Article: Re: CREEPSHOW starts today!!!

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Re: CREEPSHOW starts today!!!

I think he may have shot himself in the foot by offering these at $150 each. Thats a lot going into such a figure for so little money. Is it safe to say now this is never gonna happen? I know a lot of people still have faith it will, but lets be realistic. 55k is a ton of cash. All Im seeing is more and more excuses why this project isnt going anywhere. If the 55k was raised, I just see another roadblock.
Re: CREEPSHOW starts today!!!

I have to admit, I'm really tempted by that 1:6 sculpt of me as a zombie. $250 for the Father of the Dead to add you to the line sounds like a steal to me. I know I'll probably bite on that. I felt all along Sideshow ought to do a contest like this and the randomly selected winner would be the base for a new zombie figure.

I really hope the word is spread on this fundraiser!
Re: CREEPSHOW starts today!!!

Yeah, I hope he's able to raise most of the money he needs, if not all. $55k sounds unrealistic at first but some of the custom artists on here hit that or pretty close with just two or three releases.
Re: CREEPSHOW starts today!!!

I must live on a different planet than the rest of the collectors out there. Or maybe its just my age. I had a small circle of friends who collected. We all sort of had a bit of friendly competition going on. Now---I am the last man standing. They all sold their respective collections.

Even as the last man standing in my particular group----I scarcely let loose of any money these days....because I havent as much to spare, and don't want my funds tied up in pre-order hell/limbo. Gas prices and grocery prices have skyrocked, college for my oldest kid is right around the corner, and my wife (nor myself) have had raises in years.

So, to me, 55k invested on Ole Nate seems nigh impossible. Are there enuff of us out there to make this a success?

One thing manufacturers seem to have done away with is the ability of the buyer to "impulse buy" as well. Everything has to be a pre-sale or other "sure thing". In contrast, I recently walked into Spirit Hallowen shop... and spent $50 on various ca-ca. Stuff I would never have bought as pre-orders was purchased as impulse buys.

Do you think Creepshow figures would sell at halloween stores/ Maybe Dooley needs to partner with someone like Spirit Halloween, and give them exclusive dealer rights in brick and mortar?

I wish him well, and really wanted to see these figgies. But 55k just to move forward seems like an awfully big mountain to climb. Especially when people are scared the world is going to devolve into a zombie apocalypse or some such at any minute.:peace
Re: CREEPSHOW starts today!!!

Yeah, this damned Zombie-line I already bought new shelfs as Dooley told us to do. Looks like they will stay empty :(:(:(
Re: CREEPSHOW starts today!!!

Yeah, I hope he's able to raise most of the money he needs, if not all. $55k sounds unrealistic at first but some of the custom artists on here hit that or pretty close with just two or three releases.
If you're talking revenue alone, Rainman is bringing in more than that with a single release.
Re: CREEPSHOW starts today!!!

If you're talking revenue alone, Rainman is bringing in more than that with a single release.

That's because he charges 10 times the price Dooley charges per figure:lol

I'm not sure what to expect out of this news, if he is able to raise the money we can only speculate. I wish the Dooley and his company the best and hope to see them succeed, from the looks of things he is over his head and does not want to fail his customers and seems to be doing all he can to make this happen.

However if the goal is truly unattainable he should simply cancel the figure and move on to smaller projects like bits and pieces number 2 to build up the company. Cause dragging this release out to long will leave people burnt on the company and spell doom for future business.

From what has been said here it looks like theres really not going to be a profit at the end of the project anyway for him so cancelling would likely be the best option for him if I read into this thread correctly. Ether way I don't pretend to know the behind the scenes of SHS's business plan and may be way off, I just hope to the company continues to produce cool 1/6 horror products.
Re: CREEPSHOW starts today!!!

I just really wanted more 1/6 zombies.:monkey2

Heck, I'd be more than willing to let him use my 'one of a kind' zombie sculpt if I buy that fundraising option as a head he could sell to raise more money. Sure I'd pay $250 for a zombie sculpt of me, but another guy might be willing to pay $50ish for one just as a decent zombie sculpt. That initial $250 could lead to hundreds more. He ought to consider that option with those custom zombie heads.
Re: CREEPSHOW starts today!!!

Sideshow Dooley should (and I hope he's lurking) check with some of the folks in the "garage kit" hobby.

As he has a license to produce legitimate Creepshow product---and he is a talented sculptor(and thus wouldnt have to hire one)---all he needs is a caster. Someone like Mark Brokaw at Earthbound Studios makes flawless casts and is the best in the business.

Sculpt model kits of Fluffy, Nate, Raoul and and the gang as models. From the sale of any kits----drop the entire motherload into the business to work on the figures. Re-use the same heads, hands and feet as the models for the figures. Then all he needs is buck bodies and clothes. It might even be more cost effective to say "screw China" and just do them as customs. Which I am not thrilled by the idea of them being "customs", but heck---he could get a nice box printed stateside and do them that way.

Initially I was turned off by the idea of him doing them at his kitchen table and mailing them out one by one....but many a subject wouldnt be referenced in my collection if not for garage kits.

Besides---something is better than nothing. If he offered them as kits, and postponed the idea of offering them as figures for a bit----he might reach a whole different market. Then be able to move forward with the figures.

There are avenues yet to explore before all hope is lost. But flexibility is key. It's going to be rough, 55k is a boatload of $$$. But any port in a storm, as the sayiong goes. Mark's email is readily found at the clubhouse and other places (as he doesnt have time for a website). Worst thing that could happen is it wouldn't be cost effective. But ya never know til ya try.:peace:dunno
Re: CREEPSHOW starts today!!!

Perhaps his license wouldn't extend to model kits. It may be that he is only licensed to produce completed figures.
Re: CREEPSHOW starts today!!!

That's a shame. Because he had made mention of doing 1/4 scale figures at some point, and other merchandising. Garage kits that were licensed wouldn't be a new thing per se---but its still a relatively unique concept. It would've raised more capital than the current fundraising project I think.:monkey2
Re: CREEPSHOW starts today!!!

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Re: CREEPSHOW starts today!!!

Yeah, plus, not sure how wise it is, posting bootleg figures in the threads of a company that actually paid for the license. That didn't go down all that well, last time.
Re: CREEPSHOW starts today!!!

I managed to track down one of these:


Limited to only 35 pieces. From Retroband Toys

I am not sure it is licensed, but Father's Day is my favorite, so I had to have it. Sadly, I wasn't aware of these, and missed the Jordy Verril and Cockroach.

Haven't gotten it in my hands yet, but the figure looks terrific. Card art is just Okay. I would like to see a licensed company mass produce these.

Maybe I'll design my own vision of the card art.

That's pretty cool!! :rock!