. I would say TWS and TDK are the only two Superhero films that are better. IMO of course. :)

I actually hope he is Luthor's son and that by Superman and Bats putting him down it starts the rivalry with the real Lex and Superman.... That should be it's own film anyways.
I think I understand their angle for Lex, it feels a little bit like a Morrisonian character, Leo Quintum from All-Star comes to mind, who's been theorized to be future Lex Luthor, coincidentally.
Watched the trailer again and I think the idea behind chatty and and animated Luthor is that's his public face to lull people into not thinking of him as a threat but it just works too well and he comes across goofy.

And man this trailer really does feel like a condensed summary of the whole movie. More than any trailer before.

It spoils:

- Superman unmasking Batman
- Luthor being behind Doomsday
- Zod being used to create Doomsday
- Wonder Woman's arrival scene
- Doomsday being the threat and removing any mystery there

It feels like They left nothing for a surprise

Hate the "that sonuvabitch brought the war here" line because Superman had no control over them coming to Earth, and when they did he defended the Earth and since has been saving lives daily. Comes across as just being jealous of him what with talking of his press appeal and being xenophobic calling him "alien"

It'll be a miracle if they can have these two team up as friends believably later on given the amount of vitriol Batman has for Superman