Bank Robber Joker/New Sculpt - PHOTO Thread

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Have you Guys seen this Nurse Joker outfit?

Belt is a bit off but what a great deal, look at all the accessories.

I just picked one up, just needs a wig to fit over the masked V2 head and you're good to go. My plan anyway...

If that link doesn't work, try this...
Yup, I bought one the other day along with a truetype. That is what I'll use my V1 head for. Looking forward to it! :D
The version 1 Joker shirt was always bugging me to no end because you can't close the collar up perfectly and it makes the tie looks extremely out of place.

I switched the shirt of the bank robber with the version 1 Joker.

Though not screen accurate, the design & colours of both shirts are kinda similiar actually. So well, what do you guys think?

It may not make a big difference but at least I dont feel as irritated as before with the open collar.


so why doesnt the collar close up, is there just not enough fabric to let it be fastened around his neck? If thats the case I'll be tempter when (if?) I get this figure to cut the back of the shirt open a little to let the front fasten
Nice job Crow.

The twine hair one looks really well done as well. I can't imagine how you can have the patience to do that.
I'll probably have mine on monday - got notice from toys2 it had shipped. All these amazing repaints have soured my anticipation of it to be honest, because, good as it is - these repaints are giving it even more life - I curse you all! I'll still love it I'm sure, can't wait to do the headswitch and get rid of that V1 head finally.
The version 1 Joker shirt was always bugging me to no end because you can't close the collar up perfectly and it makes the tie looks extremely out of place.

I switched the shirt of the bank robber with the version 1 Joker.

Though not screen accurate, the design & colours of both shirts are kinda similiar actually. So well, what do you guys think?

It may not make a big difference but at least I dont feel as irritated as before with the open collar.



Huh....thats a very interesting idea. Makes it unique.
Holy Shat!My Joker was sendt from Toys 2 26th,sendt out of canada the 27th,and allready arrived Norway today and cleared customs,1 day overseas???God damn,i didnt even ask for the fastest shipping method.Seems like mine will be here tomorrow.
Just went through all 66 pages of this thread, cause the figure looks unbelievably amazing..I was mesmerized by every picture posted.

I was also planning on asking a question and wanted to make sure that it hadn't been asked in here already, but it had. Disappointed that the rereleased Joker(in purple suit) coming out soon won't have the new head sculpt. I haven't bought either and though the Bank Robber Joker is awesome, the ultimate version would be, as of course, V1 with V2's head, and I'm finding it hard to justify spending $300 on the two figures.

But just looks so incredible. As does Two-Face and Batman, and a lot of other Hot Toys figures. After being so impressed with Sideshow's Indy, I think I'm running the risk getting addicted to 12" figures.

I guess I'm posting to say...who wants to give me $300?
Just went through all 66 pages of this thread, cause the figure looks unbelievably amazing..I was mesmerized by every picture posted.

I was also planning on asking a question and wanted to make sure that it hadn't been asked in here already, but it had. Disappointed that the rereleased Joker(in purple suit) coming out soon won't have the new head sculpt. I haven't bought either and though the Bank Robber Joker is awesome, the ultimate version would be, as of course, V1 with V2's head, and I'm finding it hard to justify spending $300 on the two figures.

But just looks so incredible. As does Two-Face and Batman, and a lot of other Hot Toys figures. After being so impressed with Sideshow's Indy, I think I'm running the risk getting addicted to 12" figures.

I guess I'm posting to say...who wants to give me $300?

not me. :lol

I think I'm running the risk getting addicted to 12" figures.

once your in you will never be able to leave !!!. Muhahahahaha !. :horror:lol:rotfl
Just went through all 66 pages of this thread, cause the figure looks unbelievably amazing..I was mesmerized by every picture posted.

I was also planning on asking a question and wanted to make sure that it hadn't been asked in here already, but it had. Disappointed that the rereleased Joker(in purple suit) coming out soon won't have the new head sculpt. I haven't bought either and though the Bank Robber Joker is awesome, the ultimate version would be, as of course, V1 with V2's head, and I'm finding it hard to justify spending $300 on the two figures.

But just looks so incredible. As does Two-Face and Batman, and a lot of other Hot Toys figures. After being so impressed with Sideshow's Indy, I think I'm running the risk getting addicted to 12" figures.

I guess I'm posting to say...who wants to give me $300?

At first I had a hard time justifying it too. I definitely knew I had to get the V1 joker for the iconic suit. And like you I really wanted the BR head, but didn't know if I wanted to spend the price for the whole figure. Then I watched the opening seen again on Youtube and I pre-ordered both on impulse and haven't looked back. :banana
I've purchased everything except the original costume batman since I had the takara but I'm gonna get the original suit too. I want the full line up .
Do you have any hot toys figures ?. If you don't you will realise straight away why there prices are so high. Their attention to detail is astonishing. :rock
I think all the figures are well worth the price and to represent the joker the best way possible you need both anyway. :rock
once your in you will never be able to leave !!!. Muhahahahaha !. :horror:lol:rotfl
I have no doubt that this is absolutely true.

I guess it's something that as I'm getting older and feel myself drawn to 'quality over quantity' and would rather have one excellent 12" figure than a wave of 'pretty good' 6" figures, it feels more like a collectible and less like a toy. There's also the space saving aspect. And there's certainly been a lot of properties that finally interested me pop up first 12" figures were the LOTR ones. Plus the ever increasing level of quality you can get, especially from folks like Hot Toys. Where as before, 12" figures sorta seemed like a totally separate arena of toy collecting, they didn't look that great..the clothes were dumpy and the sculpts were soft and cheap looking, now they feel like the ultimate achievement in 'toy' manufacturing. The high-quality tailoring, the sculpts and paint,'s like having a mini-character sitting on your shelf and less like a doll.

So now I find myself wanting to pick up every Indiana Jones figure, the new Hellboy figure, all the Dark Knight figures...and that's not even considering going back to see what I might've missed from Hot Toys. I'm scared. :(

I need a new job, one of those fancy, high-falutin' six-figure jobs.