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Yeah. People say "accept your appearance for what it is" instead of "work your ass off to be great and look like we're supposed to."

This big is beautiful movement is horse****. Attractive is attractive. If you like it. Who gives a **** what other people think. But don't force them to like what you like hahaha
You guys crack me up. While I agree that you can't change everything just because some people tend to whine about things. You also have to admit that the way Women have been depicted in comics over the years isn't exactly the greatest achievement of the industry. While you can say that the men are all chiseled so are the women, however why is it that 99% of them also have gravity defying breasts? And why is it that their costumes are normally something you'd wear to a club instead of battle? The New 52 gave armor to almost every male hero, yet Wonder woman is still half wearing a bikini. So as a guy, I can see some of their point. And as for the small d**ks comment, the women have to at least imagine it, because it's not like anyone is drawing bulges in Superheroes pants. Not that I'd be for that, just that immaterial to the conversation because, let's face it, it's never been done in mainstream comics.

Just giving the other side of the argument boys, wouldn't want to be all one sided, now would we.

Yeah Im not arguing it's the best thing. But come on, they draw what we want. A super hot, fit, Gravity defying breasted wonderwoman because that's what we want. Just like woman wanting a extremely fit, Boy Scout, well hung superman. It's the same thing.

As a man, I want to read comics about beautiful women. (And I'm an ass man so breasts are irrelevant in my beauty gauge really). If I was a woman, I wouldn't be excited to read about some guy with love handles in tights fighting crime... It's the reason I workout every day, fit is attractive.
Yeah Im not arguing it's the best thing. But come on, they draw what we want. A super hot, fit, Gravity defying breasted wonderwoman because that's what we want. Just like woman wanting a extremely fit, Boy Scout, well hung superman. It's the same thing.

As a man, I want to read comics about beautiful women. (And I'm an ass man so breasts are irrelevant in my beauty gauge really). If I was a woman, I wouldn't be excited to read about some guy with love handles in tights fighting crime... It's the reason I workout every day, fit is attractive.

And look, I'm not saying draw fat people as heroes, I don't even think that's the argument. The Argument is, Comics is NOT just a guys thing anymore, and hasn't been for more than 3 decades. So the gravity defying breats, slinking around in something from Victoria's Secret thing just doesn't work. Unless you're willing to draw half nude men with visible bulges in their pants for the women readers. Which let's face it, if you had to stare at Superman's bulge page after page, you'd probably stop reading after a while. And I'm not saying everything has to change, but some variety in the women might be what's needed.

Like here, why does Wonder Woman look like this:

When she probably should look like this:
I agree. It's not necessarily the bodies, but the garb. And I love that second Wonder Woman photo. Armor her up, makes her sexier in my opinion. I've always wondered what the hell the point of those skirts is. Haha. Even in gladiator times.

I think the injustice wonderwoman was perfect. The breast plate, pants, a shield and maybe the occasional helmet. Because as we said with superman in the other thread, he's indestructible pretty much... He doesn't need much armor. But due to where he came from, armor would be included in his look. (As with WW.)
I don't agree 100% with the costumes thing. Most of the men are wearing body-fitting spandex that contours to every single muscle. The thing is, if you depict women in scantily clad outfits, it sells. I'm not going to argue that I don't like it either. I think it still has to be stylish though and fit the character though.

You can say that comics isn't JUST a guys thing, but the majority of people that I see in comic shops are still males. In example, I went to one comic shop in Rochester, NH yesterday and two in Manchester, NH. I also went to a video game shop in Manchester. I saw a grand total of one woman. Other than my girlfriend that was with me.

As long as comics are predominately enjoyed by men and men are governed by their genitals, expect comics to keep depicting women like this.
I don't agree 100% with the costumes thing. Most of the men are wearing body-fitting spandex that contours to every single muscle. The thing is, if you depict women in scantily clad outfits, it sells. I'm not going to argue that I don't like it either. I think it still has to be stylish though and fit the character though.

You can say that comics isn't JUST a guys thing, but the majority of people that I see in comic shops are still males. In example, I went to one comic shop in Rochester, NH yesterday and two in Manchester, NH. I also went to a video game shop in Manchester. I saw a grand total of one woman. Other than my girlfriend that was with me.

As long as comics are predominately enjoyed by men and men are governed by their genitals, expect comics to keep depicting women like this.

"Governed by their genitals". Lmfao! So true.
If girls were offended by skin revealing outfits they wouldn't wear them in real life. We wouldn't have Britney Spears or Miley Cirrus going around half naked at their shows. Back in my MMO days the biggest complaint we had from the female players in our guild was most games didn't have enough sexy armor to choose from... So I don't entirely agree that female characters that are drawn up sexy are just for males...
If girls were offended by skin revealing outfits they wouldn't wear them in real life. We wouldn't have Britney Spears or Miley Cirrus going around half naked at their shows. Back in my MMO days the biggest complaint we had from the female players in our guild was most games didn't have enough sexy armor to choose from... So I don't entirely agree that female characters that are drawn up sexy are just for males...

Exactly. Like I said earlier. I want to see the men and women fit. Because I love how the comic book women look, and I want to look like the men in comics haha. Why can't everyone just admit it. It is jealousy in its purest form.
Lol I totally agree. As Rob liefeld It's always so strange how the focus is always saying the women is too sexy and not real. But no one complains about the super big muscle head men. Thier chest and arms are so massive that it makes thier heads look tiny. Besides its comics. They need to push proportions to the extreme!

Wow looks like she's a 13 year old lol. I prefer the more comic skin tight costume instead of the real life people in costume type of costume.

Thanks bro. Great info, I did see the david finch planet and ww hulk TPB at a lcs. The art was what pulled me to flip through the book. He was one of the image guys way back starting out. After seeing all these real life style artwork for so long. Now I appreciate the good old comics much more. I'm talking about the classic art from the 70s to the 80s. The art may not be the best but the story telling and how full each panel looked was amazing! Now it's like pin up pages. I mean like those old gi joe comics, Star Wars, Conan, Spider-Man, suoerman etc. all had so much art to look at. Now it's just fun to see those older jam pack panels.

:panic::panic::panic: The truth is out! We now know why he loves Rob's artwork so much....He IS Rob Liefeld :thud::explode:

P.S. Your art sucks dude. But thanks for Deadpool :)
If girls were offended by skin revealing outfits they wouldn't wear them in real life. We wouldn't have Britney Spears or Miley Cirrus going around half naked at their shows. Back in my MMO days the biggest complaint we had from the female players in our guild was most games didn't have enough sexy armor to choose from... So I don't entirely agree that female characters that are drawn up sexy are just for males...

I don't agree 100% with the costumes thing. Most of the men are wearing body-fitting spandex that contours to every single muscle. The thing is, if you depict women in scantily clad outfits, it sells. I'm not going to argue that I don't like it either. I think it still has to be stylish though and fit the character though.

You can say that comics isn't JUST a guys thing, but the majority of people that I see in comic shops are still males. In example, I went to one comic shop in Rochester, NH yesterday and two in Manchester, NH. I also went to a video game shop in Manchester. I saw a grand total of one woman. Other than my girlfriend that was with me.

As long as comics are predominately enjoyed by men and men are governed by their genitals, expect comics to keep depicting women like this.

Exactly. Like I said earlier. I want to see the men and women fit. Because I love how the comic book women look, and I want to look like the men in comics haha. Why can't everyone just admit it. It is jealousy in its purest form.

Lol yes you all nailed this! Comicbookguy approves this!

:panic::panic::panic: The truth is out! We now know why he loves Rob's artwork so much....He IS Rob Liefeld :thud::explode:

P.S. Your art sucks dude. But thanks for Deadpool :)

lol I forgot to add it as Rob Liefeld said...... But his art sell millions. So people love his artwork. Maybe people hate him because they can't be as good as he is? Hell I'm jealous I can't be as great as him either. I admit it. Record sales and epic inventions like cable, and deadpool? The guys one of the best in the industry. I only wish ss will make a Rob Liefeld statue art line. I would buy it no matter the ES! Please ss! Do it! Also a McFarlane art statue line too!

As far as BG the new 52 version is not bad. I've seen theits and she looks great! I'm guessing that's the latest Barbra?
lol I forgot to add it as Rob Liefeld said...... But his art sell millions. So people love his artwork. Maybe people hate him because they can't be as good as he is? Hell I'm jealous I can't be as great as him either. I admit it. Record sales and epic inventions like cable, and deadpool? The guys one of the best in the industry. I only wish ss will make a Rob Liefeld statue art line. I would buy it no matter the ES! Please ss!

I don't think SSC is going to create a line where every piece would be an ES of 1.
If girls were offended by skin revealing outfits they wouldn't wear them in real life. We wouldn't have Britney Spears or Miley Cirrus going around half naked at their shows. Back in my MMO days the biggest complaint we had from the female players in our guild was most games didn't have enough sexy armor to choose from... So I don't entirely agree that female characters that are drawn up sexy are just for males...

:slap yeah, thats representative of most of the female population.
ok, you keep going through life believing that about women, at least you will have your statues to go home to at night.

Lmao! It's the truth. Women wear yoga pants because they are comfortable. It doesn't matter what weight, height, bust etc they are they still find them comfortable. Everywoman would agree to that. But you're saying I'm a **** for saying so? Grow up.

I'm being honest instead of lying to the world like everyone else. People are attracted to what ever they want, no one is judging. But for people to sit here and say women or men would not want to look like comic book heroes is a joke.
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