Statue Ares God of War Statue

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It's also annoying when a glaring problem is ignored and when it gets brought up your customers get the "it's fine I have no idea what you're talking about, don't buy it we already have orders for it" response. I actually do want this and the minotaur but this kind of attitude is most likely going to stop me from purchasing. I am sure arh is fine with that though because you have others that will order. :peace
It's nothing personal Alex against you or against arh. Infact I am an arh fan and have bought most their stuff and will be buying both mino and ares. You must realise those teeth and beard need work though right? Your a collector as well. You also said ares is your baby. My baby wouldn't be going out with teeth like that.

No problem

Please read my reply above ^^
I always think of the extra stuff as added bounces, but I store them away and never display them.
How many times do you ever display your statues with the second head?
The sculpted teeth will not be changed. We are now going to production stages. The color gets improved yes, but not the sculpt.

The Ex is an optional head, and thats all it is an option. You don't like the end result you buy the regular, maybe I just don't see what you guys are seeing in a low res pic Henry took at the show. Why loose sleep over why the teeth is different than Hulk or Sagat?
Funny thing is Henry is the guy who jumped to order one at the show! I think his got like #2 or #3 now.

Its a funny forum, I got the same issue with Medusa and Thor ARH from year one, now please try to find one under $1K.
The attitude that people think I have is backed by proof. I do care about our customers and the sculpt we make, but at some point you say to yourself, I could sit here for another 2 yrs and god knows how many more $$$ and make it better. But then you realize, thats good enough, your not ever going to please everyone, and lets move forward.

There are a very few companies out there that listen to the customers before a sculpt goes into final stages (Hint, hint ARH Studios) and there are about 0, that will change it after it is into production at the factory.
It's also annoying when a glaring problem is ignored and when it gets brought up your customers get the "it's fine I have no idea what you're talking about, don't buy it we already have orders for it" response. I actually do want this and the minotaur but this kind of attitude is most likely going to stop me from purchasing. I am sure arh is fine with that though because you have others that will order. :peace

Please go look back on the other threads, we listened to our customers. We changed the sculpts and colors. This is the same with most of our sculpts. Thats why I went and post some crappy pics from the studios for Conan. Then people said a few things needed to be changed and we did it.

Im sorry you don't see this.

Listen Im a collector too and I can see what you are doing, trying to talk yourself out of the purchase of yet another statue.
I can see from your posts and comments from early on, you are not looking to buy the Ares.
So I am done taking about it. Now it your choice to buy a product or not, but please don't blame me or ARH for not listening to the customers.

Its a forum and you guys go at it as much as you like. Those who know me, know I bend over backwards to help them out or listen to them about ARH sculpts, but at the end of it, its an ARH sculpt and we decide what to do with it.
actually really doubtful you even have plans to buy one
:dunno so why the hostility?

I have been in contact with you several times reserving mine. So I am Infact buying because I love the piece. The teeth are however poor.

Tbh Alex I see the hostility coming from your defensive tone. I understand there has been a lot of negative feedback coming the way of arh and your the front man but your going about this wrong.
The whole not accepting criticism and the "oh well we have other customers orders so we don't need yours" attitude puts people off of this company...just saying.

100 percent agreement.

That negative statement to me left a bad taste in my mouth.

Worse seeing I have paid a lot of money to own most arh pieces and put up with all the shipping and paint issues in the past.. Whilst defending them all the way.
Just for the mythological accuracy of things Ares was fighting in favor of the Trojan army and Athena for the Greeks (although Trojans were also Greeks but that is another story).

As for the statue it's a great sculpt but the teeth and the paint app lack quality from what is shown. In fact the hole second head is really not so good judging from the teeth and beard and hair. Those need more work to be good enough...maybe it's better when seen in person, who knows.

But it's only the second head, the helmeted one is way better anyways.
I have been in contact with you several times reserving mine. So I am Infact buying because I love the piece. The teeth are however poor.

Tbh Alex I see the hostility coming from your defensive tone. I understand there has been a lot of negative feedback coming the way of arh and your the front man but your going about this wrong.

I hear you, the teeth have been sculpted this way, its a bit late to say go change it now unfortunately.
I am discussing with you the reasons behind this.
Is it better I say nothing?
Funny how the guys here, love to bash the sculpts and the sculptor but don't lend an ear when someone from the company comes here and talks it over. It is no wonder nobody from SSC, GG, DC does it!

If I sound hostile, Im sorry. Its not intentional, but people talk and I talk back. Its very unusual, isn't it? To have a company rep here and actually talk with the guys!

Its very uncommon, and some really don't know what to do. I am here to help and hear you guys out. I can give input, dish out input.
If this is wrong then Im sorry. I know how business is done, but for me the interaction with you guys is also, very important.

One thing I know, and its very obvious to me now is that we can't please everyone, no matter what we do.

Its not like we couldn't go back and change things, but its just time to move on to other sculpts. Again, the head EX is FREE! I don't know if you knew this! We include it in our ARH EX pack for free!

In fact all other Regular Ares will not get it, but its the same price retail.

So coming back here and hearing the complaints puts a bad taste in my mouth too. Im giving you guys something for free (that would never had been included) and all I hear is a few are comparing low res pics of some Ares teeth to the Hulk PF!
Its just silly!!

Just for the mythological accuracy of things Ares was fighting in favor of the Trojan army and Athena for the Greeks (although Trojans were also Greeks but that is another story).

As for the statue it's a great sculpt but the teeth and the paint app lack quality from what is shown. In fact the hole second head is really not so good judging from the teeth and beard and hair. Those need more work to be good enough...maybe it's better when seen in person, who knows.

But it's only the second head, the helmeted one is way better anyways.

I agree with you, to miss out on this great sculpt because you don't like the second head is just bad. The Ex head is a bit of extra for free in our ARH Ex box. As for me, I will be displaying it with the helmeted head. The ex is a bonus head.
The helmeted head is so majestic in person.
100 percent agreement.

That negative statement to me left a bad taste in my mouth.

Worse seeing I have paid a lot of money to own most arh pieces and put up with all the shipping and paint issues in the past.. Whilst defending them all the way.

Can I ask you something?
Im going to ask you here and not private.

You have been buying our sculpts as you say.
This year have you seen big improvements? In your opinion, is it better for us to show you sculpts before and after the development? Or should we do what SSC or GG does and just put it for sale and its too late to hear the fan base?

Also, what makes you keep coming back to ARH Studios? You have so many options these days?

Can I ask you something?
Im going to ask you here and not private.

You have been buying our sculpts as you say.
This year have you seen big improvements? In your opinion, is it better for us to show you sculpts before and after the development? Or should we do what SSC or GG does and just put it for sale and its too late to hear the fan base?

Also, what makes you keep coming back to ARH Studios? You have so many options these days?


I have seen improvements in the customer care department since you took over. Arahom should stay away from that department of you ask me, it's far from his strong point.

I see a huge improvement in your sculpts in general, arh is now playing with the big boys in terms of detail. That's why I don't understand the ex head, it's a huge downer on an incredible piece.

My opinion is showing teasers then a release.

Should you put a half finished product up to show fans and accept feedback? No I don't think you should. Just like you said yourself, you can't please everyone. You should tease your products and when they are done release them. Those who are happy will buy, those who are not will not buy. You should be confident in your sculpts. Doing it the way you are currently will cause too much negative pr work for you and arh.

Sideshow do things the way they do out of experience. They know what is best for their business.

There are many opinions yes however not many compare in terms of ambitious sculpts, unique design and their lines are of great interest to me. Arh do high quality work no one else is doing. That's why I come back. That's also why I give feedback about shotty teeth, I do actually care about the future of arh and genuinely want you to succeed.

When you crank out something as epic as ares and try passing off that head as an ex, your going to see comments that's is far from worthy to be on that body. You know it, I know it, most in this thread know it.
I have seen improvements in the customer care department since you took over. Arahom should stay away from that department of you ask me, it's far from his strong point.

I see a huge improvement in your sculpts in general, arh is now playing with the big boys in terms of detail. That's why I don't understand the ex head, it's a huge downer on an incredible piece.

My opinion is showing teasers then a release.

Should you put a half finished product up to show fans and accept feedback? No I don't think you should. Just like you said yourself, you can't please everyone. You should tease your products and when they are done release them. Those who are happy will buy, those who are not will not buy. You should be confident in your sculpts. Doing it the way you are currently will cause too much negative pr work for you and arh.

Sideshow do things the way they do out of experience. They know what is best for their business.

There are many opinions yes however not many compare in terms of ambitious sculpts, unique design and their lines are of great interest to me. Arh do high quality work no one else is doing. That's why I come back. That's also why I give feedback about shotty teeth, I do actually care about the future of arh and genuinely want you to succeed.

When you crank out something as epic as ares and try passing off that head as an ex, your going to see comments that's is far from worthy to be on that body. You know it, I know it, most in this thread know it.

Ok fair enough.
I wish you guys knew the effort it took to get ready in one months time to get to the show. And not any show, NYCC. To travel with statues across the nation and do a show on time, and all the sculpt work by one man, ARH.
Then you may understand we did our very best with what we have.
To compete with the big boys with a crew of two is just a feat not many can do. They have entire teams or sculpt, paint, and production.
I'm proud of our accomplishments and it's because of guys like you that we are here. So we listen.
I can't promise a change on the face, but I will suggest it.
How and when can I order one of these? Maybe you guys should paint pupils on the ex head to give it an extra touch. Anyways, I think it's an awesome statue and I definately want one.
Today I have a chance to see Queen of the Vampires and Angel of Death and I couldn't believe my eyes cause the paint job and the details are so amazing. Especially when you compare the paint job of Queen's skin with Vampirella comiquette, ARH did a spectacular job. For such a long time how I were so blind to ignore ARH's work! And what a glorious statue is Angel of Death! Just wow! The only problem is what I see the poor quality of the box and styropor! So Alex, please use more solid styropor for Conan dio cause at the shipping the damage could be a high probability...

How and when can I order one of these? Maybe you guys should paint pupils on the ex head to give it an extra touch. Anyways, I think it's an awesome statue and I definately want one.

:clap I agree and would help satisfy those who desire eyes with pupils.
Averone, how much will you require as a down payment. You can either answer in here or reply to my previous email to ARH.
Today I have a chance to see Queen of the Vampires and Angel of Death and I couldn't believe my eyes cause the paint job and the details are so amazing. Especially when you compare the paint job of Queen's skin with Vampirella comiquette, ARH did a spectacular job. For such a long time how I were so blind to ignore ARH's work! And what a glorious statue is Angel of Death! Just wow! The only problem is what I see the poor quality of the box and styropor! So Alex, please use more solid styropor for Conan dio cause at the shipping the damage could be a high probability...


:thud: what a body!!