!!! Bad !!! Michael jackson from hot toys

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I think we may get a mock square of car park for the base to go off the video.

And Geil I agree 100% with what you say but I have never been able to put it into words aswell as you have. :)
I actually pitty MJ.
Considering that everything was settled out of court and now in retrospect it seems that most of those molestation cases were money grabbing scams I would consider giving MJ (RIP) the benefit of the doubt. Especially since he was a fellow collector as well!
Look at Woody why do all those mistresses who knew exactly that he was married now all come out of the woodwork and give interviews and want face to face apologies... money grabbing whores!!!!
BTW I can imagine a lot of MJ fans buying this and setting up a MJ shrine like ppl do for Elvis and we all know this will be the best they can get ;)

That Woods' mistresses are money-grubbing does not change the fact that Woods is a sleaze. He brought this on himself. I have serious doubt that MJ was innocent. Some of the stuff he has admitted to was pretty creepy. Where there's smoke ...

That Woods' mistresses are money-grubbing does not change the fact that Woods is a sleaze. He brought this on himself. I have serious doubt that MJ was innocent. Some of the stuff he has admitted to was pretty creepy. Where there's smoke ...


I'm not sure that's a fair comparison, and frankly I find the fuss that's being made over this in the US to be pretty ridiculous.

RIP DX Rocky. :(
SpawnFan you are the one who took that picture of Rorschach !! Please tell me they are making him for real and that was not a custom :confused:

Refresh my memory here, what Rorschach?

I do not remember seeing him at HT... I remember seeing The Comedian being photographed and that alot of the people there were very interested in Avatar :lol.
easy pass but i cant wait for somebody to do stop animation dancing with connor ,blade,godfather, bean
Oh come on, it's not like this will be the last DX ever. :rolleyes:

Thats not my point. So far HT's has stuck to their plans, in the same order they mentioned 6+ months ago (Milk magazine I think) DX03 was (again according to that article) suppose to be Rocky. I can't see it happening anymore.

They throw Michael into the mix as DX03 and now that article is void.
That Woods' mistresses are money-grubbing does not change the fact that Woods is a sleaze. He brought this on himself. I have serious doubt that MJ was innocent. Some of the stuff he has admitted to was pretty creepy. Where there's smoke ...


Please share any credible info you have about this...
I'm sure if you know something that the D.A. didn't or even the F.B.I. it could've been very useful... :rolleyes:

I'm not sure that's a fair comparison, and frankly I find the fuss that's being made over this in the US to be pretty ridiculous.

Yep, for some reason people here seem to be obsessed on seeing their heroes fail... it's pretty pathetic...

Oh come on, it's not like this will be the last DX ever. :rolleyes:

Well everything I saw has already been announced, or else I would not be able to talk about it, which was the Tony Stark with flight boots and stabilizers and Leonidas.

Those pics were taken in November of last year and Howard mentioned to me they were indeed thinking about making this a DX with the alternate outfit being the Dirty Diana outfit.
I'm not sure that's a fair comparison, and frankly I find the fuss that's being made over this in the US to be pretty ridiculous.

I didn't make the comparison ... I addressed a comparison made by the other guy. I would not equate adultery with child molestation in egregiousness.

As for the 'fuss' over Woods -- integrity matters. He made more money in endorsements than he did playing golf. His image was his product ... and he destroyed his image (and his marriage) for a few flings. I cannot respect a man that would do that to his family.

That Woods' mistresses are money-grubbing does not change the fact that Woods is a sleaze. He brought this on himself. I have serious doubt that MJ was innocent. Some of the stuff he has admitted to was pretty creepy. Where there's smoke ...


Well, MJ had a good heart, or at least that's what I thought anyway. Nobody really knows what happened between him and the kids. But from what I can gather, even if he were innocent MJ made the mistake of letting those children sleep over. There are always parents, and people for that matter who will turn things around because they have "dirty minds" and those are the ones who stir up trouble if you're not careful what you say or do. In this case, the first accuser, Jordan Chadler, was pretty much forced by his father, Evan Chandler, to say those things, and even before an arrest was issued for MJ, Evan tried to extort Michael by forcing him to buy several screenplays for millions, and if he refused he would go to the police and "ruin his career", which pretty much speculates the whole thing was a set-up from the get go.

If anyone molested my child, I'd go straight to the police, and make sure they were thrown in prison for the rest of their days, rather than keeping my mouth shut, and accepting some pay off from a sicko. So you see, if this guy really cared about his son, without question there would have been no settlement. MJ only settled because they couldn't guarantee he would be found guilty or not. He was going to fight, but there would have been a 50% of him being thrown in prison for something he didn't do. And remember, people are sometimes wrongfully accused in the court of law. So when you look it at like that, MJ probably was anxious to end the case, so he could go on with his life, and a settlement was the only logical thing Michael could do at the time.

As for Evan Chandler, he blew his brains out. I guess money isn't everything now, is it? And the other family that accused him, they were a bunch of cons, they only took action after that ass Bashir filmed that segment with the boy holding Michael's hand (which btw, was the family's idea!), and was highly controversial when it aired in the U.S. So, in reality, having read up on all the cases, Michael's accusers were cons at heart, and had no clean records prior to these "lawsuits". It was all about the money, and because of greed and injustice, Michael Jackson's career, and life were ultimately destroyed. At least now, MJ can rest in peace, and I hope people will have a better understanding of what really happened.
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Thats not my point. So far HT's has stuck to their plans, in the same order they mentioned 6+ months ago (Milk magazine I think) DX03 was (again according to that article) suppose to be Rocky. I can't see it happening anymore.

They throw Michael into the mix as DX03 and now that article is void.

Just because it wasn't DX03 doesn't mean it won't happen. Release plans change all the time, for all sorts of reasons, like likeness approvals, unforeseen manufacturing difficulties, etc. I really don't see why people are getting their knickers in such a twist over this. We've been expecting an MJ DX too, but if this one hadn't been in, I would just be waiting for the next one, simple as that.
Please share any credible info you have about this...
I'm sure if you know something that the D.A. didn't or even the F.B.I. it could've been very useful... :rolleyes:

Acquittal does not necessarily mean innocent. OJ Simpson was acquitted.

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