Avengers - The Infinity War a.k.a The Hot Toys Reckoning

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All I'm hoping for is a really great Thanos figure with Gauntlet and no giant throne accessory. Actually, what I'm really looking forward to is the ginormous HT display of every figure from this movie that they're going to make.
Time to start saving. I've been considering skipping over GOTG2 and Ragnarok figures to prepare for this insanity -- it won't happen, but I've been thinking about it. :rotfl
Looks like

Spoiler Spoiler:
From the looks of the production start video, they will start at the end, with the world destroyed and only Stark, Parker and Quill left and then go back to the beginning, sort of like DOFP, but without the time travel...I am not convinced we will see the full team in this movie. I think some will play a larger role in this one, others in the second one...

So, it will be a long 2018 & 2019. HT will launch as much dc IM remake and 2.0 to fill up 2017, I bet...
From the looks of the production start video, they will start at the end, with the world destroyed and only Stark, Parker and Quill left and then go back to the beginning, sort of like DOFP, but without the time travel..

That's a pretty huge leap. Movies aren't usually shot in order. Just because they're standing on a ravaged landscape in the first scene filmed doesn't mean it's the first scene of the movie.

If anything it looks kind of like the rocky alien landscape from Tony's nightmare.

IW is going to be my last HT Marvel big film purchase. I'm going to significantly reduce my HT Marvel spending once RDJ and co are gone. My wallet is looking forward to it.

Think I will be the same, more or less. Coming into this "late" - am still scooping up WS figures and Cap figs now and then$$$ (plus accessories) - didn't plan it, but for me it's become a fav trio (Cap, Bucky, Falcon) movie arc collection of sorts - w. extras (like Dr. Strange, maybe, and maybe scoring some more Caps $$$. CW Scarlet Witch for sure...). Right now I'm always happy to see a highly-rated seller offloading their pristine, well-kept collection - wouldn't own an original WS else.:cool:

Since my collection is more like permanent art, I guess, w. small groupings - IMO it's like Luke/Han/Chewie/Leia etc. - in time as Marvel/Disney management shifts I just can't see taking to a whole new group of actors - looking WAY down the road. Think Kevin Feige is no fool, and has built to a stupendous arc and then there will be more character-based films later like Captain Marvel.

So my wallet will thank me too:horror. I'll grab whatever IW is put out for my favorite trio and whoever else is a favorite (and try to make a fig display that makes sense:lol).
Kudos to those who will go for it and grab all the characters:). Don't have the space, money - heck, just spent on getting Steve Rogers some Nikes for a civvie version and a sniper rifle for Bucky and have a diorama background on PO and so on$$$. Plus getting SW characters as well and polys$$$ - heck, there may even be a new Jack Sparrow I want too. Not like HTs are getting CHEAPER.

Also, unless the character is already "beloved" by me (Avengers, Bucky, Spidey, DS, Guardians, etc.) not sure I'd spend, no matter how cool, if it's a few minutes screen time:dunno.
That's a pretty huge leap. Movies aren't usually shot in order. Just because they're standing on a ravaged landscape in the first scene filmed doesn't mean it's the first scene of the movie.

If anything it looks kind of like the rocky alien landscape from Tony's nightmare.

Fair enough, for a movie this big, scheduling is a huge challenge. They did say they are shooting out of order. It could be Part I in the morning and Part II in the afternoon. Forgot about that...
I can only imagine how HT is gonna handle this. They must hire many more people to keep up with the onslaught of this movie. Hopefully they don't cheap out and just reuse the same sculpts from the previous movies, but I have a feeling they will.

I however, would like to see some significant changes to the Avengers' costumes. Tired of Caps and IM rehashes.
I doubt Mephisto will be in it. They'll probably give the Mephisto role to Loki.
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Amazingly premature I know but when I saw this on FB I immediately thought of this group. 67 figures?! If you take an average figure cost of about $240 that's $16,080 to complete whatever line up comes (assuming that HT does them all, although I'm not sure why they wouldn't...)

Would this be like the highlander "gathering" LOL
If they make everyone I cant spend that much money. After watching the movie Im going to cherry pick the main characters that have been released before(there is always characters that do more than others) and focus on figures that haven't been made yet(Captain marvel) and of course Thanos with glove is a must buy.